I hope this is the right place for this. It's not "art", but it's fan-made and about OK Go, so I hope that counts. I couldn't figure out another thread that made more sense than this one.
Anyway, I made a video for IWYSBICB. I wanted to do a parody of the band, and that seemed like a good song to "go all rock-star" on. I'm actually hoping to make different kinds of videos for all the songs on OTBCOTS, but it's slow going (this one took me over 3 months), so I should be done around the time they come out with a new album. Also, I have no actual video-making skill, a crap camera and a crap editing program, so be kind. (and I have no idea how to embed stuff here, so you get a link to my YouTube, and apparently due to copyright weirdness they added advertisements, and if you're in Germany you're outta luck. Anyone who knows how to fix any of that, please clue me in, thanks!)
I hope this is the right place for this. It's not "art", but it's fan-made and about OK Go, so I hope that counts. I couldn't figure out another thread that made more sense than this one.
Anyway, I made a video for IWYSBICB. I wanted to do a parody of the band, and that seemed like a good song to "go all rock-star" on. I'm actually hoping to make different kinds of videos for all the songs on OTBCOTS, but it's slow going (this one took me over 3 months), so I should be done around the time they come out with a new album. Also, I have no actual video-making skill, a crap camera and a crap editing program, so be kind. (and I have no idea how to embed stuff here, so you get a link to my YouTube, and apparently due to copyright weirdness they added advertisements, and if you're in Germany you're outta luck. Anyone who knows how to fix any of that, please clue me in, thanks!)
(PS I'd say this is as good a place to post this as any, it isn't a cover because you're lip synching, not performing a version of the song, so go you.)
I keep watching and watching and watching... LOVE IT! I keep finding new favorite details (right now, the bit between :08 and :09 seconds is just making me SO happy!). I don't think you have anything to worry about in the video/editing skills department, my dear. You nailed it.
Oh, thanks so much, you guys! Christel, thanks for embedding the video. I tried and tried - no idea what I'm doing wrong. And, here is another link for you - a semi-secret link to some outtakes, if you are interested.
Mild warning for those of a delicate-eared nature: I say "G-d d--- it!" once. Sorry, it was a cursing kind of night when I filmed that part. Fortunately the recorder was off when I knocked over the light and broke the bulb all over my carpet. LOL
Anyway, thanks again for all your kind words. It's really nice to be able to share my video with folks who are up on the details of OK Go-ness. And really, just nice to be here with you all, in general.
If you want to embed video items here, the "embed" button (film strip icon) won't work properly. You have to click HTML and then cut and paste the embed code from You Tube and "Update" that.
Edited because it occured to me that "semi-secret" might mean "don't post it here"
I love the whole forgotten glasses sequence of the out-takes
Thanks again, Christel. I'll give it a try the next time I have cause. "Semi-secret" just means I'm not posting it on every available social media engine or making it public on YouTube. I could just as easily have said "bonus feature." LOL
Excellent work Raina! I've been thinking about doing something similar to this but either don't have the time or inclination at the time or both at the same time.
For having a crap editing program, you didn't pretty damn good.
Math required: 2 + 3 = 5. Who the hell put these small numbers in the Math Required! system? I'm kinda dying to be asked for the sine or cosine of a triangle.
Oh, thanks so much, you guys! Christel, thanks for embedding the video. I tried and tried – no idea what I'm doing wrong. And, here is another link for you – a semi-secret link to some outtakes, if you are interested.
Mild warning for those of a delicate-eared nature: I say "G-d d— it!" once. Sorry, it was a cursing kind of night when I filmed that part. Fortunately the recorder was off when I knocked over the light and broke the bulb all over my carpet. LOL
Anyway, thanks again for all your kind words. It's really nice to be able to share my video with folks who are up on the details of OK Go-ness. And really, just nice to be here with you all, in general.
I think you have to be used to the cursing to be an OK Go fan. How long do you think Dami can go without saying "F*ck?"
Math required: 2 + 3 = 5. Who the hell put these small numbers in the Math Required! system? I'm kinda dying to be asked for the sine or cosine of a triangle.
I agree. I love math. I guess Andy just likes to screw with his fellow nerds.
