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  • aw thats so awesome!!
  • unfortunately no aus dates yet =( but there is a spare week on either side of the Summersonic Festival Japan and bands always come to Australia when they do Japan (and vice versa) ALWAYS!!

    so yeah. they will come. ok?? PLEASE!!

    hey, is that interview meant to be just audio??
  • ^^^

    yeah, its just audio...its a radio station, and yeah

    OMG i really want to go to that listening part....but what r the chances of me wining tickets?!?!??!?!?!?!


    paul will be la...and i wont be able to see him sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif

  • ^^^ aawwww don't worry! you'll get tickets!! because you're cool! cool.gif hehe i hope you get it, that sounds really exciting!

    6 DAYS!! i think... when i went onto the australian websites they said July 12 =(
  • ^^^

    awwwwww sad.gif

    that sucks!!! but, still thats close...


    u can just download it on the 10th and buy it the 12th....

    omg, i dont know what i would do if i wasn't able to get the cd the day it came out

    the ppl at bestbuy get scared when i go buy my cds, hehe, im always toooooo excited...
  • laugh.gif new albums are so exciting! i think i'll get my Interpol friend to come with me so we can share the excitement. It feels like the right thing to do.

    I think i will have to download it because there's no way i can survive the "Harry Potter Movie Marathon" that's been planned for the next day without glorious Interpol!! There's a scary thought..
  • ^^

    hahah, awwwwwww


    i love all this interpol loving biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • me too!! it's nice to have an outlet for crazy behaviour =D

    interpol is HOT!

    haha i've been watching vids on their website and that mountain goat thing is really starting to scare me... it can see all!!!!!
  • ^^

    hahah, awwwww, wub.gif


    omg, its so close, omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

    EDIT: new interview
    interpol with zane lowe, radio 1
    *scroll down to about half way*
    (they play three new songs, heinrich, mammoth, and rest my chemistry)

    forward the player to 17:10 so u can listen to the interview.
  • ^^^^ you are my hero!! wub.gif

    extra points for telling me when to start listening to avoid hearing the new tracks!

    5 DAYS!! ish


    EDIT: vinnie, i forgot to tell you i had a dream about you last night!! (haha it's not creepy, i swear) Anyway, we were at some food place, like maccas, and Interpol were playing in the corner. So we ran over to them and started doing interpretive dance to their music... it was so COOL!
  • ^^^

    awwwww, i wub u JB!!!!!
    that does sound awesome!! i've always wanted to do some interpretive dancing biggrin.gif

    i had one interpol dream once...i met the whole band
    it was kind of weird cuz they were at my house and yeah, my dad was there...idk
    but i got a pic with paul! heheh

    that was awesome
  • ^that is a pretty amazing dream... but it doesn't only have to be a dream. Yes, i propose we also stalk Interpol...... or just Paul. Now all we need is an address biggrin.gif
  • ^^^

    hehe, yes!!!

    while we're in ny stalking julian biggrin.gif

    oh, that would be an awesome trip

    omg, if i saw them together, ahhh, i would die!!!
  • haha definately!! if we kidnap them both and put them in a room .... then they'll be together!!! haha

    but don't die, then half the fun would be gone

  • ^^


    if we keep them there long enough they'll crack, and learn to love us biggrin.gif biggrin.gif


    but omg, i might just faint a little. i might have to take electra, my handy dandy doctor.
  • oooh yes bring electra! haha i bet she'll just love running around after us crazy fangirls smile.gif

    i think this is a newish pic, going by the tash on fair carlos
  • ^^^

    omg, i hadn't seen it!!!


    is it from some magazine or something?!?!?


    its so hard keeping up with all these new articles/interviews/videos
  • im not sure where it's from, i just stumbled across it. it looks scanned though....

    oh sweetie, it is hard to keep up with all the new Interpol stuff, but you sure are helping me stay on top of it all!!! <3

    smile.gif biggrin.gif cool.gif
  • ^^

    hehe, thats good!!

    i have to spend hours on the interpol message board learning all these things!

    they're on top of EVERYTHING there

    the newletter helps tho.
  • they really are very brilliant over there!

    but i find that board makes you appreciate ours even more. we have no nastiness and Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore doesn't tell us off for talking about sexyness, as the Interpol mods do.

    imagine if we weren't allowed to plan stalking missions !!!!! !!! ! ! !!!!! !!!
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