I Like Nerdcore Rap, and I am not afraid to say so.
OK, I've been trying to share him with more people at every opportunity. Though he claims he's not nerdcore, HE TOTALLY IS: mc chris Baddd Spellah's Fett's Vette Remix and also his remix of 10 Years Old ARE AMAAAZING. Also "mc chris is Dead"
(I watched Return of the Jedi today and sang Fett's Vette during the entire Sarlacc Pit scene. No guilt.)
Also, while I'm kind of on the subject: Star Wars is so good. Seriously. Though, no matter what anyone says, I prefer the original versions versus this whole "digitally remastered" crap. I WANT everything to look ridiculous and to actually look like it was done through stop motion. No matter how hard they try, nothing can beat true stunt doubles, people in ridiculous costumes, stop motion, and all the ol' type of special effects. Computer generated effects don't even come close.
But I don't have 50 quid. Nor will it ship to the US due to "licencing restrictions." Evs.
So when I DO have 50 quid, who wants to order it for me and ship it to the US for me and I'll PayPal you the dollars? Or I'll just wait for it on eBay.
Yep yep when you've got £50 to spare, let me know and it's done
^^^ hey, nerdcore! I don't know that much, but what I do know, I like
I have the two compilation albums from Hipster, Please! and I love them, but other than that, I don't really know where to start lol.
MC Chris was in Noho a few weeks ago, but I didn't go.
I really know little about nerdcore; my boyfriend stumbled across the mc chris website and was thrilled about being able to download the lyrics-only MP3s to remix himself. Some of his stuff came up on my iPod once, and it's been pure affection ever since.
When I listen to music, I tend to look at it like I look at art "I like this. I don't like this." My knowledge of art, like my knowledge of music, is fairly limited; most all of what I listen to now was recommended by my boyfriend or my roommate. Still, I don't think it matters, right? I know what I like. And if that means that I listen to Philip Glass, the Mountain Goats, Blink-182, and mc chris, so be it.
In terms of hip hop, I've been listening to a bunch of De La Soul, Aesop Rock, and Del tha Funkee Homosapien (via Deltron 3030, which also features Kid Koala, who is a FANTASTIC DJ). Plus, I have such a crush on DJ Danger Mouse it's ridiculous.
My roommate and I have a (fake) hip hop group: Flyceratops. She's MC Fearsheimer (a play on political theorist John Mearsheimer, from our days of wanting to form a roller derby team) and I'm DJ BEAR. My beats are tight.
Greetings from Mississippi! Do the people here count seconds using "Mississippi" or something else?
This trip has by far been the most interesting and fun. I can't believe how friendly Southerners are! I've always heard about it, but wow. Quote of the day (said by airport taxi driver): "You in the South now, girl."
Other highlight: Had a stop-over in Texas. Wow, DFW airport has really become huge and fancy since I was last there 4 years ago. They have one of those train/subway sort of things that takes you from terminal to terminal. On said train, a tall very cute blonde cowboy my age sat down across from me and started to chit chat. He wasn't dressed like a cowboy, but he had that great TX accent. He was on his way to San Angelo. He asked where I was headed to, and I said Mississippi, feeling quite the Southerner wanna-be. He's an army medic, and said how happy he was to talk to someone who is also in the healthcare field. He walked me to my terminal and then hinted that he could use a drink. I had to go buy magnets and souvies for the best friend back home. So he just shook my hand with the sweetest smile and walked off. Did I mention what a cute gentleman he was? But he ain't Jewish, so I wasn't interested. Poor guy seems to come from a very small town with no available girls?
Also, while I'm kind of on the subject: Star Wars is so good. Seriously. Though, no matter what anyone says, I prefer the original versions versus this whole "digitally remastered" crap. I WANT everything to look ridiculous and to actually look like it was done through stop motion. No matter how hard they try, nothing can beat true stunt doubles, people in ridiculous costumes, stop motion, and all the ol' type of special effects. Computer generated effects don't even come close.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I was going to be OMG STAR WARS I LOVE IT.
