i was practicin my ninja stuff today when no body was home...i had a wooden stick so it was like my sword..hehe...im so immature..IMMATURENESS +RANDOMNESS= ROCK ON! AWESOMNESS!
I just want a big truck to drive because I'm such a small person. Nobody would expect that of me at all. That and I live in the suburbs, so we don't get much of that truck action around here. I would probably load the back with a few bails of hay and some baby livestock, and drive it around the neighborhood until somebody complained. By the way, that reminds me: Why do fat people always drive small cars? It seems like they would want to drive bigger cars to make themselves fell smaller relative to the car, but they always drive small cars. Do they feel proud that they cold muster up enough skinniness to squeeze into the car in the first place, or what?
OMG I remember when i used to work at the f150 plant...everytime an svt came back in yellow or something id work ahead just so i had time to stare at it when it passed by....
I will have one of those.....eventually...yes OMG I remember when i used to work at the f150 plant...everytime an svt came back in yellow or something id work ahead just so i had time to stare at it when it passed by....
My friends and I stole the ranch owner's truck once and drove it through the hay field. I was too short to reach the pedals, so I ended up not being able to see. I ran over like six bails of hay at 60 miles an hour. I was only ten, so they didn't hurt me for it, but my friends never let me drive it after that. You know they didn't drive that well either.
I used to work all over the place! During the school year i was what they called "TPT - temporary part time. I worked wherever someone didnt show up for the day! so i spent most of that time in "body build" welding parts to the door frame
during the summer i was lucky enough to replace the guy who installed th front grille...i wporked in the paint department, installed radios seats etc etc FUN TIMES
I used to work all over the place! During the school year i was what they called "TPT - temporary part time. I worked wherever someone didnt show up for the day! so i spent most of that time in "body build" welding parts to the door frame
during the summer i was lucky enough to replace the guy who installed th front grille...i wporked in the paint department, installed radios seats etc etc FUN TIMES
wow... roro can i offically call you my hero since you are so rad especially @ making f150's
go team us!
she's part of my crazy ninja clan...
how do you join?
I want to be trained by the master!
by responding to one of my posts with the word werd, so i guess you're in!..
If i had the $$$ and spend so much money on gas i probably would get one.
here's a picture of it
the dry ice smoke is not included w/the truck. i asked. lol im such a dork
im sorry but i had to bump this thread up again since i think this truck is way rad
but with more dry ice
So I stick to my tiny Neon.
So I stick to my tiny Neon.
dude i like the hatchback toyotas those are way cute
dang thats crazy
OMG I remember when i used to work at the f150 plant...everytime an svt came back in yellow or something id work ahead just so i had time to stare at it when it passed by....
le sigh****
OMG I remember when i used to work at the f150 plant...everytime an svt came back in yellow or something id work ahead just so i had time to stare at it when it passed by....
le sigh****
what would you do @ f150 plant?
During the school year i was what they called "TPT - temporary part time. I worked wherever someone didnt show up for the day! so i spent most of that time in "body build" welding parts to the door frame
during the summer i was lucky enough to replace the guy who installed th front grille...i wporked in the paint department, installed radios seats etc etc
dirty old men
During the school year i was what they called "TPT - temporary part time. I worked wherever someone didnt show up for the day! so i spent most of that time in "body build" welding parts to the door frame
during the summer i was lucky enough to replace the guy who installed th front grille...i wporked in the paint department, installed radios seats etc etc
wow... roro can i offically call you my hero since you are so rad especially @ making f150's