Est-ce que tu parle francais? Je sais qu'il doit y avoir un sadie, mais je ne sais pas comment faire ca sur l'ordinateur. Allors, je suis desole. (Le meme avec les accents.)
whats the coolest thing youve seen/done in Hawai'i... ha ... i guess the hotest thing.... I was too young to think anything was hot. Um. The coolest thing I've done in Hawai'i? Met the White Power Ranger. Ummm...what's your favorite make of car? Model? Color? Idk. But my car is goign to be maroon.
Sponge, what is your fave tv chanel and radio station? If I had fuse, it'd be fuse. But for now it's the Sundance Movie channel. And I don't listen to the radio enough, but when I do it's usually the one rock station we have, or the one that plays really soft, mellow music [but good stuff... like Bright Eyes and Bob Schneider... very classy music] how do you feel about ring pops? I LOVE THEM. They're so sophisticated and tasty! what do you think about when you hold a red ring pop up to the light? OOoooh Rubies! what's the solution to pollution? Fusion! can you touch your nose with your tongue? No.
who's your favourite disney character and why? STITCH. Hawai'i Duh. And Rafiki. what method of transportation do you prefer? Plane! or walking. how do you feel about sponge bob squarepants? I don't feel for him. In fact, I dislike him.
spongie, how do you feel about rose invading your forum? I'll survive. She won't.
Est-ce que tu parle francais? Je sais qu'il doit y avoir un sadie, mais je ne sais pas comment faire ca sur l'ordinateur. Allors, je suis desole. (Le meme avec les accents.) Only when the weather allows for it.
Have you ever been thirsty and had to pee at the same time? Doesn't it suck? Especially when you're taking finals... It does suck. Hopefully that doesn't happen to me tomorrow. MY LAST FINAL OF MY LAST 1ST SEMESTER OF HIGH SCHOOL. Sad.
I thought you were only 16. Oh well, You're a young senior. Wall paper or Paint? Well, it depends. If it's wallpaper like OK Go's, then most definitely wallpaper. But paint otherwise. My house is going to be so bright you'll die of happiness. Unless you don't like bright colors. Do you drink? I have once before, but the circumstances were well... I was in Scotland for a month w/o parents... and we had a curfew so we couldn't leave the building... and I would trust my lives with those people... so that's my only experience with ever actually drinking enough to get even a little drunk.
Do you smoke? If so, what do you smoke? Ew gross. I don't care if other people smoke, but I think the whole concept is gross. Are you a virgin? Yeah
What character in a movie would you most want to live the life of? (Mine is Penny Lane in Almost Famous) Jasmine from Aladdin. I'd have a pet tiger AND get Aladdin AND his magic carpet.
Good. Smoking is bad for you, and there's nothing wrong with drinking responsibly.
Ummm, so, Have you ever been in love?
Is Hamlet sane? Use quotes from the text to support your argument.
Do you like movies or theatre better?
Does Art reflect Life or does Life reflect Art?
What is your favorite subject in school?
What do you think of age differences in a relationship?
Where do you go when you're depressed? (I go to the park and swing)
How are you feeling? Do you have any disorders? Do you think people who go to therapy are crazy?
What magical power would you choose to posess?
Do you think happiness is an automatic response? In other words, do you think it's other people's job to make you happy? or is it a concious decision?
What would Jesus do? What would you do? Where does Buddha fit in to all of this?
How many fingers am I holding up?
What was your first kiss like?
Are these questions too personal?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
How many bottles of Beer (or the alchoholic beverage of your choice - mine is a martini, dry with a twist) would it take to drive to England to see Pandy? What would you do when you got there? Please be creative. I take way too much time to think up questions that won't be boring.
Ummm, so, Have you ever been in love? No ... well with OK Go, but at times, that's not enough.
Is Hamlet sane? Use quotes from the text to support your argument. I do believe Hamlet is sane, just scarred from his father's death. I also do believe my English teacher who taught it to us this year is crazy for thinking that all of Hamlet's motives are directed towards him wanting to have sex with Gertrude, his mother.
Do you like movies or theatre better? Tis' cheaper to fall asleep in a movie. Although, theatres do have their perks.
