as I couldn't find anywhere else appropriate to post this story... and it's a good story.
basically, whoever that reviewer was, he certainly has some sort of grudge against Interpol that has nothing to do with their music or content.... and also, don't you think NME would have something against their reporters writing like that? Especially when it has almost nothing to do with the subject he's supposed to be writing about...I mean, seriously, he's entitled to his own opinion, but in a review of Editors (who I have no problem with), his hatred of Interpol shouldn't factor into the discussion. Plus, he seems like a really angry person in general. I mean, overboard a bit? Gosh.
and also, this means that I'm SUPER EXCITED for the new album. like, this just increased it doubly... cause it's basically banished my suspicions of another sound-alike album. Not that Antics was bad, I really liked it and all, but
another Antics wouldn't be good. And if the band is
this proud of OLTA, then I can't imagine what it must be like. All I know is that it's gotta be crazy good.
(and feel free to discuss
anything, post pictures (hehe), etc. I just wanted to get the topic started.)
ahhhhhhh, milky, i love u
that guy is a fucken dumbass!!!!
i saw that story a few weeks ago (the NME article) and i just wanted to kill him...if i ever run into him, he wont be able to survive the wrath of angela!
omg, and yes, olta is gonna be the shit!!!
now, pics!!!!!!!
possibly my fav pic
i know!! so i should post more right? RIGHT!
hot stuff man..
okay so if you get paul, can i get daniel?
[i think thats his name.. the one thats second from the left on the first picture in the post above]
he seems quite lovely haha.
i <3 narc its so amazing. i can't stop listening to it.
you know what i just realized, i've never watched any interpol videos.. i shall check those out tonight.
Although I have to say, except for Carlos's 'stache, they look a TON better (younger, even!) now than they did at the end of the tour. It's amazing what almost a year and a half or rest 'n relaxation can do for a guy.
and now for some unabashed fangirlyness:
sigh. Daniel Kessler, you are amazing.
looks young in that one, and un-sideburned.
and paul, of course.
heck, Sam (Italian Stallion, hehe) and the vampire (aka Carlos) too
okay... I'm done. For today. =) gosh, now I miss 2005. but it's okay, because they're back, and that means even better times. =P
oh, and ambie, we definitely need to share Daniel. No way I'm giving him up completely, but we can share <3
hot stuff man..
okay so if you get paul, can i get daniel?
[i think thats his name.. the one thats second from the left on the first picture in the post above]
he seems quite lovely haha.
i <3 narc its so amazing. i can't stop listening to it.
you know what i just realized, i've never watched any interpol videos.. i shall check those out tonight.
haha, awwwwwwww
and sure, u can have daniel, but second from the left on the first pic on my post b4 this one is paul, so yeah, u can't have him, hehehe
oh, and i think obstacle 1 is the best vid!!! and evil is just creepy
they're all so classic, for different reasons.
like, Obstacle 1 is great just cause... you can't explain that one.
PDA is cool too, what with the flat drawings and all.
NYC is just epic, I was obsessed with that one for a very long time.
Slow Hands is so much fun, blowing everything up.
Evil is creepy, but I happen to be a fan of Norman (that's what they named him, right? @ the forums?) when he's not off being creepy, I think he's pretty adorable.
and C'Mere is amazing because of fake fire and Paul's glasses. there's no way you can beat that.
they're not doing vids for their new stuff, are they? sigh, they always had such good vids, but I don't blame them cause music videos do get sort of ridiculous.
And I think Sam & Carlos are feeling a bit left out of the loving.... I love them both, and I feel really bad, but my first allegiance is to Dan.
EDIT: gah, even more news.
