do you have a favourite colour? I love all colors. No really. I love red and black. But my favorite color schemes would be lightgray/silver matched with either maroon, navy blue, or forest green.... and the orange-green matching.
how happy are you to have taken my forum away from me? =p I'm ecstatic. I deserve it more (just kidding)
whats your fave cuddly toy? STITCH [as in from Lilo & Stitch] If I am single when I'm 62, will you marry me? If I'm single and same-sex marriages are legal, then yes.
How do you want to die? I don't really care, just nothing painful.
What is your life story? Um. I was born in Springfield Illinois. Moved to Hawai'i when I was 6 months old. I consider Hawai'i my home. Lived in Tucson since 97. What do you want most right at this moment? High school drama to DISAPPEAR. *POOF* What do you want most in your life? To own a record store/live in Seattle. Actually, just living in Seattle would be awesome. I love those hippies.
Which is more important to you right now? Seattle
Are you an organized person? OH MAN. I'm so good at organizing things. My problem is keeping them organized.
How long will it be before the forum is dedicated to me? Oh trust me. When the time is right, the time is right. You'll know. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? It depends on with who. If it's people who are extroverts, then I'm an extrovert. And vice versa. And if I don't like you, I'll just pretend I don't see you.
What is your favorite place to be? At a good concert. Or in Seattle. or St. Andrews Scotland. Or London. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Clause? The Easter Bunny? The Toothfairy? Jesus? Leprechauns?etc... ... They're not real!? What are the three most important qualities you look for in a guy/girl?(depending on your preferance) Guy: Some sort of music in their life Funny I can talk to.
How PSYCHED are you about getting into St. Andrew's? I'm SO psyched. I just hate having to make a choice.
Are you ever going to come to MA to visit me and Ester? Haha wouldnt that be rad if I came up there? I'm so excited, I get to see her some time next week!
compare and contrast: partially hydrogenated soybean oil? you gave me nothing to compare/contrast to! Are Dave and Darbie really a couple? I don't think even they know...
Alrightie Spongie!! I am at work right now meaning that I am in fact not doing a damn thing which will therefore result in a slew of really random questions...about 8 times over the course of today...maybe before lunch
1: if you had to marry one of the following which would it be and why a) Cardboard Box Bubble wrap c) Post it notes d) A dell mouse pad *The inspariation for the aforementioned items has been brought to you by the shit around me*
2: Have you ever been soo stoked about an album release that you shit yourself in excitment but when you finally get the album and giv'r a good hate it more than the shit stain you left in your pants (this was a question posed to me at work joke)?
3: So you are forced to choose between saving the life of a baby panda or saving the life of a baby seal...which do you choose?
4: How do you take your coffee/tea? If you do not drink any what sort of hot beverages do you comsume?
5: what is your FAVOURITE artical of clothing in your closet??
If God is in fact a woman, what color hair does she have?Why do you think this? Um. Not blonde, because everyone makes fun of blondes... and therefore she'd kill everyone. Favorite movie a of the moment? I Heart Huckabees. Wierdest dream you've ever had? Someone broke into our house, but the Rugrats were there.
Favorite childhood memory? Living in Hawai'i. Looking for ladybugs. If you could have your own country, what would you name it? Why? Oh, I wouldn't trust myself with a country. I lose everything.
Can I call you Reggie? Yes you may. I can't guarantee I'll answer it.
Where does your family come from (ancestry, ethnicity, etc...) India. [Don't ask me anything about Indianess. I know nothing. You see a line of ants on your bathroom sink. What do you do? I eat them. PROTEIN!
What's your sign? Do you think your personality matches that of your sign? Capricorn. Ive never had a horoscope come true. So I don't know. But I think it matches. If you had 5 minutes left to live what would you do? 5 minutes? Probably take a nap. What are your favorite songs by Kissing Tigers and have you heard anything from their Trebuchet EP? Um... "I Died in a Mall." And yes, I have 4 songs off the EP. 1: if you had to marry one of the following which would it be and why a) Cardboard Box cool.gif Bubble wrap c) Post it notes d) A dell mouse pad Cardbox. It provides me shelter, clothing, food, and poster-material. What more can you ask for?