Does Art reflect Life or does Life reflect Art? Art reflects life, but your own life, because its your interpretation that defines who you are. What is your favorite subject in school? BAND. No, I'm serious. What do you think of age differences in a relationship? I don't know... I've never had one? I don't think age differences are important. Where do you go when you're depressed? (I go to the park and swing) To my room. It's really a bummer because I have no place to go really. That's why I'm going to Scotland.
How are you feeling? Do you have any disorders? Do you think people who go to therapy are crazy? I'm good. No I don't. And no I don't. I sometimes think I should(have) gone to therapy. I have a pretty twisted mind sometimes. But no one knows. What magical power would you choose to posess? Read people's minds. Or go back in time. Or teleport.
Do you think happiness is an automatic response? In other words, do you think it's other people's job to make you happy? or is it a concious decision? I think you can't control your happiness to a point, if that makes sense? Like, you can put yourself in happy situations, but it's a portion of your brain that controls it so like, you can't tell yourself "BE HAPPY" and have it work.
What would Jesus do? What would you do? Where does Buddha fit in to all of this? He would eat pie. So would I. And Buddha would join us, that fattie.
How many fingers am I holding up? 7. What was your first kiss like? I don't know. Haven't had one
Are these questions too personal? Nope
Do you know the way to San Jose? I can find one.
How many bottles of Beer (or the alchoholic beverage of your choice - mine is a martini, dry with a twist) would it take to drive to England to see Pandy? What would you do when you got there? Please be creative. I take way too much time to think up questions that won't be boring. Well. A lot, because driving on the ocean bottom, well. I'd have to be unconscious to do that. I would go to London. And see as many British bands as possible. And go to the Beatles museum. And hang out with Pandy of course.
if you're familiar with pearl... cadillac 64's questions or pearl's? I forget what questions pearl used to ask.
why aren't you answering my questions anymore? Sorry! I forgot to c&p that one!
do you like to chew gum? I do I do.
what do you think of people chewing gum? They're awesome. We should start a club!
whats your favorite eye color? The tastiest! Just kidding. Umm... I don't know? Green is cool. They take the best "eye" pictures.
do you like chocolate? I do I do. Milk chocolate.mmmm
what are u allergic to? Some weird Indian food.
are you afraid of foreigners? No I'm not. My entire family is made up of foreigners!
Have you ever dyed your hair? Which color? I put red streaks in it every once in a while. What was the nicest present you ever got? Umm... an Easy Bake Oven!!!
Do you have a secret that you've never told anybody? That I've told nobody? No.
What is a bad habit that you cannot quit? Twirling my hair. Which part of yourself do you like best (physically, mentally...)? I don't really get mad.
If you could be born again, would you like to be a man or a woman? Why? ... I don't know. That's a tough one. Probably woman again: cheaper auto insurance.
Is Hamlet sane? Use quotes from the text to support your argument. I do believe Hamlet is sane, just scarred from his father's death. I also do believe my English teacher who taught it to us this year is crazy for thinking that all of Hamlet's motives are directed towards him wanting to have sex with Gertrude, his mother.
What was your first kiss like?[/b] I don't know. Haven't had one
I agree. What's with English teachers and thinking every male character in every novel/play/whatever has an Oedipal complex?
[not a question but here's me hoping that you're not drunk when your first kiss happens, like I was haha]
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
What is one place/thing you've always wanted to go visit/see?
Do you have a Swiss Army knife? What do you (wish you could if not) use it for?
Do you believe that Hoobastank really is Jesus (H) Christ's middle name?
If you could be any kitchen utensil, which would you be?
Have you ever gotten a cold sore right at the bottom of your mouth, where your lower lip meets your jaw, like where the top of your chin is? Doesn't it suck?
What's your bedtime?
What's your favorite book?
Don't listen to your ridiculous English teacher. Hamlet had no Oedipal complex... freaking Oedipus didn't have an Oedipal complex. Stupid Freud. What is your opinion on Freud?
you'll have your chance to answer questions when you get the forum, but for now the spotlight is on our dear spongie...
spongie, how do you feel about rose invading your forum?
spongie - how does it feel to rock
I was too young to think anything was hot. Um. The coolest thing I've done in Hawai'i? Met the White Power Ranger.
