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The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • QUOTE (oknow @ Aug 17 2006, 01:46 PM)
    nooo. but please, do tell!
    have you ever thrown up and missed your target toliet bowl, instead, thrown up all over your friend right next to the toliet?

    Well, no, but I have thrown up on my friends shoes when I was aiming for someones car.

    Have you ever become addicted to a certain food and then eaten nothing but that until it makes you sick and you get a nasty case of diarrhoea
  • um no...
    but it doesnt sound like fun.

    ever seen a band that turned out to be really horrible live?
  • QUOTE (rollo puzz @ Aug 18 2006, 12:15 AM)
    um no...
    but it doesnt sound like fun.

    ever seen a band that turned out to be really horrible live?

    The Black Eyed Peas. Although, technically they aren't necessarily a band. But they really are shit live.

    On the flipside, have you ever seen a band that you thought were horrible but turned out to be surprisingly good?
  • Very yes: Daphne Loves derby.

    I couldn't really stand the music ('twas the usual crooning emopop [is that an oxymoron?]), but the boys were awesome. The acoustics were horrendous and Kenny's voice sounded like poop because of it... but halfway through the show (it was at a small teen center and they were just passing through town), Kenny jumps off the stage and decided to play follow the leader. Then we danced onstage. Then I kicked the bassist's ass at foosball (with the lead singer, Kenny, on my team... but it was all me).

    It was kind of awesome.

    Have you ever done something completely irrational during a lunch break (i.e. random advenutres that left you dishevled so people gave you the "what the hell?" look when you return from said lunch break)?
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 18 2006, 03:35 AM)
    Have you ever done something completely irrational during a lunch break (i.e. random advenutres that left you dishevled so people gave you the "what the hell?" look when you return from said lunch break)?

    By "random adventures" you mean "having hot sex in random places on your lunch break" then yes. Is that irrational? IDK.

    Have you ever actually flat out given up on something you knew you had to do because it all just seemed too hard you couldn't be fucked no matter how bad the consequences could possibly be.
  • QUOTE (God @ Aug 17 2006, 06:28 PM)
    By "random adventures" you mean "having hot sex in random places on your lunch break"

    (way to break through my thinly veiled innuendo haha)
  • QUOTE (God @ Aug 17 2006, 12:28 PM)
    By "random adventures" you mean "having hot sex in random places on your lunch break" then yes. Is that irrational? IDK.

    Have you ever actually flat out given up on something you knew you had to do because it all just seemed too hard you couldn't be fucked no matter how bad the consequences could possibly be.

    no i finish what i start or i get really cranky and curse alot

    have you ever been super turned on by a statue?
  • umm, no. dare I ask.....have you?
  • Though I'm not Sweetness, yep. Most all of Rodin's work makes me all tingly.


    (this one is my FAVORITE sculpture)

    Edit: whooaaaa... sorry for the repeat. My computer imploded all over the place last niight.

    Have you ever spent more than 20 minutes looking at one piece of artwork and weren't bored?
  • yes, antonio cannova does fabulous sculpture, you should look into it

    have you ever secretly stolen wireless internet?
  • no but once my dad picked up someone elses wifi signal who lived like a street over.

    have you ever eaten the whole thing of pixie stix in one sitting??
  • you mean one of those huge giant pixie stixs? nope can't say that I have, is it one of those must have lifetime experiences?

    have you ever paused for several minutes while writing your answer here, trying to come up with a suitable question for the next person with absolutely no ideas at all?
  • lol yes. infact ive totally typed up my answer and then just erased it all and went back cause i had absolutely no question to ask.

    have you ever pimped??
  • oooh yeah. I'm pimpadelic maestro. me and my gold chains and spinner teeth be pimpin' lol.

    how the hell does one pimp anyway? Is that correct grammar???
  • no, but ive pumped

    have you ever wanted to be like xzibit?
  • If only! He's my current american idol. sigh. if only I were young, dumb, and foolish enough and had a crappy crappy car/truck/van/suv/school bus.

    Have you ever wanted to be a different race?
  • no, im cool enough, im even an honorary asian, so i think im doing pretty good.

    have you ever wrote an email you wish you had not written?
  • ya. I sent something to someone I don't even know. wrong address. I wrote OMG! OMG! OMG!

    Have you ever worn a polka dotted item of clothing?
  • no, i dont own any.

    have you ever stalked someone?
  • hmm. maybe. maybe YOU! ARGH! I'm a stalking pirate. lol
    but seriously no, I have to say is my final answer. I have not unless you're talking about celebrities, that's my middle name, Mizz Paparazzi.

    Have you ever ran into something right in front of your face?
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