Thanks, Snack Cakes! (sorry, I'm slow at catching on to real names) I thought the red suit would surely be the hardest costume to put together, but it turned out to be pretty easy once I discovered that my Mom had a red wool (yes, very hot on an August evening!) blazer hanging around in her closet. My Dad had a short sleeve white shirt, and I have a pair of red workout pants (not exactly sweats, but not anywhere close to suit pants), and the tie is actually a black silk sash from a bathrobe. I had my husband tie it for me and then I tucked the long ends into the pants. Thank goodness the suit coat was long enough even when buttoned to hide the lumpy workout pants. LOL The things we'll do (or anyway, the things I will do) for OK Go are astonishing.
I had the hardest time with the two hats because no one I know has (or knows anyone who does and is willing to lend) a hat like that in either black or grey and I felt that to REALLY look like Dan or Tim the hats were absolutely necessary. By fortunate happenstance, my husband and I were trolling vintage clothing shops on a recent vacation and we found the hats for sale! Since I set the challenge of not spending any money on the video, we kind of bent the rules in that he bought the hats for me as a gift. hee hee. Anyway, absolutely everything in the videos I either owned already or borrowed from (admittedly perplexed) friends.
Hehe, on the names thing...If you really think about it, Snack_cakes's real name is kind of obvious. I love it :)
I don't really give mine out on the internets, but if you do some FB stalking like Amber and Jade and Christel, you'll find it.
P.S. You guys are creepers.
You posted links to yourself here. I did no creeping. I don't even think I did any journalistic-style research.
The internet is full of creepers, no matter what you do. I use my real name and I still get weirdos looking for "clues" behind my supposed "alias".
Hmm. Did I link to my facebook? I forget. I do remember that I did link to my youtube, and at one point I randomly came across Amber's FB while reading some comments on an OK Go post and felt compelled to PM her and tell her that I was a lurker.
No worries though, I don't open up freely to randoms but hey, if you somehow connected all my internet presences with each other, good for you. ;)
On a related topic, once I got a PM from a weirdo on YT who lives in Brazil or something, asking me to collaborate on a cover of DWYW. He wanted me to do the vocals. Not surprisingly, I said no.
I was bored while doing gesture drawings for homework, so I quickly whipped out a sketch of Damian, and followed with a sketch of Andy. I'll be doing Tim and Dan sometime later... I'm planning a group composition.
I was bored while doing gesture drawings for homework, so I quickly whipped out a sketch of Damian, and followed with a sketch of Andy. I'll be doing Tim and Dan sometime later... I'm planning a group composition.
I hope this is the right place for this. It's not "art", but it's fan-made and about OK Go, so I hope that counts. I couldn't figure out another thread that made more sense than this one.
Anyway, I made a video for IWYSBICB. I wanted to do a parody of the band, and that seemed like a good song to "go all rock-star" on. I'm actually hoping to make different kinds of videos for all the songs on OTBCOTS, but it's slow going (this one took me over 3 months), so I should be done around the time they come out with a new album.
Also, I have no actual video-making skill, a crap camera and a crap editing program, so be kind. (and I have no idea how to embed stuff here, so you get a link to my YouTube, and apparently due to copyright weirdness they added advertisements, and if you're in Germany you're outta luck. Anyone who knows how to fix any of that, please clue me in, thanks!)
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. This is craaazy! I just commented on it. That's really hilarious.
And if you were looking for a better place to classify it, you could put it in my Covers thread.
That's pretty much a place for homemade fan vids and whatnot.
Raina! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The hairbrush as a mike, the Andy costume, the pots and pans kit, pushing up the glasses. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!
Yeah, that was effing hysterical. Well done!!!
(PS I'd say this is as good a place to post this as any, it isn't a cover because you're lip synching, not performing a version of the song, so go you.)
I keep watching and watching and watching... LOVE IT! I keep finding new favorite details (right now, the bit between :08 and :09 seconds is just making me SO happy!). I don't think you have anything to worry about in the video/editing skills department, my dear. You nailed it.
I'll embed it for you:
And then I'll watch it again! :)
Oh, thanks so much, you guys! Christel, thanks for embedding the video. I tried and tried - no idea what I'm doing wrong. And, here is another link for you - a semi-secret link to some outtakes, if you are interested.
