In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • no, im careful with scissors.

    ever cut yourself on purpose?
  • yep.

    have you ever listend to country on purpose???
    if so
  • yes, but not in an emo way, i had to prove a point to someone. i cut my fingers but i dont remember why.

    have you ever worked fast food?
  • [girlindark did it in an emo way?!?! =x]
    nope..too cool for that.

    ever drank milk straight from the bag/bottle?
  • bag? are you drinking through a tube?

    have you ever not had to pay for your food?
  • QUOTE (rollo puzz @ Aug 9 2006, 09:08 PM)
    [girlindark did it in an emo way?!?! =x]
    nope..too cool for that.

    ever drank milk straight from the bag/bottle?

    Hahaha, the idea of milk in a bag never fails to make me giggle.
    And nope, can't say that I have.

    (I just randomly popped in this thread, so I don't know what has or hasn't been asked, sorry!)
    Going off of the milk thing...ever drank really rotten milk?
  • no, thank goodness

    have you ever drank anything out of a bag?
  • yep my parents bought the orange juice and milk in a bag.

    have you ever been slapped?
  • hmmm, yes, but not in the face, thats the moneymaker

    have you ever gotten a melvin?


    ever licked a celeb/band member before?
  • no but i actually do lick people alot.
    i get licked alot too actually..

    ever broke someone elses cd??
  • Nope..

    ever gone kung-fu on someone?
  • no

    have you ever bought something you couldn't afford?
  • Yes. I really have no self-control. It's sad. And I have had milk out of a bag. They gave us milk in little bags for a year or two in elementary school, I guess they thought it would reduce trash or something?

    Have you ever dyed your hair?
  • Since I was in 6th grade, I seriously don't know what my natural color looks like, I'm pretty sure it's blonde, but really, I have no idea.

    Have you ever dyed your hair a weird color?
  • I've dyed my hair pink and I had blue highlights for the end of senior year. I'm debating putting fuschia highlights in my hair before I go back to school.

    Have you ever been really annoyed when bands start side projects so you can't listen to their original stuff live for months/years?
  • actually..except with the Raconteurs and White Stripes, as soon as White Stripes were getting huger than huge, Jack makes the Raconteurs..? makes no sense to me..

    ever had a really big guilty pleasure music-wise?
  • Christina Aguilera. The girl has a four-octave range which I find incredible, and she really doesn't care what people say about her, though, so I'm not too ashamed of it.

    Have you ever played an instrument?
  • other than the recorder in 5th grade, nope. i've always wanted to though... i hated recorders... didn't really like the sound of them. plus everyone in my class was terrible. looking back, i can say that the terrible part most likely applied to me as well.

    have you ever had someone come up to you in public thinking you were a celebrity?
  • psh no, im so far from looking like a celeb.

    ever seen a celeb/band member in public and went up to them?
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