Thanks LolaBert!! Haha you have me a little worried now... i mean, i already think of sex everytime I think of Paul. What's going to happen now!!?? How dirty did that sound!? Oh well, you know you all do it too
Your story sounds pretty awesome! Carlos has inspired my short story about vampires /dracula that i have to write for english. He's going to be my "tall alluring" figure who gets with all the women. I'm so sick of bloody vampires! (oh dear, that pun actually wasn't intended... argh i hate vampires!!!)
Oooh "Julian Banks"!? That is a pretty spectacular name!
edit: i'm listening to the interview now... it's not the one i was thinking of. Every question they ask is dirty!!! and that woman has such an awful aussie accent!! ugh. i hope i don't sound like that, although i think i do wtf is with these people!!?? I would never answer those questions. I also wouldn't watch big brother
^^ haha, that interview is really personal. but, i mean, paul doesn't seem to mind answering the questions. its kind of weird. he seems to talk more about sex than his lyrics or music. idk.
I feel a little bit bad listening to it though, like it's too personal. I know he doesn't mind answering the questions but its just so intimate. idk it's strange. I reckon the woman has a thing for Paul and she's hoping that if she asks enough sex questions Paul will get annoyed and just give her a demo. I swear that's what she's aiming for
The accents are making me most uncomfortable though, they sound so bogan!!
it does seem like she likes him, who can resist him?!?! no one. he seems to make a joke out of all the questions tho, so i dont feel that bad listening.
and im sure u don't sound like them...ur voice is much sexier just like mine, hehe.
Haha, glad you, appreciated (I wouldn't go so far as to say enjoyed?) the interview!
Paul = sex. Great.
Vinnie - It was super personal wasn't it? But from how open he was, I think he knew beforehand that they were going to ask him all these really personal questions.
I reckon the woman has a thing for Paul and she's hoping that if she asks enough sex questions Paul will get annoyed and just give her a demo. I swear that's what she's aiming for
Bwah! So true! Nah, I'm sure you don't sound like that! The woman in question though, has a very broad, bogan accent. Too many high, rounded vowels...
An update on my Paul Banks obsession - that story? Has become something rather twisted. I can't help what I write! And I hope to God that no one will ever read what I have written, because if they do, they will probably think I am pathologically insane. Good job Interpol! haha
I will never be able to listen to "The Bare Necessities" the same way again.
^^ thanks a lot porridge , but i actually got that issue and uploaded a pic.
i sent that paul interview to my other paul-loving internet friend...and then she sent it to my younger brother. that was totally weird. and he was mad at me cuz i didn't tell him earlier...oh, that guy.
I've never felt umm.. like that listening to the bare/bear necessities in my life. I really hope I don't end up watching that movie anytime soon, I might scare some people. I'm sure Paul knew beforehand, especially since they were counting down the top sex songs and the top one was Paul's choice. Haha
I'm putting Interpol lyrics into my short story. I've got the start of Leif Erikson and a bit of PDA. It all just works so well with a vampire story! I'm actually a little bit excited about it now.
and porridge! I love you!!! awww you thought of us!?
yes of course i thought of you guys!! I literally opened it, turned to that page, and was like wait, i know him. And then I was like, "o i bet the Interpol boardies would love this!"
At the moment none of my story has been written but i've included random interpol lyrics and pictures in my journal (we have to write 2-3 pages a week about the writing process and our ideas etc) If you really want to read it I can post it when it's finished. Oh that reminds me of the story about the tappable violinist, i meant to show you guys but i lost it
I think i'll put this little gem in my journal tonight:
I wanna read JB's story! You *don't* wanna read mine, trust me Vinnie! Let's just leave it at that.
So I'm on the Interpol boards a bit and those guys are really...not that nice. They always talk about Paul's weight, and I'm thinking, "these guys are BLIND! He's as skinny as a stick!"
OMG, those two pics are hilarious!
Hee! Glad you thought the interview was funny amberdino!
oh, and they are mean!!! like making hostess advertisements with paul on them the poor little guy. and they dont stop with the amish and mob gangster thing.
hmm i only really go over there to see if there's any news, but now I have Vinnie- my official Interpol connection I don't like the way they make fights out of everything, i would be way too scared to post there!! Although, they do have quite the extensive photo section.
I love our board! She was down last night (which is why i was logged in all day) and it made me very sad I tried to check up on her at school but the site was blocked.
Haha LolaBert, you're just making us want to read it even more!!!
