In this Discussion

Would You Rather



  • Well they are practically the same thing, but I like the word muffin.

    Would you rather eat ear wax or a peace of skin from your feet?
  • ear wax...its not the first time, hahaha


    would u rather...
    have horrible breath or have ur stomach make gurgly sounds all the time????
  • gurgly sounds

    bad breath is baaaaad

    Would you rather go out with a guy who broke your heart unintentionally but you kinda like him but kinda hate him for hurtin you or a guy your not sure about and don't know that well but he is fun to be around?
  • um....the second one

    would u rather...

    wear braces for life or lick someones shoe????
  • lick someones shoe!!!!

    Would you rather be turned into an asparagus or a tomato?

  • tomato


    would u rather...
    be able sing really well or play an instrument really well???
  • ooo i'd say play an instrument really well. i would love to play guitar.

    Would you rather be crazy or a genius?
  • hmm...genius

    maybe crazy genius

    would u rather...
    go to germany or italy
  • ITALY!!!!

    i might meet some of my relatives there!!! (yea im part italian)


    Would you rather speak French or Italian?
  • french...since i know spanish i think it would be easy to learn italian

    would u rather...
    drink cat or dog pee???
  • oh god. . . . . . cat pee

    ughhh i hate that question

    would you rather be able to be invisible or be super fast.
  • invisible. i could sneak into concerts and back stage, maybe even their houses....unsure.gif

    would u rather...
    be forced to smell manure(sp?) or rotten corpses?????????
  • manure.

    Would you rather fall off a tall building or drown?
  • fall off a building...i'd die in an instant

    would u rather...
    be able to see/talk to ghosts or be psychic??
  • psychic.
    it would come in handy

    i dont believe in ghosts.
    i think when ppl die they dont spend their time here.
    theres more fun things to do.
    i dont think they can still be here.

    would you rather lose a butt cheek or loose a boob.
    tough choice
  • errrrrr..........shit.......umm......... butt cheek....
    a boob would be sad.

    Would you rather clean out a fridge thats really gross(im doin that now) or clean up dog crap?
  • Clean out a fridge, because then I'd have a sparkly clean, nice smelling fridge.

    Would you rather go through high school in the 50s, 60s, 70, or 80s?
  • 80' or 70's

    it would be more fun

    Would you rather be a geek or a dork?
  • dork...geeks r too, um....geeky? idk

    would u rather...
    drink from a yellow cup or from a blue one?
  • Yellow for sunshine!! biggrin.gif

    Would you rather get drunk or high?
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