someone sent me this damian interview, and i couldn't help but notice this:
1. Do you think a secret agent can survive with only a sassy roundhouse kick alone?
What would you suggest she have in her arsenal?
For a secret agent to survive, her roundhouse kick must be anything but sassy. Sassy gets you noticed, sassy raises suspicions, sassy gets you caught. A truly exceptional secret agent must be intelligent, brave, witty, and fine-smelling. A truly exceptional secret agent must be able to blend in yet stand apart, must be fluid and translucent, must be flexible yet firm. To be successful, she must be able to commandeer any vehicle, u t i l i z e any weapon, sit through any movie. She must have gumption, and she must, above all else, be really, really persnickety.
hehe, it still makes me giggle to see my name in the blog... especially since it stated that i got extra points, i thought i lost all my points (gained for my mention of the amish) when i disparaged my own vocabulary...
Damian needs to see that.
Damian needs to see that.
I actually knew that, and every time I hear the song, it's kind of confusing because Damian should know better. I actually used the proper use of "decimate" in a story I wrote, and my creative writing teacher gave me 10 bonus points. But damian is only human.
Because that's how it's spelled in Americaland?
'cause z's are cooler than s's...
But didn't he say that there is no actual need for the word u tilize? As I recall he claimed that it means the exact same thing as "use" and thus has no use other than to sound smarter than "use." And he's wrong. Dead wrong! *insert maniacal laughter here*
you guys all u tilize this thread to confuse me. Ha ha ha ha!!