i will definitely be at irving. the boys ALWAYS put on an amazing show there and i always have pretty good memories from that place. one of my fave venues
still iffy about starland though, but we'll see.
by the way way welcome....errr...poopyhead1013. haha. intersting name.
lol the number 1013 will always be linked to the xfiles for me. if it has nothing to do with that, i'm just gonna shut up now before i prove how much of a dork i am...
well it depends when it is and what time because yeah Irving is fantastic but it's really hard to find a decent train back to NJ after 12(and all there shows see to run pretty late). my mom lets me do that in the summer but during the school year w/ all this college application stuff I don't know. hopefully it's not too late so i can go.
I've never been to Starland, is that in nyc or hoboken?
i will definitely be at irving. the boys ALWAYS put on an amazing show there and i always have pretty good memories from that place. one of my fave venues
still iffy about starland though, but we'll see.
by the way way welcome....errr...poopyhead1013. haha. intersting name.
lol the number 1013 will always be linked to the xfiles for me. if it has nothing to do with that, i'm just gonna shut up now before i prove how much of a dork i am...
Cinnamon lips gets a BIG gold star!!!
FINALLY, someone get's my x-files reference....the poopyhead part comes from an episode (Arcadia), where they call eachother Honeybunch and Poopyhead. A fellow fan started calling me poopyhead, and I called her honeybunch.
Dork? Nah, just a connoisseur of good sci-fi, not just good music.
Out of context, the reference is just wierd....may be time for a new online name.
FINALLY, someone get's my x-files reference....the poopyhead part comes from an episode (Arcadia), where they call eachother Honeybunch and Poopyhead. A fellow fan started calling me poopyhead, and I called her honeybunch.
heh, i always liked that episode (actually, that season was pretty good...). its nice to see another xfiles fan on the board lol. i was completely obsessed with the show (actually, more like MULDER!) from the ages of 12-16. for some reason, the obsession is starting to be rekindled this year. I actually saw Trust the Man on thursday night just to get a glimpse of the beautiful DD in action and went to a Conan taping last week to see him...well and Conan and OK Go, of course. man, all 3 of my teenage years' obsessions jammed packed into 1room! you can ask my friend, i left the taping practically catatonic!! haha
QUOTE (Jellobomb @ Sep 16 2006, 09:33 AM)
well it depends when it is and what time because yeah Irving is fantastic but it's really hard to find a decent train back to NJ after 12(and all there shows see to run pretty late). my mom lets me do that in the summer but during the school year w/ all this college application stuff I don't know. hopefully it's not too late so i can go.
I've never been to Starland, is that in nyc or hoboken?
Starland is a Friday night in Sayreville (thats getting into Southern Jersey...Perth Amboy area-ish. Not Hoboken unfortunately )
Irving PLaza is a Saturday, which im really impressed by. I cant remember the guys playing a saturday at irving EVER. sweeeet.
heh, i always liked that episode (actually, that season was pretty good...). its nice to see another xfiles fan on the board lol. i was completely obsessed with the show (actually, more like MULDER!) from the ages of 12-16. for some reason, the obsession is starting to be rekindled this year. I actually saw Trust the Man on thursday night just to get a glimpse of the beautiful DD in action and went to a Conan taping last week to see him...well and Conan and OK Go, of course. man, all 3 of my teenage years' obsessions jammed packed into 1room! you can ask my friend, i left the taping practically catatonic!! haha Starland is a Friday night in Sayreville (thats getting into Southern Jersey...Perth Amboy area-ish. Not Hoboken unfortunately )
Irving PLaza is a Saturday, which im really impressed by. I cant remember the guys playing a saturday at irving EVER. sweeeet.
Holy crap,
Ditto to everything...went to the Conan taping (# 42 on standy), I stalked the xfiles (crashed the set and was an xtra in Fight Club) and am now enthusiasticallly fanatic about OK Go. Although a bit older than my teens for the xfiles stuff.
