...maybe it is just me coming down from the hype that occurs after having oral surgery, but has anyone noticed an excess of !!!oneeone!!$*)!4DA;s! in the boards, lately? I am guessing that people are simply getting antsy from the lack of a "regular" schedule from OK Go and feel the need to create excitement, or we have a LOT of JC'ers heading over here. Either way, I'm a bit annoyed. Or rather, 1!!U!1!!one! this SUXXX!!!
if you don't know who he is, perhaps we have succeeded in capturing him
blink... blink..
that may be one of the coolest words in recent creation
'your dentisting is hurting mine own teeth'
- from one of shakespears lesser known works 'the dentisting of raphael'
'your dentisting is hurting mine own teeth'
- from one of shakespears lesser known works 'the dentisting of raphael'
ok, have you got 5 stars yet? cause you've so earned it with that solid awesomeness
but it would seem i have the most profile views...
am i really that intriguing?!?
go me!