2: Have you ever been soo stoked about an album release that you shit yourself in excitment but when you finally get the album and giv'r a good hate it more than the shit stain you left in your pants (this was a question posed to me at work joke)? Yes... Hoobastank "The Reason"... I loved "Out of Control"... too bad the rest of the cd didn't sound like/the self-titled. 3: So you are forced to choose between saving the life of a baby panda or saving the life of a baby seal...which do you choose? Panda. They're furry.
4: How do you take your coffee/tea? If you do not drink any what sort of hot beverages do you comsume? TEA! I don't like iced tea unless it's shaken-tea-lemonade from starbucks. I take my regular tea English-Breakfast style (although others I do enjoy), with milk. and LOTS of sugar. LOVELY! And I don't like coffee
5: what is your FAVOURITE artical of clothing in your closet?? My Easy Street Records hoodie [A record store in Seattle] And my stretchy long-sleeve shirt.
Why your babies are they devils so terribly of the charming ones when I said them they must be to do the completely happy cakes? Yes... well maybe.. it depends if the oven is on or not.
crap you lived in Hawai'i, that is extremely cool ( im jealous )... my question : whats the coolest thing youve seen/done in Hawai'i... ha ... i guess the hotest thing....
How do you want to die?
What is your life story?
What do you want most right at this moment?
What do you want most in your life?
Which is more important to you right now?
Are you an organized person?
How long will it be before the forum is dedicated to me?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
What is your favorite place to be?
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Clause? The Easter Bunny?
The Toothfairy? Jesus? Leprechauns?etc...
What are the three most important qualities you look for in a guy/girl?(depending on your preferance)
I love all colors. No really. I love red and black. But my favorite color schemes would be lightgray/silver matched with either maroon, navy blue, or forest green.... and the orange-green matching.
how happy are you to have taken my forum away from me? =p
I'm ecstatic. I deserve it more (just kidding)
whats your fave cuddly toy?
STITCH [as in from Lilo & Stitch]
If I am single when I'm 62, will you marry me?
If I'm single and same-sex marriages are legal, then yes.
How do you want to die?
I don't really care, just nothing painful.
What is your life story?
Um. I was born in Springfield Illinois. Moved to Hawai'i when I was 6 months old. I consider Hawai'i my home. Lived in Tucson since 97.
What do you want most right at this moment?
High school drama to DISAPPEAR. *POOF*
What do you want most in your life?
To own a record store/live in Seattle. Actually, just living in Seattle would be awesome. I love those hippies.
Which is more important to you right now?
Are you an organized person?
OH MAN. I'm so good at organizing things. My problem is keeping them organized.
How long will it be before the forum is dedicated to me?
Oh trust me. When the time is right, the time is right. You'll know.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
It depends on with who. If it's people who are extroverts, then I'm an extrovert. And vice versa. And if I don't like you, I'll just pretend I don't see you.
What is your favorite place to be?
At a good concert. Or in Seattle. or St. Andrews Scotland. Or London.
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Clause? The Easter Bunny?
The Toothfairy? Jesus? Leprechauns?etc...
They're not real!?
What are the three most important qualities you look for in a guy/girl?(depending on your preferance)
Some sort of music in their life
I can talk to.
Are you ever going to come to MA to visit me and Ester?
I'm SO psyched. I just hate having to make a choice.
Are you ever going to come to MA to visit me and Ester?
Haha wouldnt that be rad if I came up there? I'm so excited, I get to see her some time next week!
you gave me nothing to compare/contrast to!
Are Dave and Darbie really a couple?
I don't think even they know...
Favorite movie a of the moment?
Wierdest dream you've ever had?
Favorite childhood memory?
If you could have your own country, what would you name it? Why?
Can I call you Reggie?