We're you waiting with a few people outside the studio after the show? I was solo and standing the right of the entrance. They came out at 7:15 (just as I was going to call it a day)! Hugs and kisses from all. I hope to arrange to "bump" into them again when they get into the tri state area. Shots for everyone - including you girl!
i was on standby too! #19 haha (trust me, i wouldnt have been there so early if i didnt live 1 block away)
and no, i was seriously gonna wait after the show with my friend but she was hungry and since i could only make grunting sounds after losing my ability to speak because of my mind being so blown, we concluded it would be better for me to make an ass of myself in front of them another day
i will definitely be at irving. the boys ALWAYS put on an amazing show there and i always have pretty good memories from that place. one of my fave venues
Really????? I fucking HATE Irving Plaza. Every time I go there, the crowd is full of snot-faced teenyboppers who are a royal pain in my ass.
Really????? I fucking HATE Irving Plaza. Every time I go there, the crowd is full of snot-faced teenyboppers who are a royal pain in my ass. *wants to go....is in another country*
I am looking forward to Starland Ballroom. It's a longer schlep, but I think it'll be worth it as it's much more intimate than Irving Plaza (if I remember correctly...it's been loooooong time since I've been there). But, there will be more to do after the show in NYC.
The band seem to have a young fan base...I'm hoping to be corrected on that perception and find out that I am not the only person over the age of 25 at the shows.
In another country? Yeah, I'm sure it sucks to be in France.....you poor, poor baby. You'll just have to drown your sorrows in baguettes, croissants, and french pastries.
In another country? Yeah, I'm sure it sucks to be in France.....you poor, poor baby. You'll just have to drown your sorrows in baguettes, croissants, and french pastries.
And in the fact that I just saw OK Go two nights ago....
Really????? I fucking HATE Irving Plaza. Every time I go there, the crowd is full of snot-faced teenyboppers who are a royal pain in my ass. *wants to go....is in another country*
i guess i just have fond memories of that place because it was the site of my first ok go concert where i met the band (and Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore!) for the first time, have gotten into the VIP section for 2 of their shows, and never had a major problem with the crowd. sometimes they can be a bit pushy, but whatev.
QUOTE (poopyhead1013 @ Sep 17 2006, 11:32 AM)
The band seem to have a young fan base...I'm hoping to be corrected on that perception and find out that I am not the only person over the age of 25 at the shows.
well, i have a feeling this time around there are gonna be a LOT of teens at the show. could be wrong. afraid my friends and i arent over 25 though either (we're 21.) sorry
i'm young so i gues i don't mind other young people but i hate when they start moshing at shows where you shouldn't. I think my head will explode if they start moshing to like Sufjan Stevens or something , lol.
i'm young so i gues i don't mind other young people but i hate when they start moshing at shows where you shouldn't. I think my head will explode if they start moshing to like Sufjan Stevens or something , lol.
Don't get me wrong or beat up by a bunch of teenagers....I just don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.....Ya know...."who's the older chick in the back? She come pedefile or somthin'?"
...and Jedigirl....love your pics from the Paris show....if only there was "smell-o-vision" for the internet. Damian looks like he could use a bath.
AND Ms. CLips.....I desperately need to get pointers from you on crashing the VIP section at Irving Plaza....oh, pleaz learn me in the ways of the stealth and sly groupie......
I guess that closes up this string of posts. I wanted to get an idea of who on the boards might be in at the NYNJ shows.
Don't get me wrong or beat up by a bunch of teenagers....I just don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.....Ya know...."who's the older chick in the back? She come pedefile or somthin'?" ...and Jedigirl....love your pics from the Paris show....if only there was "smell-o-vision" for the internet. Damian looks like he could use a bath. AND Ms. CLips.....I desperately need to get pointers from you on crashing the VIP section at Irving Plaza....oh, pleaz learn me in the ways of the stealth and sly groupie......
I guess that closes up this string of posts. I wanted to get an idea of who on the boards might be in at the NYNJ shows.
Peace, love and joy all....
I am desperately trying to plan a trip to NYC around the time they'll be at Irving Plaza...and I guarantee I am older than you. So you won't be the oldest person in the room, by a long shot. We've got the plane tix on hold, now if we can just get a decent hotel for less than 400 a night!