Ummm...what's your favorite make of car? Model? Color?
Idk. But my car is goign to be maroon.
Sponge, what is your fave tv chanel and radio station?
If I had fuse, it'd be fuse. But for now it's the Sundance Movie channel. And I don't listen to the radio enough, but when I do it's usually the one rock station we have, or the one that plays really soft, mellow music [but good stuff... like Bright Eyes and Bob Schneider... very classy music]
how do you feel about ring pops?
I LOVE THEM. They're so sophisticated and tasty!
what do you think about when you hold a red ring pop up to the light?
OOoooh Rubies!
what's the solution to pollution?
can you touch your nose with your tongue?
who's your favourite disney character and why?
STITCH. Hawai'i Duh. And Rafiki.
what method of transportation do you prefer?
Plane! or walking.
how do you feel about sponge bob squarepants?
I don't feel for him. In fact, I dislike him.
spongie, how do you feel about rose invading your forum?
I'll survive. She won't.
how does it feel to rock
OH. Amazing.
Only when the weather allows for it.
Have you ever been thirsty and had to pee at the same time? Doesn't it suck? Especially when you're taking finals...
It does suck. Hopefully that doesn't happen to me tomorrow. MY LAST FINAL OF MY LAST 1ST SEMESTER OF HIGH SCHOOL. Sad.
Do you drink?
Do you smoke? If so, what do you smoke?
Are you a virgin?
What character in a movie would you most want to live the life of? (Mine is Penny Lane in Almost Famous)
Well, it depends. If it's wallpaper like OK Go's, then most definitely wallpaper. But paint otherwise. My house is going to be so bright you'll die of happiness. Unless you don't like bright colors.
Do you drink?
I have once before, but the circumstances were well... I was in Scotland for a month w/o parents... and we had a curfew so we couldn't leave the building... and I would trust my lives with those people... so that's my only experience with ever actually drinking enough to get even a little drunk.
Do you smoke? If so, what do you smoke?
Ew gross. I don't care if other people smoke, but I think the whole concept is gross.
Are you a virgin?
What character in a movie would you most want to live the life of? (Mine is Penny Lane in Almost Famous)
Jasmine from Aladdin. I'd have a pet tiger AND get Aladdin AND his magic carpet.
Ummm, so, Have you ever been in love?
Is Hamlet sane? Use quotes from the text to support your argument.
Do you like movies or theatre better?
Does Art reflect Life or does Life reflect Art?
What is your favorite subject in school?
What do you think of age differences in a relationship?
Where do you go when you're depressed? (I go to the park and swing)
How are you feeling? Do you have any disorders? Do you think people who go to therapy are crazy?
What magical power would you choose to posess?
Do you think happiness is an automatic response? In other words, do you think it's other people's job to make you happy? or is it a concious decision?
What would Jesus do? What would you do? Where does Buddha fit in to all of this?
How many fingers am I holding up?
What was your first kiss like?
Are these questions too personal?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
How many bottles of Beer (or the alchoholic beverage of your choice - mine is a martini, dry with a twist) would it take to drive to England to see Pandy? What would you do when you got there? Please be creative. I take way too much time to think up questions that won't be boring.
cadillac 64's questions or pearl's?
Is Hamlet sane? Use quotes from the text to support your argument.
I do believe Hamlet is sane, just scarred from his father's death. I also do believe my English teacher who taught it to us this year is crazy for thinking that all of Hamlet's motives are directed towards him wanting to have sex with Gertrude, his mother.
Do you like movies or theatre better?
Tis' cheaper to fall asleep in a movie. Although, theatres do have their perks.
Does Art reflect Life or does Life reflect Art?
Art reflects life, but your own life, because its your interpretation that defines who you are.
What is your favorite subject in school?
BAND. No, I'm serious.
What do you think of age differences in a relationship?
I don't know... I've never had one? I don't think age differences are important.
Where do you go when you're depressed? (I go to the park and swing)
To my room. It's really a bummer because I have no place to go really. That's why I'm going to Scotland.
How are you feeling? Do you have any disorders? Do you think people who go to therapy are crazy?
