Hey, the other thread got too long and I just wanna discuss this video purely.
Amagad. Hm.
I don't know what to say. All the acts were really interesting and all, but I think they could've changed the background at least a couple of times. And a shot of their beautiful faces couldn't hurt either :/
I'm so hurt to say this, but, I like the old one better... the one with the jumping camera angles, I mean. Actually that tour one is cute too! Gah!
i never watch music tv though, but i can imagen this getting over played alot in america?
which is a good or bad thing deppending on your veiw of it all
But I have always liked the other video, and I think I like it more than this one. But I'm watching it on the www.mtv.ca overdrive and videos never look good on that... so maybe thats why I'm not blown away.
Also theres moments in the vid where I giggle, but thats about all it does for me. I don't think this video does much for the song. I don't get the overwhelming urge to rock out, or play on segways or even dress up in paisely... just giggle and wonder if the boys are under any of the outfits.
But if thier objective is just to confuse people not into thier music already... I guess they've succeeded.
Ha. This review means nothing untill I can see the vid on the teevee.
But I do like the video. I think it's amazing from and artistic view; and Damian did a kickass job directing it.
But I was confused. Very confused. So you boys accomplished that aspect, too. Good job.
I mentioned this in another thread, but has anyone seen Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer" video from the 80s? I'm really reminded of his video when I watch this new one. The movement of the extras in some shots remind me of it. and the fact that it's an innovative video helps, too, becuase Sledgehammer was definitely innovative for it's time.
Sorry, I felt the need to share.
Oh and by the way, I like the actual video better than the one in my dream.
Dreaming OK Go videos?
If you get something original you should try emailing the idea to them....
So wait - you can't see their faces AT ALL???
Dreaming OK Go videos?
If you get something original you should try emailing the idea to them....
So wait - you can't see their faces AT ALL???
Haha will do.
Nope their faces are covered, much like they were at the grammys-only this time the pattern continues onto the 'masks'.
You mean Trish?
Well, i've also thought about it
Haha, cool. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
But it looked a hell of a lot better on tv . . . despite the fact that it was TRL . . . but still.
it said at the little blip on the bottom that Olivier Gondry directed it? Or did he just actually help with the direction with Damian?
Oh, and I JUST figured out that his brother is Michel Gondry. I think I might die now from over excitement.
Famous and cool directors.
I'm trying to think how I would have reacted to it if this were my first OK Go encounter & I think it would have piqued my curiousity - maybe not with the same intensity as the HIGA video - but enough that I would want to know more and go looking.
I imagine this video is exquisite to watch in high-definition. It's only drawback, in my mind, is a technical/strategic one about delivery to the unwashed masses. Youtube and online videos might render out the details too coarsely and some of it's secrets, twists, and beauty will be undiscovered until it gets seen in high-definition.
I'll have to go hang out in the Costco or Best Buy aisles and hope they show this on their big screen HD TVs
some of confuses me, some of it annoys me, but all in all i think its pretty good for what they were going for.
i just have to iterate how much that lizardish dance part scares me. its not even in synch.... but... now that i watch it again.... i think its growing on me.
did you notice that at the part with the pogos, there is only 3 of them. Poor Dan he probably sat that one out