and the rule is if ANYBODY here spoils the end to Stargate SG-1 for me I will fucking hunt you down and skin you alive. ... Just sayin'.
This year I have had at LEAST four tv show endings spoiled for me. The last thing I want is for the entire series of Stargate SG-1 to be spoiled for me Yeah that's true. After all, it was cancelled after season 4 (or 5) years ago and another station picked it up. Fingers crossed it happens again, but I doubt it.
just kidding!
If another station picks it up, I can garuntee you it won't be as good as it was when Sci Fi picked it up. The budget Sci Fi channel gave them was enormous compared to what it originally was, and I doubt many other tv stations could afford it(especially RDA's salary alone, haha). I think they decided to end it because it's kind of fizzing out anyway, and pouring lots of money into it won't fix the problem. I heard since they're continuing Atlantis, they're probably going to have a lot of crossover characters. So we might just have regular guest spots or something on Atlantis, which I definitely wouldn't have a problem with, haha.
Sniff. There has been no "STARGATE SG-1 PICKED UP BY NEW STATION" news and it is very upsetting. Woe! IDK if I can live the rest of my life without more Michael Shanks and RDA to perve on.
Sniff. There has been no "STARGATE SG-1 PICKED UP BY NEW STATION" news and it is very upsetting. Woe! IDK if I can live the rest of my life without more Michael Shanks and RDA to perve on.
Shanks has been in quite a few tacky low budget sci fi movies. You can always watch those.
... Just sayin'.
This year I have had at LEAST four tv show endings spoiled for me. The last thing I want is for the entire series of Stargate SG-1 to be spoiled for me
Yeah that's true. After all, it was cancelled after season 4 (or 5) years ago and another station picked it up. Fingers crossed it happens again, but I doubt it.
just kidding!
If another station picks it up, I can garuntee you it won't be as good as it was when Sci Fi picked it up. The budget Sci Fi channel gave them was enormous compared to what it originally was, and I doubt many other tv stations could afford it(especially RDA's salary alone, haha). I think they decided to end it because it's kind of fizzing out anyway, and pouring lots of money into it won't fix the problem. I heard since they're continuing Atlantis, they're probably going to have a lot of crossover characters. So we might just have regular guest spots or something on Atlantis, which I definitely wouldn't have a problem with, haha.
Shanks has been in quite a few tacky low budget sci fi movies. You can always watch those.
and as for MacGuyver on DVD!
Does that make me weird?
Oh thank God, I'm not the only one. Ahahaha.