In this Discussion

The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • i give em donuts sometimes

    have you ever run away from home?
  • Yes, i was 3. Didn't get very far tho as I wasn't allowed to cross the road on my own so I went back hehehe

    someone else ask, i cant think of anything
  • hmm.
    im searching through my creepy file
    (which is prety big)
    no dan in here.
    i guess the name dan just isnt interesting enough to

    have you ever given the finger to an old lady just becasue?
  • no, should i? is it very desireable to do so?

    have you ever tricked someone into kissing you?
  • no, i'm not good at tricking

    ever fell off your bed?
  • hahahah yes... more than once. the sad thing is that during none of these instances was i actually asleep. most likely i was in fits of laughter.

    ever accidentally stolen something? (if not, then was it on purpose?)
  • umm..i steal stuff from my sisters all the tic tacs? i dunno if that counts.

    ever stolen and got caught?
  • nope. ive never stolen.
    i guess i just find it stupid.
    i dont want people to think im poor because im stealing.
    so i dont. ^^

    have you ever stolen anything??
    if so what?
  • no, i dont roll that way

    have you ever won an award?
  • nope

    have u ever purposely super glued your fingers together??
  • not that stupid

    ever broken a bone?
  • no, breakdinb bones is for chumps

    have you ever been called a chump?
  • only by you..

    ever touched a snake?
  • yep i love them.
    when i was little.
    like really little i would go and catch them for fun ^^

    have you ever ridden in a hot air balloon?
  • friken scared of heights..

    ever been in an airplane?
  • Yeah, I fly back and forth to school so I've probably been in like 20 airplanes, from really small ones to jets.

    Ever been to Alaska?
  • QUOTE (QueenofthePosers @ Aug 25 2006, 08:07 AM)
    Yeah, I fly back and forth to school so I've probably been in like 20 airplanes, from really small ones to jets.

    Ever been to Alaska?

    No, it is one of the few places in the world I haven't been.

    Ever lived in another country other than your native one?
  • nope, ive never left north america before, but i do visit u.s.of.a once in a while.

    ever had a friend that started hating you unexplained?
  • QUOTE (rollo puzz @ Aug 25 2006, 08:34 AM)
    nope, ive never left north america before, but i do visit u.s.of.a once in a while.

    ever had a friend that started hating you unexplained?

    Why yes, my former bestie and I had a big falling out last december and we now hate each other ... I don't know why she hates me, but I know why I hate her.

    Have you ever spread nasty rumour about a girl just because a guy you liked was interested in her and not in you?
  • no, i dont start rumors
    (but i spread wink.gif )

    have you ever heard a rumor about yourself that could not be further from the truth?
    if so what?
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