Mild warning for those of a delicate-eared nature: I say "G-d d--- it!" once. Sorry, it was a cursing kind of night when I filmed that part. Fortunately the recorder was off when I knocked over the light and broke the bulb all over my carpet. LOL
Anyway, thanks again for all your kind words. It's really nice to be able to share my video with folks who are up on the details of OK Go-ness. And really, just nice to be here with you all, in general.
If you want to embed video items here, the "embed" button (film strip icon) won't work properly. You have to click HTML and then cut and paste the embed code from You Tube and "Update" that.
Edited because it occured to me that "semi-secret" might mean "don't post it here"I love the whole forgotten glasses sequence of the out-takes
Excellent work Raina! I've been thinking about doing something similar to this but either don't have the time or inclination at the time or both at the same time.
For having a crap editing program, you didn't pretty damn good.
Math required: 2 + 3 = 5. Who the hell put these small numbers in the Math Required! system? I'm kinda dying to be asked for the sine or cosine of a triangle.
I think you have to be used to the cursing to be an OK Go fan. How long do you think Dami can go without saying "F*ck?"
I agree. I love math. I guess Andy just likes to screw with his fellow nerds.
Note: Just hit the big 1-5-0 post.
ZOMG autumnraina! They posted it on their FB page!!!
ZOMG is right! Wow. . . just wow.
(also, math: 4+1 hmmmm)
Your video is fantastic!
Love the power stance! And where did you find a red suit???
Great job!
Thanks, Snack Cakes! (sorry, I'm slow at catching on to real names) I thought the red suit would surely be the hardest costume to put together, but it turned out to be pretty easy once I discovered that my Mom had a red wool (yes, very hot on an August evening!) blazer hanging around in her closet. My Dad had a short sleeve white shirt, and I have a pair of red workout pants (not exactly sweats, but not anywhere close to suit pants), and the tie is actually a black silk sash from a bathrobe. I had my husband tie it for me and then I tucked the long ends into the pants. Thank goodness the suit coat was long enough even when buttoned to hide the lumpy workout pants. LOL The things we'll do (or anyway, the things I will do) for OK Go are astonishing.
I had the hardest time with the two hats because no one I know has (or knows anyone who does and is willing to lend) a hat like that in either black or grey and I felt that to REALLY look like Dan or Tim the hats were absolutely necessary. By fortunate happenstance, my husband and I were trolling vintage clothing shops on a recent vacation and we found the hats for sale! Since I set the challenge of not spending any money on the video, we kind of bent the rules in that he bought the hats for me as a gift. hee hee. Anyway, absolutely everything in the videos I either owned already or borrowed from (admittedly perplexed) friends.
Hehe, on the names thing...If you really think about it, Snack_cakes's real name is kind of obvious. I love it :)
I don't really give mine out on the internets, but if you do some FB stalking like Amber and Jade and Christel, you'll find it.
P.S. You guys are creepers.
You posted links to yourself here. I did no creeping. I don't even think I did any journalistic-style research.
The internet is full of creepers, no matter what you do. I use my real name and I still get weirdos looking for "clues" behind my supposed "alias".
Hmm. Did I link to my facebook? I forget. I do remember that I did link to my youtube, and at one point I randomly came across Amber's FB while reading some comments on an OK Go post and felt compelled to PM her and tell her that I was a lurker.
No worries though, I don't open up freely to randoms but hey, if you somehow connected all my internet presences with each other, good for you. ;)
On a related topic, once I got a PM from a weirdo on YT who lives in Brazil or something, asking me to collaborate on a cover of DWYW. He wanted me to do the vocals. Not surprisingly, I said no.
I was bored while doing gesture drawings for homework, so I quickly whipped out a sketch of Damian, and followed with a sketch of Andy. I'll be doing Tim and Dan sometime later... I'm planning a group composition.
They're here on tumblr if anyone's interested. C:
Ack I can't see them! Is something wrong with my internets?
Oh, they seemed to have dissapeared! Here, I uploaded them with imageshack.
And I finished Dan yesterday, and Tim's being sketched out.