In this Discussion

Would You Rather



  • i guess not b able to talk...idk, thats a weird question, haha

    would u rather marry julian(my avatar) or paul(my sig)????
  • I'm thinking Paul, but only coz I've heard you say how much you love Julian a lot more often, and I wouldn't wana do that to you lol.

    Would you rather go to Disneyland in Anaheim or Disneyworld in Florida?

    Also - I'M A THOUSANDAIRE!!! Woooop!!!
  • ^^^
    haha, awww..yeah, i would probably kill u, no matter how much i love u
    OH, and congrats...1000...woot!!!

    i guess disneyworld, since i can pretty much go to disneyland any time

    would u rather...
    live in new york or california????
  • Disneyland in Anaheim!!! woot!

    Would you rather be confident or intelligent? blink.gif
  • Vinnie - CALI!!! As excited as I am about NY, I miss SF too much

    And Hot-Shot - intelligent.
    I get my confidence from my intelligence, so it's win win really smile.gif

    Would you rather swim or sunbathe?
  • hmm i'd say swim. IMMA FISH blink.gif

    Would you rather be turned into a robot or a dinosaur!?

  •, i guess dinosaur cuz i could feel...

    would u rather...
    b mortal and have magical powers or live forever???
  • Magical powers I guess. But use those powers to live forever. because I really want that.

    would you rather invent something that saves the planet from the affects of global warming, or discover a cure for AIDS?
  • chkl

    i guess i would choose aids...

    would u rather...
    watch a really good movie w/ a really ugly actor/actress or an ok movie w/ a sexy one??
  • an ok movie w/ a sexy actor. biggrin.gif

    Would you rather smell like strawberries or melons? huh.gif
  • i guess melons...strawberries dont smell, i think blink.gif

    would u rather...
    get a new desktop or laptop???
  • LAPTOP!!!!!!! i want one sooo bad, i have a stupid desktop. it sucks.

    Would you rather be given an OK Go band member plushie toy or and OK Go bobblehead?
  • ^^plushie toy!!!!!!!!!

    would u rather...
    find 20 bucks or win them??
  • win them!! its more exciting.

    Would you rather have to listen to for twenty four hours straight The Strokes or OK Go?
  • the strokes!!!!!

    would u rather...
    read a book or watch the movie???
  • oo thats hard.

    watch the movie.... wait no read the book..............NO watch the movie....

    Would you rather eat jello or gummy bears?
  • gummy bear!!!!

    would u rather...
    have a life threatening disease or never see/listen anything ok go related
  • *sigh* i have to go with never see/listen anything ok go related.


    Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly?
  • hm...depends on the, i would b invisible, cuz i could sneak into the arctic monkeys concert biggrin.gif

    would u rather...
    get new shoes or have paolo sing u new shoes???
    (this is an obvious one)
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