Ok so some of us fans have known the boys for quite a while. I personally was not a fan way back when the boys paraded around in jeans and t's, but I have seen some pictures and I must admit seeing them when they are not in a suit is not a bad thing.

So I want everyone elses opinion too. Also if you are one of the die-hard fans of 20-something years, post some pre-paisley pictures. Here is what I have to contribute.
Damian solo, but I love this picture
And that's all I'm doing for now. Enjoy.
*feels dumb for having to ask this* Is Burleigh the one all the way to the right? 'Cause he's cuuuuuuute. Hee.
I'm so torn about this question. I do have to admit, I really do like the suits and the paisley and the patterns and such. Pam does have a good point in saying that a LOT of other bands are doing the same/similar thing right now. Even though I haven't seen a band with quite so many mixed patterns all at once. (But if there is one, I'll take back this point.) And I'm all about Damian and the pink. Pink is good.
But...jeans, Chucks and rock n' roll just seem made for each other, don't they? I totally appreciate the fact that Dan still wears Chucks.
It's so hard to decide.
My fave pre-suits pic:
Shirt look familiar, anyone?
i love when he wears that colt 45 shirt
And yes, Katy, that's Burleigh on the far right.
Okay. I'm going to stop doing that now.
And yeah, it's either the black button down, or the Colt 45 shirt
Goodness gracious me! So young! So cute! Stop posting pictures, I have finals to study for!
dude i have the same wristband as tim!! oooh he has such great taste lol.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I miss their old wardrobe.
but that being said...they look awesome regardless. whether they are wearing suits or regular clothes their own style still comes through. i mean, if you put damian or tim in the crappiest, most unattractive clothes you could possibly find...i'm pretty sure they'd still look awesome.
But definitely keep posting pictures! It's such a shame I can't find more in Google searches or what have you.
i'm too lazy to pick a pic or two to post, as i've posted all these before, but feel free to browse my old OK Go live pics at photobucket:
password: shades
but i remember reading an interview where tim said that dressing in jeans and a shirt everyday was getting dull, so i can understand the appeal of dressing up like you own a yacht everyday.
He did what?!