Lol, I wouldn't order Hobby Lobby t-shirts online. They're just regular plain cotton shirts and they're like one or two dollars. If you don't have a Hobby Lobby, then try some where else. I'm sure Target or a clothing store would have more comfortable and cuter plain shirts, anyway.
(Note: this is not an advertisement, nor endorsement for the very fine merchandise and people who work at Target. My ex-boyfriend, Ratboy, worked there once so Target does have it's weak spots if they would hire him.)
Damn, you've really got it in for this guy. How recent of an ex are we talking? (If you don't mind my asking...)
Damn, you've really got it in for this guy. How recent of an ex are we talking? (If you don't mind my asking...)
No, I don't mind talking about that stuff. Ratboy and me broke up a little over a year ago, when I moved out West. And now he won't stop IMing me when I least want him to! Am I really that irresitible?...Probably not. Can I please shoot him with something? Maybe with a nice bee-bee gun? I promise not to hurt him....much.
That's what I get for dating the son of my teacher.
Alright, I'm gonna try quoting jedi_grrlie and see if I've got the quoting thing right. I'm such a dweeb. Why can't I figure out computer things better? lol, thanks to you both for the info on quoting
If it works, I'll stop posting stupid questions about quoting and do a happy dance.
Alright, I'm gonna try quoting jedi_grrlie and see if I've got the quoting thing right. I'm such a dweeb. Why can't I figure out computer things better? lol, thanks to you both for the info on quoting
If it works, I'll stop posting stupid questions about quoting and do a happy dance.
It's comforting to know that there are more computer illiterate people out there. I'm glad I'm not the only one. It took be FOREVER to make that signature.
It's comforting to know that there are more computer illiterate people out there. I'm glad I'm not the only one. It took be FOREVER to make that signature.
Ok, here's how bad I am. I don't even know what a signature is! Even though I keep hearing about signatures, I'm too afraid to say that I don't know what it is.
Ok, here's how bad I am. I don't even know what a signature is! Even though I keep hearing about signatures, I'm too afraid to say that I don't know what it is.
See the thingy at the end of every one of Karleigh's post that has Peaches the Penguin? And see the one I have, with Damian the Pirate Apple Rockstar Grammarian? Those are our signatures.
To edit yours, click on "My Controls" at the top of the screen, go to "Edit Signature" under "Personal Profile," and put what you want in the scrolly boxy thinger.
I don't know why but I love it when people mention me in their posts. I feel so special. This is almost as good as when random people were sticking up for me and my interview. Dude, this makes me warm inside.
See the thingy at the end of every one of Karleigh's post that has Peaches the Penguin? And see the one I have, with Damian the Pirate Apple Rockstar Grammarian? Those are our signatures.
To edit yours, click on "My Controls" at the top of the screen, go to "Edit Signature" under "Personal Profile," and put what you want in the scrolly boxy thinger.
Thank you for once again edumacating me! Now I wanna make my own signature, wheee!
That sounds like a fitting occupation. We should make a thread: "Katy and Karleigh Are Here To Edumacate YOU on (fill in the blank on things we should educate people on)." We could make T-Shirts.....
That sounds like a fitting occupation. We should make a thread: "Katy and Karleigh Are Here To Edumacate YOU on (fill in the blank on things we should educate people on)." We could make T-Shirts.....
T-SHIRTS! I'm all about the t-shirts!
Speaking of t-shirts, I've decided that I'm just going to do my "Free Damian!" one on a white tee with black printing/lettering. Just easier.
I have to wait to get back to school to make it now. I thought I needed my own printer, not realising that the isty bitsy printer to my right actually works. So, yeah. Also, I need a t-shirt, freezer paper, some kind of black fabric paint (screenprinting ink being preferable, but it may be difficult to locate and expensive), a stenciling brush, and more iron-on letters.
I wonder if Sally still has her screenprinting kit....hmm....
I also have to make my "Precious Suspicious Charming Vicious" shirt, too. I just need a shirt for that. And an iron. Gah.
Damn, you've really got it in for this guy. How recent of an ex are we talking? (If you don't mind my asking...)
Also, I found a lovely site on stenciling your own shirts and such. Yippee!!
No, I don't mind talking about that stuff. Ratboy and me broke up a little over a year ago, when I moved out West. And now he won't stop IMing me when I least want him to! Am I really that irresitible?...Probably not. Can I please shoot him with something? Maybe with a nice bee-bee gun? I promise not to hurt him....much.
That's what I get for dating the son of my teacher.
Really? Mine has to be a + for it to work.
Alright, I'm gonna try quoting jedi_grrlie and see if I've got the quoting thing right. I'm such a dweeb. Why can't I figure out computer things better? lol, thanks to you both for the info on quoting
If it works, I'll stop posting stupid questions about quoting and do a happy dance.
If it works, I'll stop posting stupid questions about quoting and do a happy dance.
It worked.
Yey! You all edumacate me so well!
Ok, here's how bad I am. I don't even know what a signature is! Even though I keep hearing about signatures, I'm too afraid to say that I don't know what it is.
See the thingy at the end of every one of Karleigh's post that has Peaches the Penguin? And see the one I have, with Damian the Pirate Apple Rockstar Grammarian? Those are our signatures.
To edit yours, click on "My Controls" at the top of the screen, go to "Edit Signature" under "Personal Profile," and put what you want in the scrolly boxy thinger.
To edit yours, click on "My Controls" at the top of the screen, go to "Edit Signature" under "Personal Profile," and put what you want in the scrolly boxy thinger.
Thank you for once again edumacating me! Now I wanna make my own signature, wheee!
I'm so proud.
Karleigh, we're edumacators now.
T-SHIRTS! I'm all about the t-shirts!
Speaking of t-shirts, I've decided that I'm just going to do my "Free Damian!" one on a white tee with black printing/lettering. Just easier.
Speaking of t-shirts, I've decided that I'm just going to do my "Free Damian!" one on a white tee with black printing/lettering. Just easier.
I would like one of these tshirts. I was THERE!
I have to wait to get back to school to make it now. I thought I needed my own printer, not realising that the isty bitsy printer to my right actually works.
I wonder if Sally still has her screenprinting kit....hmm....
I also have to make my "Precious Suspicious Charming Vicious" shirt, too. I just need a shirt for that. And an iron. Gah.