I adore Newbury Comics, I can pre-order the special edition of OLTA and get an Interpol pint glass and the Heinrich Maneuver single.
the new site freaks me out a ton, esp. the 'live' page with all the carnage. but other than that it's pretty rad.
and why haven't they scheduled any Boston dates yet? gosh, I'm getting so impatient!
awww, yeah, all their videos r wonderful!
i think they are working on the video for heinrich maneuver tho...or at least they know who the director is going to be. i dont remember the guys name, but by the reaction on the board, im guessing hes good.
oh, and carlos and sam
sam is just adorable. i love him to pieces! omg, he seems like the nicest member of the group and hes a leo like me
and carlitos is just crazy. idk how anyone cannot like him.
he makes the silliest faces.
(although personally I enjoy Dan's faces more hehe)
and yeah, Sam is absolutely adorable. And his birthday is the same as one of my best friends' haha. I think it impressed me way more than it impresses her haha. although I swear that's not why I became friends with her! =P It's funny, cause Carlos' birthday is the day after mine... and Paul's is the same as a coupla people I'm friendly with.... and Daniel's, well, there's nothing personally special about his for me.... but oh well. Maybe I just have yet to meet someone with his birthday.
It's amazing, how much you can fall in love with each and every one of them individually, not only as a band. honestly, I never expected it to be like that. It's only happened a coupla times since (such as w/ Ok Go) and it's amazing every time, but Interpol was my first and I don't think I'll ever be over that.
and about the heinrich video, that's really good to hear. I knew they had gotten tired of being in vids, but I'm glad they still are, even if they don't actually appear in them (case in point Evil).
you can see how much I've missed by not being quite as active a fan as I used to be, though. I really ought to swallow my dislike of their forums and deal with it, if only to lurk and get news.
anxiously awaiting the release of our love to admire...
Was it your first time?!? I thought you'd seen their show before.
i'm so freakin excited!!! 2 weeks!!!!
In class today i discovered that no band sites have been blocked on the school computers, naturally i went straight to Interpol's!! i was playing the Heinrich Maneuver for everyone in our class and we watched videos together and it was sooooooo excellent!!! I love the C'mere vid for Paul's glasses too!! they're all really good!
then we went to the "Live" page and eveyone was a little freaked out... but it's all good cuz it's INTERPOL!
Ooooh thanks for the pics guys!! they're so lovely!!
I can't stop using exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!
anxiously awaiting the release of our love to admire...
I know what you mean- I was really lucky to see them in 2005, before they disappeared. That was two years ago, though, and I can't wait to see them again if they ever get around to Boston.
My dad agreed to pre-order the deluxe edition of olta from Newbury Comics for me.... today, hopefully. I'm excited.
the heinrich video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
its so weird.................ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
that was weird..
brilliant yes.. but weird. haha
F*UCKing copyright restrictions
that is so unfair.
ggrgagAFRWQGESXTHBIF DVMpohilnbjfrk dvmbcjnvmdefds
HAHA EDIT: i watched it on youtube and wtf?? i was expecting a safari or something
at first i thought it was carlos or sam running towards the girl and that daniel or paul would be on the phone. nup. i admit my initial reaction was not happy but then i started to see how it fits with the song. well a little bit. but not really. hah it grows on you
when i heard the director of Shadow of the Vampire was making it, i started to prepare myself for 3 minutes of safari animals mauling each other... how wrong i was
I don't get it.
like at all.
although I have to say I was expecting the girl to get hit.
and I guess they're still not showing up for their own videos.
I still don't know what to say, haha.
You can't deny that it's Interpol, though.
I definitely like Norman the puppet better, as far as really weird videos go.
edit: in other news, OLTA has apparently finally leaked. and I'm NOT going to download it. aren't you proud of me?
edit: in other news, OLTA has apparently finally leaked. and I'm NOT going to download it. aren't you proud of me?
I was suprised at how little love there is for Norman at the Interpol forum. I found him cute rather than creepy... the creepy thing for me was the number of times they zoom in on his crotch during his final dance scene. so odd.
aawww I'm proud of you! i heard it's been leaked too but i'm staying well away and i will only allow myself to listen/watch THM and Pioneer to the Falls (which are both fantastic btw!)
explica por favor.