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  • 'Twill be an experience. Who's going to stalk ok go with me all through the UK?
  • Yeah I'll be in Europe in a year and a half, too....Fall 2007 baby.
  • Oh yeah, we need to organize this stalking/road trip. It'll be pretty sweet.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 4 2006, 05:02 PM)
    I'm new to AZ, what's the reason to avoid that place?

    Well, it's actually not so bad, as long as you're taking classes in the major you want. I didn't get the major I wanted, so school was horrendous. But I never though of myself as a business major anyway, so oh well, I had a 2.6 GPA in that. (My minor was Classics, and my GPA was a 3.6 in there with little effort. I LOVED that stuff!)

    The U of A also has a lot of Californians that attend because out-of-state tuition at the UofA is cheaper than in-state tuition at most CA schools. WEIRD.

    As for the Arizona State Scum, er, Sun Devils, well, they're supposed to be big partiers. tongue.gif

    I hope you enjoy Arizona. I just moved and I miss it already. sad.gif
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