Where does your family come from (ancestry, ethnicity, etc...)
You see a line of ants on your bathroom sink. What do you do?
What's your sign? Do you think your personality matches that of your sign?
If you had 5 minutes left to live what would you do?
a couple of freaks...
1: if you had to marry one of the following which would it be and why
a) Cardboard Box
c) Post it notes
d) A dell mouse pad
*The inspariation for the aforementioned items has been brought to you by the shit around me*
2: Have you ever been soo stoked about an album release that you shit yourself in excitment but when you finally get the album and giv'r a good hate it more than the shit stain you left in your pants (this was a question posed to me at work joke)?
3: So you are forced to choose between saving the life of a baby panda or saving the life of a baby seal...which do you choose?
4: How do you take your coffee/tea? If you do not drink any what sort of hot beverages do you comsume?
5: what is your FAVOURITE artical of clothing in your closet??
hmm... online translations are really fun.
But you do need to answer that question!
Um. Not blonde, because everyone makes fun of blondes... and therefore she'd kill everyone.
Favorite movie a of the moment?
I Heart Huckabees.
Wierdest dream you've ever had?
Someone broke into our house, but the Rugrats were there.
Favorite childhood memory?
Living in Hawai'i. Looking for ladybugs.
If you could have your own country, what would you name it? Why?
Oh, I wouldn't trust myself with a country. I lose everything.
Can I call you Reggie?
Yes you may. I can't guarantee I'll answer it.
Where does your family come from (ancestry, ethnicity, etc...)
India. [Don't ask me anything about Indianess. I know nothing.
You see a line of ants on your bathroom sink. What do you do?
I eat them. PROTEIN!
What's your sign? Do you think your personality matches that of your sign?
Capricorn. Ive never had a horoscope come true. So I don't know. But I think it matches.
If you had 5 minutes left to live what would you do?
5 minutes? Probably take a nap.
What are your favorite songs by Kissing Tigers and have you heard anything from their Trebuchet EP?
Um... "I Died in a Mall." And yes, I have 4 songs off the EP.
1: if you had to marry one of the following which would it be and why
a) Cardboard Box
cool.gif Bubble wrap
c) Post it notes
d) A dell mouse pad
Cardbox. It provides me shelter, clothing, food, and poster-material. What more can you ask for?
2: Have you ever been soo stoked about an album release that you shit yourself in excitment but when you finally get the album and giv'r a good hate it more than the shit stain you left in your pants (this was a question posed to me at work joke)?
Yes... Hoobastank "The Reason"... I loved "Out of Control"... too bad the rest of the cd didn't sound like/the self-titled.
3: So you are forced to choose between saving the life of a baby panda or saving the life of a baby seal...which do you choose?
Panda. They're furry.
4: How do you take your coffee/tea? If you do not drink any what sort of hot beverages do you comsume?
TEA! I don't like iced tea unless it's shaken-tea-lemonade from starbucks. I take my regular tea English-Breakfast style (although others I do enjoy), with milk. and LOTS of sugar. LOVELY! And I don't like coffee
5: what is your FAVOURITE artical of clothing in your closet??
My Easy Street Records hoodie [A record store in Seattle]
And my stretchy long-sleeve shirt.
Why your babies are they devils so terribly of the charming ones when I said them they must be to do the completely happy cakes?
Yes... well maybe.. it depends if the oven is on or not.
"HAHHA HOOBASTANK! HAHAHAhAHAHA That has to be one of the most annoying bands on the planet! *le sigh*"
=O not mock the HOOB!
what do you think about when you hold a red ring pop up to the light?
what's the solution to pollution?
can you touch your nose with your tongue?
who's your favourite disney character and why?
what method of transportation do you prefer?
how do you feel about sponge bob squarepants?
what do you think about when you hold a red ring pop up to the light?
what's the solution to pollution?
can you touch your nose with your tongue?
who's your favourite disney character and why?
what method of transportation do you prefer?
how do you feel about sponge bob squarepants?