But, um. That's totes obvious. *looks at name*
I was a fangirl for Star Wars before I fangirled for anything else. True fax.
QUOTE (Electra @ Dec 12 2008, 12:40 PM)
Yep yep when you've got £50 to spare, let me know and it's done
Ahhh Tempe I love your Stories From The South (I'm seeing it as a little mini documentary series, hence the capital letters)! That cowboy sounds so cute, same about the goy-factor. Would you believe I've only met ONE jewish guy in King's College so far? ONE!! Oye!
Now that I'm back home (and missing Cambridge like crazy) I had a bit of a reunion last night with some of my old school friends. It was weird. I still love them and everything, but I just don't feel that I fit in as well as I do at college. We have less in common and think in different ways. It's strange.
So I'm watching this BBC Mini-series called Blackpool, and I JUST WATCHED DAVID TENNANT SING "THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING". Sorry for the caps, but seriously, WTH. I was laughing so much I cried. Seriously. It killed me.
Oh, and thas' cool Amy. I found nerdcore through Hipster, Please, through wizard rock- some wrock gets covered there. But yah, it's all pretty cool Also, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but Mountain Goats = love. Also, there's a quote from one of their songs in the front of John Green's book Paper Towns, cause he's a huge fan. fun facts!
Now that I'm back home (and missing Cambridge like crazy) I had a bit of a reunion last night with some of my old school friends. It was weird. I still love them and everything, but I just don't feel that I fit in as well as I do at college. We have less in common and think in different ways. It's strange.
Yeah, it happens. Doesn't mean you can't be friends with those people, it's just a little weird to go through that transition.
Ahhh Tempe I love your Stories From The South (I'm seeing it as a little mini documentary series, hence the capital letters)! That cowboy sounds so cute, same about the goy-factor. Would you believe I've only met ONE jewish guy in King's College so far? ONE!! Oye!
Now that I'm back home (and missing Cambridge like crazy) I had a bit of a reunion last night with some of my old school friends. It was weird. I still love them and everything, but I just don't feel that I fit in as well as I do at college. We have less in common and think in different ways. It's strange.
Yeah, the South is pretty awesome. It's had a bad rap (sp?) due to it's past and such. People, including me up until these past few days, generally associate the South with outhouses and hillbillies. I have seen no outhouses and few hillbillies. Sadly, parts of Mesa, Arizona near where I live are more hillbilly than Jackson. But it's actually a wonderful place. The people are fantastic. The food is great. I don't tend to like blues music, but you really get into it here. There's a lot of history. But what I love is that there's a lot of modern things too. There are great places to shop and eat. It doesn't feel like a large city. It feels more like a suburb, even though it's the capital of Mississippi. Alice, the next time your family wants to organize an American roadtrip, I recommend one from Memphis thru Jackson to New Orleans and whatever cities in between. There's a scenic highway that takes you most of the way called Natchez Trace Parkway. This trip has just made me love America even more because it's been so eye opening.
And *huuugs* to you with your reunion. It's so strange indeed to be away from friends. Then as they change, and you're not there as they grow and change, you expect them to stay as you remember them. Then it's rather different when they're not completely the same person anymore. What's strange is that in the first two years of dental school vs. the last year, I went thru that same thing you're talking about. We were together as a class, but not constantly. So there were a lot of changes in people I always thought I knew perfectly. It's a good thing and a bad one.
Hey, guys and gals, I know I haven't been around for like a week but I definitely won't be around for the next few, so I just wanted to wish all those who are having birthdays in the following few weeks to have the BEST birthdays ever!
Oh, and... HAPPY HOLIDAYS, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY CHANUKAH, HAPPY KWANZA, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and HAPPY any-other-holiday-I-ignorantly-missed! Hope they are all a blast.
I found some of my old cds So I'm listening to 'N Sync- No Strings Attached,
One of the songs is called "Digital Get Down", and I know I loved it when I was in 4th grade.
But look at the lyrics-
"Baby baby we can do all that we want We're gettin nasty nasty, we're getting freaky deaky Baby baby we can do more than just talk Cause I can hear ya hear ya, and I can see ya see ya Baby baby we can do all that we want We're getting nasty nasty, we're getting freaky deaky..
