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Kaiser chiefs?

edited November -1 in OK Go
what are your feelings? im from england so have a lot of love for the boys from the house of kaiser. they are pretty huge over here but hoping they will do well over the pond too..

ps how brilliant are the new tracks? im choosing do what you want.


  • I've heard their album, and I think that it's average, so I don't love them or hate them but the songs "Oh My God", "I Predict A Riot" and "Everyday I Love You Less And Less" are all ace.
  • Love! I'm also from England, their album is amazing biggrin.gif
  • To be completely honest, I didn't think I liked them very much the first time I heard them. They were okay, but nothing special? Now they are starting to grow on me (I bought the CD because I figured if I'm seeing them 3 times I might as well know some of their music). I'm sure I'll have a different opinion after the shows.
  • Good Stuff. No I wouldnt pay to see just them, but their album keeps my attention most of the way through.
  • They are decent...not the reason I'm driving to Montreal(obviously), but they should be a fun little added bonus biggrin.gif

    I was really undecided about how I felt about them at first. I listened to the 30 second clips they have on their website, but those aren't really enough to go I spent two hours in FYE(music store) listening and relistening to the songs...they grew on me after
  • Sorry to report that I voted that I didn't give a toss. However, I am extremely curious now, who knows. what is the name of the album?
  • Their new album is "Employment". If you go to , you can listen to 30 second samples of some songs. "I Predict a Riot" is their single right now, I believe.
  • depends where you areto which single is out at the moment. in the uk we are already on 'every day i love you less and less' which requres stupid crazy dancing from me whenever i hear it
  • i have been thinking about going to the asbury park show... i haven't seen ok go in about 2 years. i just don't know if it's worth it if they're only opening. i haven't heard the kaiser chefs, and i don't know about going to my first ok go concert in years just to see them play for 20 minutes before some other band that i've never heard of goes on....
  • Im a bit torn between whether i like them or not. I cant help but feel that are part of this 80's punk pogo jumping franz ferdinand inspired revival that is around. I dont like it, im sick of bands like franz the futureheads and the kaisers. I dont like the way one band comes out and 5 follow becuase its fasionable to like them. I dont know what the situation is like over in america at the mo, but they have bands like the killers, the bravery and the like. Im more into bands with a bit of kick, and a good lead singer who doesn't just stand there looking pretentious and trying his best to be Morrisey.

    Thanks for letting me get that out of my system, im sure plenty of people will disagree but its just my opinion - more death from above and kings of leon! cool.gif
  • QUOTE (Revolver @ May 17 2005, 03:33 PM)
    Im a bit torn between whether i like them or not. I cant help but feel that are part of this 80's punk pogo jumping franz ferdinand inspired revival that is around. I dont like it, im sick of bands like franz the futureheads and the kaisers. I dont like the way one band comes out and 5 follow becuase its fasionable to like them. I dont know what the situation is like over in america at the mo, but they have bands like the killers, the bravery and the like. Im more into bands with a bit of kick, and a good lead singer who doesn't just stand there looking pretentious and trying his best to be Morrisey.

    Thanks for letting me get that out of my system, im sure plenty of people will disagree but its just my opinion - more death from above and kings of leon!  cool.gif

    I agree that all the bands you mentioned are all similar, but they all have their own differences to each other, if that makes sense. The Futureheads are the best of those 3 bands.
  • You're right, they're not all carbon copies - which is a god thing! Its just a commen pattern these days where one bands success inspires record companies and mags like NME to start finding others who are similar and often try to forge some rivalry between the two. But as an overall im glad to se more bands like the Kaisers, Futureheads etc coming along than naff like Pop Idol and Westlife! I still say originality is the key to success! Bit like Ok Go - not many bands like em!
  • whoever doesnt like them should just go and see them live. it will change your mind. they are amazin.g AND they are from leeds. yay good old yorkshireness. and the lead singer fell on me at astoria couple of weeks ago. he is not thin. hahahaha

    what is wrong with you people NO NO NO!!!! they are THE best band in the qwhole entire universe. even better than the libertines, and thats saying something. They are so alive and full of energy and they are THE nicest guys... *sigh* i see the boardies turning whilst i have been away. do not turn to the dark side. heads rule all.
  • the band everybody should listen to is Maximo Park. they are mint seen them about 15 times since they supported the futureheads in december. also the album is top banana. if anyone has a spare £10 i urge you to buy their album its called "A Certain Trigger"
  • I give all those bands 3 albums before they become unfashionable and 'past it' and the NME will find a new set of bands. I just dont see any originality in them. I'd sooner listen to Razorlight, and im not even a massive fan of them. The Zutons are not bad, the Coral are still musically different than most stuff out today. But im trying to argue a pointless point... All musics amazing! It makes you feel good
  • Ahh, I love The Coral's "I Remember When"! It is pretty different than other stuff I've heard out there. I've got Razorlight's "Vice" on my Ipod, I've only listened to it a few times though. Wow, I think you just named off all the music I've been listening to lately. I've been listening to The Zuton's "Not a Lot to Do" also, it's an interesting contrast to "Pressure Point" which I seem to be hearing everywhere nowadays.
  • yea maximo park ARE amazing... i saw them supporting the heads in december too, and randomly walked in on them in camden crawl before they played... but didnt get to see them due to the people i went with wanting to see other people.

    it doesn't seem right that a band i've known for, well what seems like forever, are supporting a band that i've only known since late last year. I think the british music scene is going to be a lot more influencial and important than the american one for a while, it just seems that really amazing bands keep popping up. anyone know the subways?!
  • I'm not entirely sure but i think The Subways played at my university. Razorlight and the Zutons did last year but i wasn't able to go to either sad.gif Which i was quite peeevd with! I really like the Zutons, Remember Me, Pressure Point and Havana Gang Brawl are great tracks. I'm not overly keen on Razorlight but they're ok. I hopen the Uk can reclaim some glory with the bands that are coming out cos some of them are amazing, but then again there are quite a few american bands that are turnng my head and im not normally a fan of american music - in fact OkGo where the first album i ever bought by an american artist! I now have quite a few

    The new coral album is something special!
  • wow, there seems to be so much love for all these bands i adore. never thought anyone outside the uk would've heard of maximo park

    ..if you like them some other british bands
    the rakes - retreat was their last single, more rocky. best song they put out was 22 grand job which was pure class

    hard fi - coming out with tune after tune, cash machine my favorite

    the mystery jets - alas agnis, very strange but very good

    the arctic monkeys - their songs grow on you like a fungus

    download you might like some of them, and whats the harm.

    the cribs
    the paddingtons

    bit of a list there, but all endorsed whole heartedly by yours truly.
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