ride a bike...my sis has this cool bike that she never uses, which means i can take it whenever i want, but my mom doesn't let me use it outside...im 16, god!...well, its cuz i live in a not so safe neighborhood, but still!
angie: tv...i can watch tv on the internet babycakes(Thats what im calling u now, k?): green..i love green!
would u rather... marry someone good looking with an ok personality or someone ok looking with an amazing personality, but you couldn't look at them or speak to them b4??
would u rather...
live ur life by "no i in threesome" or "not even jail"??? (interpol much?!?!?!)
Would you rather be an Oscar Mayer Weiner or yourself?
would u rather...
eat a snicker or reese's??????
Would you rather eat McDonalds or Arbys
would u rather...
have 100 pencils or 100 erasers????
Would you rather eat an apple with a worm or a sandwich with a roach?.........broach.
would u rather...
color ur room bright pink or lime green???
Would you rather go to summer camp or stay home?
would u rather...
get a new polaroid or digital camera???
Would you rather walk or ride a bike somewhere ?
would u rather...
be paralyed or have cancer???
Would you rather grow your own food or make your own clothes?
would u rather...
eat a burger w/ fries or pizza??? not very creative, i know
Would you rather be able to fly or see the future?
would u rather...
have an ability (invisibility, flying, etc) or be a genius???
Would you rather give up T.V. or the Internet?
Would you rather have a pink mohawk or a green one?
babycakes(Thats what im calling u now, k?): green..i love green!
would u rather...
marry someone good looking with an ok personality or someone ok looking with an amazing personality, but you couldn't look at them or speak to them b4??
Would you rather eat ricecakes or tofu?
lol kay!
would u rather...
become a vegetarian or never eat vegetables again???