Digital digital get down just you and me (You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya And baby baby you can see me Digital digital get down just what we need We can get together naturally (We can) We can get together on the digital screen"
The WHOLE song is pretty much like that. Sometimes it's even more obvious. And I'm horrified that I actually listened to that when I was 10! I mean, I obviously had no clue what was going on in the song, but seriously. It's like my childhood innocence has been shattered. Daym.
OK, I've been trying to share him with more people at every opportunity. Though he claims he's not nerdcore, HE TOTALLY IS: mc chris
Baddd Spellah's Fett's Vette Remix and also his remix of 10 Years Old ARE AMAAAZING. Also "mc chris is Dead"
(I watched Return of the Jedi today and sang Fett's Vette during the entire Sarlacc Pit scene. No guilt.)
Also, while I'm kind of on the subject: Star Wars is so good. Seriously.
Though, no matter what anyone says, I prefer the original versions versus this whole "digitally remastered" crap. I WANT everything to look ridiculous and to actually look like it was done through stop motion. No matter how hard they try, nothing can beat true stunt doubles, people in ridiculous costumes, stop motion, and all the ol' type of special effects. Computer generated effects don't even come close.
But I don't have 50 quid. Nor will it ship to the US due to "licencing restrictions." Evs.
So when I DO have 50 quid, who wants to order it for me and ship it to the US for me and I'll PayPal you the dollars? Or I'll just wait for it on eBay.
Yep yep when you've got £50 to spare, let me know and it's done
Adam and I saw MC Frontalot and YT Cracker the other night. MC Lars was there too, but we couldn't stay for his set.
I don't know that much, but what I do know, I like
I have the two compilation albums from Hipster, Please! and I love them, but other than that, I don't really know where to start lol.
MC Chris was in Noho a few weeks ago, but I didn't go.
I don't know that much, but what I do know, I like
I have the two compilation albums from Hipster, Please! and I love them, but other than that, I don't really know where to start lol.
MC Chris was in Noho a few weeks ago, but I didn't go.
I really know little about nerdcore; my boyfriend stumbled across the mc chris website and was thrilled about being able to download the lyrics-only MP3s to remix himself. Some of his stuff came up on my iPod once, and it's been pure affection ever since.
When I listen to music, I tend to look at it like I look at art "I like this. I don't like this." My knowledge of art, like my knowledge of music, is fairly limited; most all of what I listen to now was recommended by my boyfriend or my roommate. Still, I don't think it matters, right? I know what I like. And if that means that I listen to Philip Glass, the Mountain Goats, Blink-182, and mc chris, so be it.
In terms of hip hop, I've been listening to a bunch of De La Soul, Aesop Rock, and Del tha Funkee Homosapien (via Deltron 3030, which also features Kid Koala, who is a FANTASTIC DJ). Plus, I have such a crush on DJ Danger Mouse it's ridiculous.
My roommate and I have a (fake) hip hop group: Flyceratops. She's MC Fearsheimer (a play on political theorist John Mearsheimer, from our days of wanting to form a roller derby team) and I'm DJ BEAR. My beats are tight.
This trip has by far been the most interesting and fun. I can't believe how friendly Southerners are! I've always heard about it, but wow. Quote of the day (said by airport taxi driver): "You in the South now, girl."
Other highlight: Had a stop-over in Texas. Wow, DFW airport has really become huge and fancy since I was last there 4 years ago. They have one of those train/subway sort of things that takes you from terminal to terminal. On said train, a tall very cute blonde cowboy my age sat down across from me and started to chit chat. He wasn't dressed like a cowboy, but he had that great TX accent. He was on his way to San Angelo. He asked where I was headed to, and I said Mississippi, feeling quite the Southerner wanna-be. He's an army medic, and said how happy he was to talk to someone who is also in the healthcare field. He walked me to my terminal and then hinted that he could use a drink. I had to go buy magnets and souvies for the best friend back home. So he just shook my hand with the sweetest smile and walked off. Did I mention what a cute gentleman he was? But he ain't Jewish, so I wasn't interested. Poor guy seems to come from a very small town with no available girls?
