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The "Have You Ever..?" Thread



  • yes its the easiest way of getting out of school.

    have you ever been extremly sick at school? aka puking and such?
  • umm... i puked at school when i was in 4th grade... that definitely sucked.

    have you/did you ever effectively trick your parents into thinking you were sick to stay home from school? (mine weren't very gullible. or i'm a bad actor)
  • No, if I said I was sick my parents would make me go to the doctor. blah.

    Have you ever seen a show on Broadway?
  • no.

    have you ever been to a party and had no one talk to you even though they were ur friends..?
  • No, I'm the life of the fucking party.

    Have you ever stalked by a taxi driver who wanted to have a threesome with you and your friend and wouldn't take no for an answer?
  • no but im guessing u have and i would love to hear about it ^^ i love stalker stories

    have you ever given yourself a papercut on purpose..?
  • lols we were driving down the highway and a taxi driver signalled for us to pull over into the nearby service station - we thought something must have been wrong with our car or something and he was going to tell us IDK, so we did. We got into the carpark and he gets out and tells us he's going on a break soon do we want to join for a little fun, wink wink, nudge nudge. My skin crawls and my friend declines. He persists, we seriously decline and announce we have to go we're in a hurry (lie). So he gets back in his car we drive off and lo and behold we realise Mister Taxi Driver is following us. We start having a big panic 'cause it's farking creepy and decide to rock up to Subway (where my friend worked at the time) and hide in the back. Mister Taxi Driver follows us into the carpark, we make a run for Subway and start freaking out at the manager. Friend calls her boyfriend who has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do who agrees to come down and help us out 'cause Mister Taxi Driver is getting out of his car and making his way into Subway. So we're hiding out the back and the manager is trying to ask the taxi driver to leave. Mister Taxi Driver gets all indignant and insists he just wants to get himself some lunch, how dare she try to throw him out when all he wants is a footlong. He starts throwing a fit at the manager who is hot stuff and totally held her own against the creep and then the black belt boyfriend rocked up and literally dragged the taxi driver outside and had a "stern talking to him". After a few minutes the taxi driver yells, "Fuck this, I don't have time for this shit!" and drives off.

    We were all o.O weirdo. We reported his ass to the taxi company and got him fired. I can only imagine how unsafe it would be for him to drive some poor drunk girl home after a night out or something.

    lol and no I don't think I've given myself a papercut on purpose 'cause those bitches hurt.

    Have you ever just wanted to punch a Jehovahs Witness in the face?
  • holy shit man.
    that has to be illegal.
    but atleast u got a great story out of it ^^

    id like to punch catholic preists in the face.

    have you ever skipped school.?
  • Once the entire Senior Class skipped the last half of Friday to run down to the local mall and see Matrix Reloaded (Which had just come out that day). Oddly enough, the morons at the Cinema still asked us for our Student ID (to get Student discounts) ... while we were all wearing our fucking Uniforms :|

    Have you ever orgasmed while horse riding?
  • No, but I always wanted to.

    When's the last time you rode a horse?
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Aug 28 2006, 01:29 AM)
    No, but I always wanted to.

    When's the last time you rode a horse?

    That's not a Have You Ever!
  • omg, I suck.

    Have you ever rode a horse?
  • once... i want to name him gluestick.

    best horse name?

    shoot. i mean have you ever whats the best horse name?

    nice recovery.
  • Long Fellow

    That's the best name.

    Have you ever cheated on this thread by simply attatching "Have You Ever" to a question?
  • no never.

    have you ever been mugged?
  • no, but i have been bothered by gypsies.

    have you ever met a gypsy?
  • i wish

    have you ever throttled someone?
  • yes! amazingly

    have you ever got someone in a headlock?
  • nope... as many times as i have felt the need to, i have restrained myself. i probably wouldn't be very good at it, either.

    have you ever hit a human while driving?
  • no

    have you ever been hit by a car?
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