Nah, I'm sure you don't sound like that! The woman in question though, has a very broad, bogan accent. Too many high, rounded vowels...
haha I just noticed you said that, you can totally tell she's from Queensland!!! Don't worry, you're not from bogan QLD so it's ok
Haha you have me a little worried now... i mean, i already think of sex everytime I think of Paul. What's going to happen now!!??
How dirty did that sound!? Oh well, you know you all do it too
Your story sounds pretty awesome! Carlos has inspired my short story about vampires /dracula that i have to write for english. He's going to be my "tall alluring" figure who gets with all the women.
I'm so sick of bloody vampires! (oh dear, that pun actually wasn't intended... argh i hate vampires!!!)
Oooh "Julian Banks"!? That is a pretty spectacular name!
edit: i'm listening to the interview now... it's not the one i was thinking of. Every question they ask is dirty!!! and that woman has such an awful aussie accent!! ugh. i hope i don't sound like that, although i think i do
wtf is with these people!!?? I would never answer those questions. I also wouldn't watch big brother
haha, that interview is really personal. but, i mean, paul doesn't seem to mind answering the questions. its kind of weird. he seems to talk more about sex than his lyrics or music. idk.
oh, and don't worry...thats not nasty at all
idk it's strange. I reckon the woman has a thing for Paul and she's hoping that if she asks enough sex questions Paul will get annoyed and just give her a demo. I swear that's what she's aiming for
The accents are making me most uncomfortable though, they sound so bogan!!
"a demo" hahahahahahaahhaha
it does seem like she likes him, who can resist him?!?! no one. he seems to make a joke out of all the questions tho, so i dont feel that bad listening.
and im sure u don't sound like them...ur voice is much sexier
Haha yeah, our accents are way hot!
here's a rather fitting picture considering what i'm listening to right now and the topic of discussion... ahem
Paul = sex. Great.
Vinnie - It was super personal wasn't it? But from how open he was, I think he knew beforehand that they were going to ask him all these really personal questions.
Bwah! So true!
Nah, I'm sure you don't sound like that! The woman in question though, has a very broad, bogan accent. Too many high, rounded vowels...
An update on my Paul Banks obsession - that story? Has become something rather twisted. I can't help what I write! And I hope to God that no one will ever read what I have written, because if they do, they will probably think I am pathologically insane. Good job Interpol! haha
I will never be able to listen to "The Bare Necessities" the same way again.
oh, that Banksy
omg, and lolabert, i wanna read ur story!! and don't worry...there's nothing u can do that would make me think ur crazy
aww, and jb, that pic of paul...
edit: nevermind.. its downloading.
i was looking at this issue of Rolling Stone, and there's this interview with Paul. I just saw it and thought of you guys!!!
i tried finding the article, but i think it's not up since it like just came out.
thanks a lot porridge
i sent that paul interview to my other paul-loving internet friend...and then she sent it to my younger brother. that was totally weird.
I'm sure Paul knew beforehand, especially since they were counting down the top sex songs and the top one was Paul's choice. Haha
I'm putting Interpol lyrics into my short story. I've got the start of Leif Erikson and a bit of PDA. It all just works so well with a vampire story! I'm actually a little bit excited about it now.
and porridge! I love you!!! awww you thought of us!?
o JB, i love you too!!!!
This one struck my fancy
oh, and jb u have to post ur story!!!
yeahhhh that interview was quite something..
Oh that reminds me of the story about the tappable violinist, i meant to show you guys but i lost it
I think i'll put this little gem in my journal tonight:
I wanna read JB's story! You *don't* wanna read mine, trust me Vinnie! Let's just leave it at that.
So I'm on the Interpol boards a bit and those guys are really...not that nice. They always talk about Paul's weight, and I'm thinking, "these guys are BLIND! He's as skinny as a stick!"
OMG, those two pics are hilarious!
Hee! Glad you thought the interview was funny amberdino!
haha, ok...
oh, and they are mean!!! like making hostess advertisements with paul on them
I don't like the way they make fights out of everything, i would be way too scared to post there!! Although, they do have quite the extensive photo section.
I love our board! She was down last night (which is why i was logged in all day) and it made me very sad
Haha LolaBert, you're just making us want to read it even more!!!
Don't worry, you're not from bogan QLD so it's ok
i know!! that stupid board makes me appreciate this one so much more.
this community is ridiculous!!
i don't know why but i can't stop laughing at the dumb pictures.