And yes, I want tips on crashing the VIP section! So do share
I am desperately trying to plan a trip to NYC around the time they'll be at Irving Plaza...and I guarantee I am older than you. So you won't be the oldest person in the room, by a long shot. We've got the plane tix on hold, now if we can just get a decent hotel for less than 400 a night!
And yes, I want tips on crashing the VIP section! So do share
I HIGHLY recommend checking hotels in Jersey City, NJ. Why would anyone stay in NJ? Well attached is the view from the waterfront where hotels like the Hyatt Regency, Doubletree Inn, Marriott and Candlewood Suites are located. You don't get that view from the city itself. Second, the PATH train is within 3 blocks of all of these hotels and it's a 5 min. trip to downtown NYC (Greenwich Village) or 20 min. to midtown/times square. So, if you don't mind a train ride into the city (the PATH trains are cleaner than NYC subways for the most part and the stations are safe and nice - Pavonia Newport is the stop for the Doubletree, Marriot and Candlewood - and it's next to a mall)
Right now the Candlewood suites list their room rate at $171 per night. They are a few block from the PATH train, though.
The Marriot is listing at $174 and they are literally across the street from the Path train. I would DEFINITELY book this one. There are some swanky restaurants across the street as well. A Starbucks is around the corner, too! A nice waterfront walk will provide you the best view of NYC you will ever see.
I think that's your best deal.
(the second pic was taken from my rooftop on the anniversary of 9/11 )[attachment=257:attachment][attachment=258:attachment]
I HIGHLY recommend checking hotels in Jersey City, NJ. Why would anyone stay in NJ? Well attached is the view from the waterfront where hotels like the Hyatt Regency, Doubletree Inn, Marriott and Candlewood Suites are located. You don't get that view from the city itself. Second, the PATH train is within 3 blocks of all of these hotels and it's a 5 min. trip to downtown NYC (Greenwich Village) or 20 min. to midtown/times square. So, if you don't mind a train ride into the city (the PATH trains are cleaner than NYC subways for the most part and the stations are safe and nice - Pavonia Newport is the stop for the Doubletree, Marriot and Candlewood - and it's next to a mall)
Right now the Candlewood suites list their room rate at $171 per night. They are a few block from the PATH train, though.
The Marriot is listing at $174 and they are literally across the street from the Path train. I would DEFINITELY book this one. There are some swanky restaurants across the street as well. A Starbucks is around the corner, too! A nice waterfront walk will provide you the best view of NYC you will ever see.
I think that's your best deal.
(the second pic was taken from my rooftop on the anniversary of 9/11 )[attachment=257:attachment][attachment=258:attachment]
Thanks for the information, we'll look into it. I am so jealous that those are your views from where you live...if you can't tell, NYC is my fantasy city. That's why combining two things I love--NYC and OKGO--is so exciting for me. We'll make this trip happen--also looking forward to a headlining show. Now, if we can just guarantee VIP section or after party....
there is no way i could ever guarantee vip or after-party. (lol ok go 'afterparty' is so funny to think about)
i'm sure the boys chill with their friends in the city and seeing as how they either have girlfriends or are married or what have you, they probably dont really care for anyone else's company i'm guessing. but good luck and god speed
Because it's my home state and it's fucking awesome?
Nah, I agree with poopyhead- it's far easier to stay in Jersey and take the PATH or NJ Tansit into the city than it is to try to find a cheap and decent hotel in the city. *hearts NJ Transit, in spite of being tired of seeing Penn Station all the time...*
QUOTE (poopyhead1013 @ Sep 17 2006, 08:15 PM)
...and Jedigirl....love your pics from the Paris show....if only there was "smell-o-vision" for the internet. Damian looks like he could use a bath.
He didn't smell actually, from what I remember......I dunno', I mean, I don't usually go up and sniff him or anything, haha, that'd be awkward....
Anyone going to the Starland Ballroom or Irving Plaza shows in November?
'Cause your damn Skippy I am!
I got two word for ya "After Party".