Though, no matter what anyone says, I prefer the original versions versus this whole "digitally remastered" crap. I WANT everything to look ridiculous and to actually look like it was done through stop motion. No matter how hard they try, nothing can beat true stunt doubles, people in ridiculous costumes, stop motion, and all the ol' type of special effects. Computer generated effects don't even come close.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I was going to be OMG STAR WARS I LOVE IT.
But, um. That's totes obvious. *looks at name*
I was a fangirl for Star Wars before I fangirled for anything else. True fax.
Now that I'm back home (and missing Cambridge like crazy) I had a bit of a reunion last night with some of my old school friends. It was weird. I still love them and everything, but I just don't feel that I fit in as well as I do at college. We have less in common and think in different ways. It's strange.
Oh, and thas' cool Amy. I found nerdcore through Hipster, Please, through wizard rock- some wrock gets covered there. But yah, it's all pretty cool
Also, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but Mountain Goats = love. Also, there's a quote from one of their songs in the front of John Green's book Paper Towns, cause he's a huge fan. fun facts!
Yeah, it happens. Doesn't mean you can't be friends with those people, it's just a little weird to go through that transition.
Now that I'm back home (and missing Cambridge like crazy) I had a bit of a reunion last night with some of my old school friends. It was weird. I still love them and everything, but I just don't feel that I fit in as well as I do at college. We have less in common and think in different ways. It's strange.
Yeah, the South is pretty awesome. It's had a bad rap (sp?) due to it's past and such. People, including me up until these past few days, generally associate the South with outhouses and hillbillies. I have seen no outhouses and few hillbillies. Sadly, parts of Mesa, Arizona near where I live are more hillbilly than Jackson. But it's actually a wonderful place. The people are fantastic. The food is great. I don't tend to like blues music, but you really get into it here. There's a lot of history. But what I love is that there's a lot of modern things too. There are great places to shop and eat. It doesn't feel like a large city. It feels more like a suburb, even though it's the capital of Mississippi. Alice, the next time your family wants to organize an American roadtrip, I recommend one from Memphis thru Jackson to New Orleans and whatever cities in between. There's a scenic highway that takes you most of the way called Natchez Trace Parkway. This trip has just made me love America even more because it's been so eye opening.
And *huuugs* to you with your reunion. It's so strange indeed to be away from friends. Then as they change, and you're not there as they grow and change, you expect them to stay as you remember them. Then it's rather different when they're not completely the same person anymore. What's strange is that in the first two years of dental school vs. the last year, I went thru that same thing you're talking about. We were together as a class, but not constantly. So there were a lot of changes in people I always thought I knew perfectly. It's a good thing and a bad one.
Oh, and... HAPPY HOLIDAYS, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY CHANUKAH, HAPPY KWANZA, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and HAPPY any-other-holiday-I-ignorantly-missed! Hope they are all a blast.
So I'm listening to 'N Sync- No Strings Attached,
One of the songs is called "Digital Get Down", and I know I loved it when I was in 4th grade.
But look at the lyrics-
"Baby baby we can do all that we want
We're gettin nasty nasty, we're getting freaky deaky
Baby baby we can do more than just talk
Cause I can hear ya hear ya, and I can see ya see ya
Baby baby we can do all that we want
We're getting nasty nasty, we're getting freaky deaky..
Digital digital get down just you and me
(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya
And baby baby you can see me
Digital digital get down just what we need
We can get together naturally
(We can) We can get together on the digital screen"
The WHOLE song is pretty much like that. Sometimes it's even more obvious.
And I'm horrified that I actually listened to that when I was 10!
I mean, I obviously had no clue what was going on in the song, but seriously.
It's like my childhood innocence has been shattered.
I officially love you.
anyways, that was wonderfully sleazy!
good old nsync, its like all those take that videos that are like watching homoerotic skin flicks. know what i mean?
go cuddle with your panda...