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Kaiser chiefs?



  • I doubt anyone outside of the U.K. has heard of Do Me Bad Things, who play a original hybrid of rock and soul. Good stuff.
  • i'd like to retract my vote, I just bought the cd and it's awesome they are my favorite imports
  • hehe. who wasn't british and liking maximo park? i'm confused...

    some guy i keep meeting was best friends with maximo park's lead singer at college lol
  • i keep assuming everyone on here is from the states... now i realise that is not so.
    and i used to like the zutons... until i had the end of pressure point stuck in my head all the way through the hardest history exam ive ever had.

    after and hour and a half
    'PRESSURE.. PRESSURE ...PRESSURE..PRESSURE' gets reeeely annoying

    and i got a b
  • and wow as if by magic ... ok go are now supporting the kaiser chiefs.

    a coincidence?

  • Was that not why this thread was posted? blink.gif

    Kaisers aint a bad bunch, have some good catchy songs. And i can understand totally about Pressure Point - but Gwen Stefanis new song takes the biscuit for rooting intself into my head and placing itself on repeat... dry.gif dagnabit
  • no no, i'm from london... well not FROOOM, i just live there now.

    i'm the original english post whore. yes! hehe blink.gif
  • QUOTE (Revolver @ May 22 2005, 08:04 PM)
    Was that not why this thread was posted?  blink.gif

    Kaisers aint a bad bunch, have some good catchy songs. And i can understand totally about Pressure Point - but Gwen Stefanis new song takes the biscuit for rooting intself into my head and placing itself on repeat...  dry.gif  dagnabit

    Gwen Stefani has to be the most annoying singer ever. I hate her! mad.gif
  • Nah.. i'd go for Ja Rule. He sounds like a motorbike accident
  • I find people such as Avril Lavigne, all American Idol winners, JoJo, and Sheryl Crow much more annoying. That song "Soak up the Sun" makes me want to gouge my eyes out with sharp objects.....
  • macy gray. and fantasia (american idol one) hands down.
  • I suggest someone makes a new thread... 'most annoying singer'

    Poor old Kaiser Chiefs have been forgotten about!
  • To get back to posting about the Kaiser Chiefs...
    I heard that the other guys in the band refer to the keyboard player as "Peanut". huh.gif
  • maybe as he has the musical bility of one? Or the brain the size of one, aren't they from Leeds?

    I love having a dig at the North
  • laugh.gif But isn't that a stereotypical view? I mean, there's at least a few northerner's here, and none of them are dumb.
    Maybe he's addicted to peanuts, who knows?
  • peanut used to be a joke but now hes officially referred to as peanut, its the trillby hats and although slightly unkind he does look a bit like a peanut
    That song "Soak up the Sun" makes me want to gouge my eyes out with sharp objects.....

    MEEEE too! I hate that song. and even worse, they made it sheet music for marching bands to play. I have nothing against marching bands but some songs should not be played by them or anyone else for that matter!
  • Lets just agree that the Crazy Frog with Axel F (possibly just a UK thing, but i dunno - if it is then the rest of the world are lucky buggers) is by far the worst and most annoying song and due to the tradgically low level of taste ihn popular music, it is flying towards the number 1 spot. Oh goody.
  • It has beaten Coldplay's "Speed Of Sound" to number 1. Tragic.
    I pretty sure that it was only bought by kids, though.
  • no, morons... Although to be fair, its cheaper to buy the single than the ringtone. So maybe people bought it so they could record it on their phone? or maybe everyone hates coldplay
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