A few days before graduation, my school had a mandatory prom. It was a black tie gala held at the Ritz Carlton. I still have many more pics to develop, here are two. I just wanted to show off my shoes and hair. First time I've gotten my hair done while living in AZ. I trust no one with my hair. My mom made me pull into a place and dragged me into the store like a whiny 8 year old. The store she picked out was a fluke since she doesn't even live in AZ. The stylist did a marvelous job. He reminds me so much of Zohan, the Adam Sandler character. Anyway, here are the results of Zohan's quick fingers:
Getting ready with my sister to leave outside my house:
Being silly with one of my best friends, Lady M. Lady M is the one who introduced me to Ok Go:
Thank you that's Peter, he's from the band I work with! And he's cute. Dur. And I have a moustache... sexy.
Theresa! Cute pictures from camp
So... best weekend ever? May I suggest buying a water gun and filling it with beer? For those of you that are "of age"
Oh and... I have pretty friends. This is on the Navy Pier in Chicago for fireworks after a fancy dinner... p.s my shoes are yellow, you just can't see them... bummer shannon, jessie, angie, sarah and moi
And Katie, that watergun idea is genius. Why didn't WE think of that? Love the holiday snaps (that's English for "vacation photos" in case you didn't know.... lol)!
Here's a couple from MY trip, from my friend's camera. I have more of my own, I might post them later on though....
A few days before graduation, my school had a mandatory prom. It was a black tie gala held at the Ritz Carlton. I still have many more pics to develop, here are two. I just wanted to show off my shoes and hair. First time I've gotten my hair done while living in AZ. I trust no one with my hair. My mom made me pull into a place and dragged me into the store like a whiny 8 year old. The store she picked out was a fluke since she doesn't even live in AZ. The stylist did a marvelous job. He reminds me so much of Zohan, the Adam Sandler character. Anyway, here are the results of Zohan's quick fingers:
Getting ready with my sister to leave outside my house:
Being silly with one of my best friends, Lady M. Lady M is the one who introduced me to Ok Go:
I'll post some better pics once I get them.
Thank you
Theresa! Cute pictures from camp
So... best weekend ever? May I suggest buying a water gun and filling it with beer? For those of you that are "of age"
Oh and... I have pretty friends. This is on the Navy Pier in Chicago for fireworks after a fancy dinner... p.s my shoes are yellow, you just can't see them... bummer
shannon, jessie, angie, sarah and moi
second pic: you look awesomeeee
thresa: star pic yey (a classic)
Torquil Campbell and I are Latin lovers, FYI.
And Katie, that watergun idea is genius. Why didn't WE think of that? Love the holiday snaps (that's English for "vacation photos" in case you didn't know.... lol)!
Here's a couple from MY trip, from my friend's camera. I have more of my own, I might post them later on though....
From the tutus night....
Pole dancing on the podium with my friends!
Me and the girlies at the beach
im in love with the tutus
one of my best friends was home for a week (she's been in Cali all summer for an internship)... here we are:
me and my friend shannon... i was all about the huggy pictures this night:
I give you... the "beer face" practice this people
Peter and I @ Harpers for my birthdayyyy
Torquil Campbell and I are Latin lovers, FYI.
oh em gee how did i miss this....
we took a super long walk
and then when we got home we dyed my friends hair.. and i saw the girl on the box and just couldn't resist
LOL! Genious! I was wondering why that face looked so familiar
I look so dorkish but I love this picture
my zoo has dinosaurs!!!
and bears
i almost fell in taking this one
kangaroo roo roo at the zoo zoo zoo