In this Discussion

Paolo Nutini



  • lol sweeeeeet

    ok so i had some fun last night at the mall. saw a few hot guys.


    but no starbucks boy sad.gif


    i saw this one guy and he was about my height and had light brown hair sorta wavy, and he was way cute. me and my friend were walking in the mall and we were going around a corner and all of us sorta stopped cuz it was a traffic jam, so i got to get a good look at him, and he sorta looked at me. wink.gif
    and he had a cute friend who was a bit shorter than me with sorta that emo look.

    thennn i saw another guy who was emo, and his hair was wicked cool, it was about medium length maybe shorter and sorta spiked but sorta messy black.
    that was pretty much it.

    oh yeah and i was sitting in the food court and there is a spot where there is a counter and some stools to sit on with a divider in between and then on the other side another counter and more stools.
    so i was sitting there and i looked up and this guy was sorta peeking over the edge of the divider at me!! he was pretty cute, and he had light blonde hair and blue eyes.
    so then he saw me look at him and he ducked down. so then i peeked over the edge, and then i couldn't see him, but then all of a sudden he popped back up and then i ducked..

    laugh.gif laugh.gif
    it was funny.

    oo and I HAVE GOOD NEWS!!

    this year there is gonna be a new guy at our school, and he is totally cute!! of course he is gonna be a senior, but oh well!!
  • Aww cute story!

    There's this guy who used to go to my school.
    He was gorgeous.
    But then he graduated.
    He was really into film and stuff, and he's like in LA or something now and I wonder if he's going to be a big producer.
    He even has some professional pictures of him up on his myspace.

    Oooh, and I saw him like a week ago. Then my friend did. Yayy!!
  • QUOTE (nostabenitsirhc @ Aug 18 2007, 02:35 PM)
    Aww cute story!

    There's this guy who used to go to my school.
    He was gorgeous.
    But then he graduated.
    He was really into film and stuff, and he's like in LA or something now and I wonder if he's going to be a big producer.
    He even has some professional pictures of him up on his myspace.
    Oooh, and I saw him like a week ago. Then my friend did. Yayy!!

    cool, so has he made any films?
  • Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven't really checked out his work rolleyes.gif
    If you want to check him out click here.
    But shh!! Don't tell him I'm stalking him.
  • oo hes cute!
  • wub.gif Isn't he?

    But we shouldn't be talking about him in here!

    We should be talking about PAOLO!!!!

    (Help, I don't see how to make my font all colorful and such sad.gif !!)
  • if you go to add reply then you should be able to.

    i went to the Beckham game today and wow, he really is very good looking! He was like 20 feet away from me haha!

    and they were so many cute fans and stuff, and cute players. Soccer players are really the hottest athletes out there, so some advice to you girls...go to soccer games! haha laugh.gif

    i know it's not Paolo related, but still haha
  • I had totally planned to go for soccer players but then I saw some interviews with a few and they can hardly string a sentence together.
    I guess it's because they leave school so early to pursue football that education becomes secondary. Hence, i went off football players, you just couldn't live with someone so thick!

    These Streets is in my car atm, when it came on today I did my best paolo impression for you guys... well i thought of you... and how angry you'd be cause i butchered your beloved's music tongue.gif
  • Somehow, I missed the things at the top.
    Silly me.
  • Hi guys!

    I'm back from Houston. And I heard "These Streets" at Starbucks and "New Shoes" at Macy's.

    I can't "talk" much now. I'll read the thread later.
  • its been dead courtney sad.gif

    christine cute boy! smile.gif
  • rolleyes.gif

    ...I feel like I should say thanks...but that's just weird.
  • Yes, Courtney, we've missed you!!! wub.gif

    I was at V festival yesterday, my loves...
    It wasn't the day that Paolo was playing (I wish he was - I really want to be seduced by him the way you have, but it just hasn't happened!), but I spoke to a woman I met (while meeting OK Go, incidentally) who was there on that day, and she and her friend were waiting in the queue for the toilets, and her friend went "woah, look how buff he is!" and pointed at a guy who walked past. A moment later they realised that it was Paolo, hahahah! They were that *holds up fingers a couple of millimeters apart* close to him tongue.gif
  • I missed you too, my lovely living kumf!

    Whoa, that is mindblowing.

    I bet Paolo had passed by only to make you notice him. You playa you.
  • Lol, he didn't walk past me, unfortunately...
    He walked past my friend.
    Pity... I'd have loved to have met him and told you about you all... smile.gif
  • NO. You wouldn't.

    Yes, sure. I bet you have rockstars all lined up in your closet.
  • woah Electra, cool!!

    ya he would have thought we were crazy, but we are haha!
  • I think he would have crawled into a hole and never come back out.
  • Hahahha. No, I'd do it nicely.
    I'd tell him that I knew a group of absolutely gorgeous girls who would like nothing better than to get him alone for a few hours...

    Then I'd leave, enigmatically, and let his imagination wonder. And before you'd know it he'd be following me, wanting information on said gorgeous ladies. And I would take him to each of your houses in turn. Fair, no? wink.gif
  • No, no, my dear. This is how it really goes.

    QUOTE (Electra @ Aug 20 2007, 02:04 PM)
    I'd tell him that I knew a group of absolutely gorgeous girls who would like nothing better than to get him alone for a few hours...

    Muahaha, I think I've found a new hobby.
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