I'm good. No I don't. And no I don't. I sometimes think I should(have) gone to therapy. I have a pretty twisted mind sometimes. But no one knows.
What magical power would you choose to posess?
Read people's minds. Or go back in time. Or teleport.
Do you think happiness is an automatic response? In other words, do you think it's other people's job to make you happy? or is it a concious decision?
I think you can't control your happiness to a point, if that makes sense? Like, you can put yourself in happy situations, but it's a portion of your brain that controls it so like, you can't tell yourself "BE HAPPY" and have it work.
What would Jesus do? What would you do? Where does Buddha fit in to all of this?
He would eat pie. So would I. And Buddha would join us, that fattie.
How many fingers am I holding up?
What was your first kiss like?
I don't know. Haven't had one
Are these questions too personal?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
I can find one.
How many bottles of Beer (or the alchoholic beverage of your choice - mine is a martini, dry with a twist) would it take to drive to England to see Pandy? What would you do when you got there? Please be creative. I take way too much time to think up questions that won't be boring.
Well. A lot, because driving on the ocean bottom, well. I'd have to be unconscious to do that. I would go to London. And see as many British bands as possible. And go to the Beatles museum. And hang out with Pandy of course.
what do you think of people chewing gum?
whats your favorite eye color?
do you like chocolate?
what are u allergic to?
are you afraid of foreigners?
What was the nicest present you ever got?
Do you have a secret that you've never told anybody?
What is a bad habit that you cannot quit?
Which part of yourself do you like best (physically, mentally...)?
If you could be born again, would you like to be a man or a woman? Why?
cadillac 64's questions or pearl's?
I forget what questions pearl used to ask.
why aren't you answering my questions anymore?
Sorry! I forgot to c&p that one!
do you like to chew gum?
I do I do.
what do you think of people chewing gum?
They're awesome. We should start a club!
whats your favorite eye color?
The tastiest! Just kidding. Umm... I don't know? Green is cool. They take the best "eye" pictures.
do you like chocolate?
I do I do. Milk chocolate.mmmm
what are u allergic to?
Some weird Indian food.
are you afraid of foreigners?
No I'm not. My entire family is made up of foreigners!
Have you ever dyed your hair? Which color?
I put red streaks in it every once in a while.
What was the nicest present you ever got?
Umm... an Easy Bake Oven!!!
Do you have a secret that you've never told anybody?
That I've told nobody? No.
What is a bad habit that you cannot quit?
Twirling my hair.
Which part of yourself do you like best (physically, mentally...)?
I don't really get mad.
If you could be born again, would you like to be a man or a woman? Why?
... I don't know. That's a tough one. Probably woman again: cheaper auto insurance.
Do you like the Shins?
What is your dream date like?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is your favorite hobby?
Form of exercise?
Are you pc?
What do you think of cults?
I'm running out of good questions. Can you tell?
What is your one God given talent?
Do you have any odd abilities that you would like to share with the class?
Did you ever eat paste as a child?
What color eyes do you have?
Why did the baby cross the road?
I think that's all...for now!
What's the suckiest holiday prezzie you've ever gotten?
Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
How much do you not want me to go and study for my Shakespeare final so that I can sit here and ask you to answer more silly questions?
I do believe Hamlet is sane, just scarred from his father's death. I also do believe my English teacher who taught it to us this year is crazy for thinking that all of Hamlet's motives are directed towards him wanting to have sex with Gertrude, his mother.
What was your first kiss like?[/b]
I don't know. Haven't had one
I agree. What's with English teachers and thinking every male character in every novel/play/whatever has an Oedipal complex?
[not a question but here's me hoping that you're not drunk when your first kiss happens, like I was haha]
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
What is one place/thing you've always wanted to go visit/see?
Do you have a Swiss Army knife? What do you (wish you could if not) use it for?
Do you believe that Hoobastank really is Jesus (H) Christ's middle name?
Have you ever gotten a cold sore right at the bottom of your mouth, where your lower lip meets your jaw, like where the top of your chin is? Doesn't it suck?
What's your bedtime?
What's your favorite book?
Don't listen to your ridiculous English teacher. Hamlet had no Oedipal complex... freaking Oedipus didn't have an Oedipal complex. Stupid Freud.
What is your opinion on Freud?