QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Mar 10 2007, 02:02 AM)
you have robin hood on also YOU MUST WATCH ROBIN HOOD he was on buzzcocks the week before
aw man I LOVE Robin Hood, or should i say "hoodie" We've had a couple of eps in Australia and I'm totally hooked. The family think it's lame but I know deep inside they love it too.
WOO! I def love Robin Hood, great show, I even stayed up to watch the marathon of the first few episodes a few weeks ago, it was great. I wish I lived in England land so I could catch all them good shows, I only have BBC America to live on.
mmm I keep missing Robin Hood- Saturady nights at 9 is not a good time for me. Like tonight, I was in the car for three hours coming back from my cousin's first communion. thankfully, I've been able to find the episodes online and keep up that way.
so lately i've taken to watching never mind the buzzcocks on the youtube
i'm actually thinking it may be better than spicks and specks (the aussie copy). NMTB has more banter and less questions, which makes it funnier
i like the newer host simon amstell (sp?). he's really good at cutting people down but still seeming like a cool guy i'm quite sure it's the way he says "ladies and gentlemen". makes him seem all proper and lovely
hurrah! for more british telly!
and robin hood has become one of my favourite shows now. ooh nmtb with robin hood was amazing!!
haha that's how I watch it too... being stuck in America. we don't even have a copy version of it... which i'm actually glad about.
now I'm just waiting for it to start up again... and watching the office (uk and us), doctor who, and robin hood online.
you know, before I discovered british television, I used to be able to say, "I don't watch tv" and actually mean it. now I just fudge the truth because I'm not actually watching the tv, I'm watching tv shows on my computer.
i was talking to my friend about british tv today and she told me to watch robin hood. you guys obviously love it. i really must check this out now. haha. i feel like i'm missing out now.
excellent! another person converted to watching the wonders of robin hood!!
i've been trying to get people to watch, just so i have people to discuss it with. but you'd be suprised at how many people just laugh at you and sing the robin hood song. seriously
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Riding through the glen, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, With his band of men...........
i was talking to my friend about british tv today and she told me to watch robin hood. you guys obviously love it. i really must check this out now. haha. i feel like i'm missing out now.
Ah, to be honest, I was never keen on Robin Hood.. I don't think you're missing out on much.
Doctor Who used to be good. And I wanted to watch for David Tennant, as he is seriously gorgeous. But now I can't even bring myself to do that...
Seriously, guys, you don't get much better than Green Wing or Hustle.
was bloody good though, and it had one of my comedy heros joe, on
from adam and joe
he was on buzzcocks the week before
I'm so happy
i have been missing out on somthing good..
he was on buzzcocks the week before
aw man I LOVE Robin Hood, or should i say "hoodie"
and British tv is amazing!
thankfully, I've been able to find the episodes online and keep up that way.
i'm actually thinking it may be better than spicks and specks (the aussie copy). NMTB has more banter and less questions, which makes it funnier
i like the newer host simon amstell (sp?). he's really good at cutting people down but still seeming like a cool guy
i'm quite sure it's the way he says "ladies and gentlemen". makes him seem all proper and lovely
hurrah! for more british telly!
and robin hood has become one of my favourite shows now. ooh nmtb with robin hood was amazing!!
we don't even have a copy version of it... which i'm actually glad about.
now I'm just waiting for it to start up again... and watching the office (uk and us), doctor who, and robin hood online.
you know, before I discovered british television, I used to be able to say, "I don't watch tv" and actually mean it. now I just fudge the truth because I'm not actually watching the tv, I'm watching tv shows on my computer.
i've been trying to get people to watch, just so i have people to discuss it with.
but you'd be suprised at how many people just laugh at you and sing the robin hood song. seriously
Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
Riding through the glen,
Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
With his band of men...........
Ah, to be honest, I was never keen on Robin Hood.. I don't think you're missing out on much.
Doctor Who used to be good. And I wanted to watch for David Tennant, as he is seriously gorgeous. But now I can't even bring myself to do that...
Seriously, guys, you don't get much better than Green Wing or Hustle.
Doctor Who used to be good. And I wanted to watch for David Tennant, as he is seriously gorgeous. But now I can't even bring myself to do that...
Seriously, guys, you don't get much better than Green Wing or Hustle.
hustle is greatness
is this ep 4 or 5?
im hoping its only number 4!
danny(not micky) blue eyes can steal anyones heart =p
Nooo! Danny is the cute one!!
Mickey's the one who isn't in it anymore. I miss him.