When does the Irving Plaza show go on sale? I'm planning on going.
still iffy about starland though, but we'll see.
by the way way welcome....errr...poopyhead1013. haha. intersting name.
lol the number 1013 will always be linked to the xfiles for me. if it has nothing to do with that, i'm just gonna shut up now before i prove how much of a dork i am...
I've never been to Starland, is that in nyc or hoboken?
still iffy about starland though, but we'll see.
by the way way welcome....errr...poopyhead1013. haha. intersting name.
lol the number 1013 will always be linked to the xfiles for me. if it has nothing to do with that, i'm just gonna shut up now before i prove how much of a dork i am...
Cinnamon lips gets a BIG gold star!!!
FINALLY, someone get's my x-files reference....the poopyhead part comes from an episode (Arcadia), where they call eachother Honeybunch and Poopyhead. A fellow fan started calling me poopyhead, and I called her honeybunch.
Dork? Nah, just a connoisseur of good sci-fi, not just good music.
Out of context, the reference is just wierd....may be time for a new online name.
FINALLY, someone get's my x-files reference....the poopyhead part comes from an episode (Arcadia), where they call eachother Honeybunch and Poopyhead. A fellow fan started calling me poopyhead, and I called her honeybunch.
heh, i always liked that episode (actually, that season was pretty good...). its nice to see another xfiles fan on the board lol. i was completely obsessed with the show (actually, more like MULDER!) from the ages of 12-16. for some reason, the obsession is starting to be rekindled this year. I actually saw Trust the Man on thursday night just to get a glimpse of the beautiful DD in action and went to a Conan taping last week to see him...well and Conan and OK Go, of course.
I've never been to Starland, is that in nyc or hoboken?
Starland is a Friday night in Sayreville (thats getting into Southern Jersey...Perth Amboy area-ish. Not Hoboken unfortunately
Irving PLaza is a Saturday, which im really impressed by. I cant remember the guys playing a saturday at irving EVER. sweeeet.
Starland is a Friday night in Sayreville (thats getting into Southern Jersey...Perth Amboy area-ish. Not Hoboken unfortunately
Irving PLaza is a Saturday, which im really impressed by. I cant remember the guys playing a saturday at irving EVER. sweeeet.
Holy crap,
Ditto to everything...went to the Conan taping (# 42 on standy), I stalked the xfiles (crashed the set and was an xtra in Fight Club) and am now enthusiasticallly fanatic about OK Go. Although a bit older than my teens for the xfiles stuff.
We're you waiting with a few people outside the studio after the show? I was solo and standing the right of the entrance. They came out at 7:15 (just as I was going to call it a day)! Hugs and kisses from all. I hope to arrange to "bump" into them again when they get into the tri state area. Shots for everyone - including you girl!
and no, i was seriously gonna wait after the show with my friend but she was hungry and since i could only make grunting sounds after losing my ability to speak because of my mind being so blown, we concluded it would be better for me to make an ass of myself in front of them another day
Really????? I fucking HATE Irving Plaza. Every time I go there, the crowd is full of snot-faced teenyboppers who are a royal pain in my ass.
*wants to go....is in another country*
*wants to go....is in another country*
I am looking forward to Starland Ballroom. It's a longer schlep, but I think it'll be worth it as it's much more intimate than Irving Plaza (if I remember correctly...it's been loooooong time since I've been there). But, there will be more to do after the show in NYC.
The band seem to have a young fan base...I'm hoping to be corrected on that perception and find out that I am not the only person over the age of 25 at the shows.
In another country? Yeah, I'm sure it sucks to be in France.....you poor, poor baby. You'll just have to drown your sorrows in baguettes, croissants, and french pastries.
And in the fact that I just saw OK Go two nights ago....
*wants to go....is in another country*
i guess i just have fond memories of that place because it was the site of my first ok go concert where i met the band (and Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore!) for the first time, have gotten into the VIP section for 2 of their shows, and never had a major problem with the crowd. sometimes they can be a bit pushy, but whatev.
well, i have a feeling this time around there are gonna be a LOT of teens at the show. could be wrong. afraid my friends and i arent over 25 though either (we're 21.) sorry
Don't get me wrong or beat up by a bunch of teenagers....I just don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.....Ya know...."who's the older chick in the back? She come pedefile or somthin'?"
