yeah that picture of the blue sirt looks, he's so hot that even when his hair looks like he's just gone out of bed it looks perfect...i envy him if i'd ever went to a photoshoot without brushing my hair i'd look like a whacko, certainly not like a hottie
P aolo
L ikes
E ating
M ilkfish
O pah!
That made no sense...
P lemolicious
I talian-Scottish
C rooner/cutie
That made sense but doesn't spell anything out.
mhmm i think my first one sums us up very well
L ikes
E ating
M ilkfish
O pah!
That made no sense...
P lemolicious
I talian-Scottish
C rooner/cutie
That made sense but doesn't spell anything out.
i love the milkfish one
its weirdness and nonsensicalness cracks me up.
P aolo
L oves
E aterys
M ucho,
O bviously
P aolo
L oathes
E very
M assive
O belisk?
is this a plemo off?
I think everyone should participate...
P aolo
L earns
E veryone
M isses
O ranges.
if you want to make it one
P aolo
L evitates
E verybody's
M olecular
O bsurditys
^ makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
P aolo
L ongs 2
E ncounter the
M onster
O gre
L obbing
I t &
C aging
I t
O ver
U nresolved
S quabbles
^sorta kinda.. not.
Wow, plemolicious. Gutsy.
P lease
L isten
E very
M iss's
O pportunity
L ies
I n
C ute
I talian-Scottish
O utrageously
U nbelieveable
S ingers
Wow. I'm pretty proud of that.
Wow, plemolicious. Gutsy.
P lease
L isten
E very
M iss's
O pportunity
L ies
I n
C ute
I talian-Scottish
O utrageously
U nbelieveable
S ingers
Wow. I'm pretty proud of that.
haha wow that totally owns mine
its gonna take me a while to top that.
and my brain sorta stopped functioning correctly about ten minutes ago lol
but just you wait
I'm waiting.
*does the little I'm watching you gesture*
I was always number one, got it? k, good.
and I'm too tired to participate in your plemo off...stupid school
I was always number one, got it? k, good.
and I'm too tired to participate in your plemo off...stupid school
...I don't remember you being number one.
As far as we know, Electra Fabulous could be number one.
Seeing as she's totally in love with that one Paolo picture.
we must at least once or twice a week post that paolorawrlicious pic just for her... muahahaha
i missez youz
*turns into crazy axe murderer and runs to Vinnie's school to "eliminate the problemo" [[aka teachers, admin etc]] *
guys i almost forgot about the Paolo and his Paolo rawrs...
... i want to do cool fonts and colours too...
weeeeee this is fun!
Seeing as she's totally in love with that one Paolo picture.
PSHTmnvjksdbkhbhjg! I am NOT in love with Paolo!!
B ringing
U ndeniably
F unny
F angirls
P aolo
L ove
E verafter
M eans
O ur
K isses
U nderstandably
M akes
F ucking!!
Lol does that make any sense?
now that doesn't make sense at all, i'm not really good at finding random words (at least in english) bah sad combination...
oh, how you all make me laugh.
haha jk
P aolo
L eads
E veryone
M ore
O r
L ess
I nto
C razy
I nherent
O verexcited
U ndefined
S pasms
i think courtney won the plemo off, unless its not over yet?
ooo paolo pic tiiimmee
needs hairbrush maybe? lol
i still love his tattoos
I dunno, there's so many to choose from.
I can't think of anything.
the smexy paolorawrlicious pic
oh how i wish to be a microphone
The one where he's wearing the blue shirt.
P lemo
A nd
O bviously
L oveable
O rganic
R ockstar
A lways
W orks
R addly
doesn't make sense... but yeah..