haha, that's awesome. Lemme guess, "Don't Bring Me Down"? or are there new jump-off-the-stage-worthy covers? You must have been very close to Damian when he jumped into the crowd.
Pssh. Do you know how many times I've seen that man show off his happy trail?
I am still bummed that I didn't think ahead to take a picture of it at the mall this summer. It was sooo close, and it was major. Holy moly. *flagellates self* I also agree that that Andy picture is lovely.
haha, that's awesome. Lemme guess, "Don't Bring Me Down"? or are there new jump-off-the-stage-worthy covers? You must have been very close to Damian when he jumped into the crowd.
I second that question--what was the cover? *dashes off to view pics & vids* Oh, those are nice (the pics). I like blurry effect on the fourth one. I LOVE the eighth one, with the pigeon-toed stance. And I just looked at that happy trail one again, and ...
it is painfully beautiful. Seriously.
Brings a tear to the eye.
That video is cool. When did they do it? Was it in the midst of the show, or something separate? From the pics here and the one on the MySpace blog with the video projection in back, it looks like they've really snazzed up the live show!
That is awesome! I second that question--what was the cover?
From a GREAT review in The Hollywood Reporter:
The group is known for eclectic choices in cover songs, and this night brought a frantic rendition of the Damned's punk classic "Neat Neat Neat" and ELO's backbeat blaster "Don't Bring Me Down."
Complete review is here ('though its thoroughness is lackin cuz it makes no mention of happy trail sightings)
The group is known for eclectic choices in cover songs, and this night brought a frantic rendition of the Damned's punk classic "Neat Neat Neat" and ELO's backbeat blaster "Don't Bring Me Down."
I just saw that in the other thread. But thanks! I need to look up a clip of that song ("Neat Neat Neat"). Not sure if I know it.
Also got the answer to my "when was the acoustic bit" question above.
('though its thoroughness is lackin cuz it makes no mention of happy trail sightings)
Nice picture! I'm kind of sad that I didn't take a picture of Damian when he was in the crowd at last night's show in SF because I was very close to him when he walked into the crowd.
the others are all very good too.
and I'm way jealous that they played a million ways acoustic-y! not that I've heard any of their songs live, but that's still really really cool.
That' s a lovely Rusty photo!!!! I'm soooo in love with him!!
Pssh. Do you know how many times I've seen that man show off his happy trail?
That' s a lovely Rusty photo!!!! I'm soooo in love with him!!
OMG Rusty is the sexiest.
Lemme guess, "Don't Bring Me Down"? or are there new jump-off-the-stage-worthy covers?
You must have been very close to Damian when he jumped into the crowd.
I also agree that that Andy picture is lovely.
Lemme guess, "Don't Bring Me Down"? or are there new jump-off-the-stage-worthy covers?
You must have been very close to Damian when he jumped into the crowd.
*dashes off to view pics & vids* Oh, those are nice (the pics). I like blurry effect on the fourth one. I LOVE the eighth one, with the pigeon-toed stance. And I just looked at that happy trail one again, and ...
it is painfully beautiful. Seriously.
Brings a tear to the eye.
That video is cool. When did they do it? Was it in the midst of the show, or something separate?
From the pics here and the one on the MySpace blog with the video projection in back, it looks like they've really snazzed up the live show!
Vinca15, you slapped Andy's butt??
I second that question--what was the cover?
From a GREAT review in The Hollywood Reporter:
The group is known for eclectic choices in cover songs, and this night brought a frantic rendition of the Damned's punk classic "Neat Neat Neat" and ELO's backbeat blaster "Don't Bring Me Down."
Complete review is here ('though its thoroughness is lackin cuz it makes no mention of happy trail sightings)
The group is known for eclectic choices in cover songs, and this night brought a frantic rendition of the Damned's punk classic "Neat Neat Neat" and ELO's backbeat blaster "Don't Bring Me Down."
Also got the answer to my "when was the acoustic bit" question above.
Nice picture! I'm kind of sad that I didn't take a picture of Damian when he was in the crowd at last night's show in SF because I was very close to him when he walked into the crowd.