stellastarr* = lovely vocal layers + brilliant song-writing + amazing guitar-work + beautiful lyrics = HOTT*
Oh, how I admire the artists of stellastarr* (literally, they studied art), and so I start an appreciaton thread and begin the countdown to their sophomore release Harmonies For The Haunted on Sept. 13, 2005. I suppose they can be compared to bands like The Killers and The Bravery, but I find something extra special in stellatarr* and I think a decent description of their sound is a blend of The Pixies and The Cure. Based on a few tracks I've already heard, it sounds like the new album will keep the sweet ss* style in tact but have a more mature sound than their self-titled debut album from 2003.
Check stellastarr* out and check their tour dates. I wish I could catch them on the current tour, but they're skipping Detroit for now...
7 days...
Maybe. But The Killers, The Bravery, stellastarr* are all different, and I like them all it 4 days more already?!!
Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Yeah, that was pretty cool.
and maybe they will go see a movie there again! they do have off the sunday before the columbus show. you're so lucky! *jealous*
Rachael - Have fun at the show tonight. Please share your review and pictures when they're ready!
Rachael - Have fun at the show tonight. Please share your review and pictures when they're ready!
my film pictures should be back Sunday... but here's one from the digital
they didn't see a movie... and My Chem didn't come in either tonight (their show is tomorrow). DAMN THEM!! *shakes fist at MCR for not seeing a movie*
Sooooo, what did you think of the show? Did you get the new album and did you meet anyone else? How was Magneta Lane?
Don't rush Rachael
The album was out already? I couldn't find it yesterday...
soooo, did you pick up their new cd?
The album was out already? I couldn't find it yesterday...
Oh sorry, setsumi. I only know the US release date and I'm not sure when the release date is for Japan or the UK or anywhere else in the world.
Magenta Lane - don't remember them too much *cough* sorry. It was more "hey, this isn't Stellastarr*!" Only one band (The cathedrals, who I liked alot) was listed as opening so no one was expecting a 2nd opener.
I didn't see either their old or new album at Media Play, but I found stellastarr* at Best Buy and the indie record stores should have them. Oh, and I also saw OK Go's new album in the Top Sellers section, which I thought was interesting!
I am pleased with the sophomore album and so far I am IN LOVE with these tracks:
#1. Lost in Time
#5. Born In A Fleamarket
#8. Love And Longing
#9. Stay Entertained
The hidden track is an old song called "Bloated Wife, which is pretty cool and quite Pixies-esqe.
...I love Shawn's lead voice and Amanda's backing vocals, but I am wondering where is Michael's lovely voice? Still, the new ss* album is BLISS*
...So who else has heard the new stellastarr*?
I love this man.
And this shot of Michael is awesome:
Do you have more coming? And you never told me about their show. What songs do you remember stellastarr* playing and any highlights? I wish so much that I could have been there or that they would come to my town!
I am still waiting for Spongie's opinion, more from Rachael, really any of you lovely okgo boardies. Please don't make me move to the stellastarr* messageboard...
Their website has recently been updated and is g o r g e o u s:
You can listen to 3 of the new songs there.
Watch the video for "Sweet Troubled Soul," tho I wish they would put "My Coco" back up. That video is classic FUN, if anyone can find it!
Also, their performance on Last Call w/Carson Daly will air on Wednesday, Sept. 28th. I'm not sure if I will be able to watch it, so if anyone is savvy enough to record it and put it online...*turns to darbie*
hehe, i'm not savvy enough to record it and put it online, as i lack the proper equipment to do that... i am pretty savvy at finding things online though...