In this Discussion

Random Stuff



  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Jan 2 2006, 02:18 PM)
    I don't watch much hockey.

    i'll fix that.
  • QUOTE (76 @ Jan 2 2006, 02:27 PM)
    i'll fix that.

    ha, you can try if you want.

    And your a Kinks fan!

    I want that title.
  • QUOTE (Jaded @ Jan 2 2006, 01:38 PM)
    And your a Kinks fan! 

    I want that title.

    865 more posts and you'll have it...
  • i thought this was cool, since im still a ninja turtle fan @ heart
  • QUOTE (vinyl_days @ Jan 2 2006, 02:56 PM)
    i thought this was cool, since im still a ninja turtle fan @ heart

  • lol, i was going to call dibs on that one, but its cool lol
  • QUOTE (vinyl_days @ Jan 2 2006, 03:03 PM)
    lol, i was going to call dibs on that one, but its cool lol



    I'll take any, but I prefer Donatello. biggrin.gif
  • This isn't nearly random enough. You're still talking about the ninja turtles and I have no opinion to share. So, I hate popcorn because it always gets stuck in your teeth and gums and it hurts sometimes when you're trying to get it out. It really doesn't taste that great, so I usually don't eat it. Yeah. How's that for random?
  • ummmm, I like popcorn.

    And if I get any of it stuck in my teeth I floss or brush them.

    Butter and salt ruin popcorn, too.
  • I like popcorn to some extent... but then I get really pissed at it [yes, at the popcorn] because it falls all over the place [my friend told be that we "looked like hamsters" when trying to eat it]. And then I always burn it and try to eat it anyway, even though it tastes like shit.

    Did you know an ingredient in Cup of Noodles is "chicken powder?" Eeeeeeeeh.

    Powdered chicken=scary thought that gives small children nightmares.

    Moral of this story: I'm a hamster?
  • chicken powder . . . . . eeeeew.

    that reminds me of something really morbid.

    Should I share?!

    Me and my random knowledge . . . . hmmmmm biggrin.gif
  • Go for it. I'm procrastinating and need sometime to entertain me.
  • Oooo, yay!

    Back when mummie digs and egyptian artifacts were a big hype (late 1800s-early 1900s), people in Africa would take mummies they found and grind them into powder and make medicine out of it.


  • thanks for telling... I kind of wish i didn't know that though..
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Jan 2 2006, 05:15 PM)
    thanks for telling... I kind of wish i didn't know that though..


    No problem!

    *skips away*
  • i like mummies.
  • me too! I like all that Egyptian stuff.

    I wanted to be an archeologist for a while . . . . then I decided not to.
  • Well, soap used to be made from pure animal fat and jello used ot have bone marrow in it.

    That kinda grossed me out for about 5 minutes

    before I ate my jello and got over it.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jan 2 2006, 05:23 PM)
    Well, soap used to be made from pure animal fat and jello used ot have bone marrow in it.

    That kinda grossed me out for about 5 minutes

    before I ate my jello and got over it.


    I knew of the soap. I read Little House on the Prairie and they said that or something. I don't know, that was when I was 8.
  • I def. read that book and don't remember anything about it. Except that they did have a little house and it was on a prairie.
    I'm so intelligent, it hurts sometimes. haha
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