...and Jedigirl....love your pics from the Paris show....if only there was "smell-o-vision" for the internet. Damian looks like he could use a bath.
AND Ms. CLips.....I desperately need to get pointers from you on crashing the VIP section at Irving Plaza....oh, pleaz learn me in the ways of the stealth and sly groupie......
I guess that closes up this string of posts. I wanted to get an idea of who on the boards might be in at the NYNJ shows.
Peace, love and joy all....
...and Jedigirl....love your pics from the Paris show....if only there was "smell-o-vision" for the internet. Damian looks like he could use a bath.
AND Ms. CLips.....I desperately need to get pointers from you on crashing the VIP section at Irving Plaza....oh, pleaz learn me in the ways of the stealth and sly groupie......
I guess that closes up this string of posts. I wanted to get an idea of who on the boards might be in at the NYNJ shows.
Peace, love and joy all....
I am desperately trying to plan a trip to NYC around the time they'll be at Irving Plaza...and I guarantee I am older than you. So you won't be the oldest person in the room, by a long shot. We've got the plane tix on hold, now if we can just get a decent hotel for less than 400 a night!
And yes, I want tips on crashing the VIP section! So do share
And yes, I want tips on crashing the VIP section! So do share
I HIGHLY recommend checking hotels in Jersey City, NJ. Why would anyone stay in NJ? Well attached is the view from the waterfront where hotels like the Hyatt Regency, Doubletree Inn, Marriott and Candlewood Suites are located. You don't get that view from the city itself. Second, the PATH train is within 3 blocks of all of these hotels and it's a 5 min. trip to downtown NYC (Greenwich Village) or 20 min. to midtown/times square. So, if you don't mind a train ride into the city (the PATH trains are cleaner than NYC subways for the most part and the stations are safe and nice - Pavonia Newport is the stop for the Doubletree, Marriot and Candlewood - and it's next to a mall)
Right now the Candlewood suites list their room rate at $171 per night. They are a few block from the PATH train, though.
The Marriot is listing at $174 and they are literally across the street from the Path train. I would DEFINITELY book this one. There are some swanky restaurants across the street as well. A Starbucks is around the corner, too! A nice waterfront walk will provide you the best view of NYC you will ever see.
I think that's your best deal.
(the second pic was taken from my rooftop on the anniversary of 9/11 )[attachment=257:attachment][attachment=258:attachment]
Right now the Candlewood suites list their room rate at $171 per night. They are a few block from the PATH train, though.
The Marriot is listing at $174 and they are literally across the street from the Path train. I would DEFINITELY book this one. There are some swanky restaurants across the street as well. A Starbucks is around the corner, too! A nice waterfront walk will provide you the best view of NYC you will ever see.
I think that's your best deal.
(the second pic was taken from my rooftop on the anniversary of 9/11 )[attachment=257:attachment][attachment=258:attachment]
Thanks for the information, we'll look into it. I am so jealous that those are your views from where you live...if you can't tell, NYC is my fantasy city. That's why combining two things I love--NYC and OKGO--is so exciting for me. We'll make this trip happen--also looking forward to a headlining show. Now, if we can just guarantee VIP section or after party....
i'm sure the boys chill with their friends in the city and seeing as how they either have girlfriends or are married or what have you, they probably dont really care for anyone else's company i'm guessing. but good luck and god speed
Because it's my home state and it's fucking awesome?
Nah, I agree with poopyhead- it's far easier to stay in Jersey and take the PATH or NJ Tansit into the city than it is to try to find a cheap and decent hotel in the city. *hearts NJ Transit, in spite of being tired of seeing Penn Station all the time...*
He didn't smell actually, from what I remember......I dunno', I mean, I don't usually go up and sniff him or anything, haha, that'd be awkward....
Ok Go w/ French Kicks
$20 Doors open at 8 PM ON SALE: 9/23 @ 1PM
i dont really like the french kicks (but at least they're pretty to look at)
and $20!? damn. irving got expensive.