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The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • nope, im too cautious.

    ever fallen down the stairs?
  • yes. i fall up them at school... but it doesnt imbarras me beacuse it happens to everyone like every 5 mins..

    how are u feeling?
  • im feeling like someone fucked up

    have you ever told someone you wanted to have their babies?
  • I may have said that once or twice to friends...or people on stages....

    Have you ever had a habit of making up words? like completely new ones or adding strange endings to words or something like that?
  • why indeedy I have. my sister and I, some may disagree but we did indeed, came up with the word woot back in 7th grade. All the kids would laugh at me cause I would say woot and people would laugh...I didn't cry look at them now! eh? hahahahahaha

    Have you ever actually laughed out loud when you said lol?
  • yes, recently, and i dont use LOL loosley no sir

    have you ever played golf?
  • I've never played a game of golf, but I have been to a driving range with someone who taught me how to swing and stuff and I have played mini golf. Does that count?

    Have you ever moved?
  • yup, ived moved a couple times, but nothing that geographically drastic.

    have you ever fall into a trend that you didny really like?
  • you mean like when I bought a pair of pants last monday, and I really liked them, and then I realized that they were wicked tight, and "scene," and "indie," and all that stuff that I generally try to avoid because I hate the people in my school that are like that?
    then yes.

    have you ever gotten really pissed at a friend becasue they were being really stupid and anti-social and emo?
  • no... im semi antisocial, but hardly emo. But i can see how that can be frustrating.

    have you ever heckeled anyone?
  • yea but i think it was for something stupid. like candy.
    i was buying some from a friend ^^

    have you ever stolen from an old lady
  • um, no. I draw the limit at old people, but otherwise I'm kind of a petty thief. I should probably stop that.

    Have you ever seen the movie Trainspotting?
  • part of it.

    phil is emo and anti social.

    have you ever wondered what a haberdasher does?
  • No...but now that you've brought it up...

    Have you ever painted the town red...literally....
  • uh.. no... can't say that i have.

    have you ever sold your own artwork?
  • Nope.
    i suck at art, i cant draw for peas.

    ever grabbed onto someone you thought was your friend but ended up being a complete stranger?
  • no, but I've started talking to someone who definitely wasn't who I thought it was.

    Have you ever been fluent in another language?
  • ahh i wish... i used to take french but i don't remember that much of it...

    ever said something very innappropriate in another language on complete accident?
  • no, but i say innapropriate things.

    i teach a course called "making women uncomfotable through innuendo an intro"

    have you ever used a bad pick up line?
  • No. But I've had many a bad pickup line used on me. My personal favorite was in earnest at a THEATRE FESTIVAL.

    I was sitting next to this kid and he turns to me and goes, "how many shoulders do you have?"

    I say, "um. Two?"

    Response? "NOPE! [touches his two shoulders first] One. Two [touches my two shoulders] three. four [his hand was now on my opposite shoulder so his arm was around me]."

    I quickly made the excuse that I had to turn around and talk to my friends in the seats behind us.

    That kid had such class.

    Have you ever gotten tipsy/drunk at a family function?
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