In this Discussion

Would You Rather



  • drunk, i guess...but i dont like beer, maybe margaritas...

    would u rather...
    live ur life by "no i in threesome" or "not even jail"??? (interpol much?!?!?!)
  • hm. no i in threesome


    Would you rather be an Oscar Mayer Weiner or yourself?
  •, an oscar meyer weiner

    would u rather...
    eat a snicker or reese's??????
  • Snickers!

    Would you rather eat McDonalds or Arbys

    would u rather...
    have 100 pencils or 100 erasers????
  • 100 pencils. eraser would be pointless

    Would you rather eat an apple with a worm or a sandwich with a roach?.........broach.
  • with a worm...eww

    would u rather...
    color ur room bright pink or lime green???
  • lime green!!! biggrin.gif

    Would you rather go to summer camp or stay home?
  • stay home...i dont like to go out...the sun, not cool

    would u rather...
    get a new polaroid or digital camera???
  • digital camera!!!!! i want one so bad!!!

    Would you rather walk or ride a bike somewhere ?
  • ride a sis has this cool bike that she never uses, which means i can take it whenever i want, but my mom doesn't let me use it 16, god!...well, its cuz i live in a not so safe neighborhood, but still!

    would u rather...
    be paralyed or have cancer???
  • I'll go with cancer.

    Would you rather grow your own food or make your own clothes?
  • make my own clothes

    would u rather...
    eat a burger w/ fries or pizza??? not very creative, i know
  • Right now pizza, I've had burgers 2 days in a row (healthy, I know)

    Would you rather be able to fly or see the future?
  • fly...i'd save a lot on gas money

    would u rather...
    have an ability (invisibility, flying, etc) or be a genius???
  • Definitely have an ability!!! It sounds more fun =D

    Would you rather give up T.V. or the Internet?
  • tv ... i hardly ever watch it anyways. smile.gif

    Would you rather have a pink mohawk or a green one?
  • angie: tv...i can watch tv on the internet biggrin.gif
    babycakes(Thats what im calling u now, k?): green..i love green!

    would u rather...
    marry someone good looking with an ok personality or someone ok looking with an amazing personality, but you couldn't look at them or speak to them b4??
  • ok with amazing personality

    Would you rather eat ricecakes or tofu?

    babycakes(Thats what im calling u now, k?)

    lol kay!
  • rice cakes...although i hate both

    would u rather...
    become a vegetarian or never eat vegetables again???
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