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  • image
    awww carlos is sick sad.gif

    in other news.. i have a youtube account!

    i had to lie about my age and it wouldn't let me have the '!' but whatever. I feel official! biggrin.gif

    YES! make another Paul one!! please!!
  • ^^
    omg, noooooo

    awww, omg, this is not good. i feel like crying. wow, this is scary.

    i hope its nothing serious. hopefully just some explosive diahrrea or something, haha.

    oh, and ima add u as a friend biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • yeah, i really hope he's ok. They're speculating about what it might be on the imb and it's scary. People are saying it might have been a stroke... but I don't think any other shows have been cancelled. If it was super serious they would have already cancelled them... i hope.
    Anyway that's how I'm going to justify it.

    Oooh I accepted you as a friend!! biggrin.gif Aww you favourited my ron video!? You are awesome times infinity plus 100000000000000000
  • ^^
    haha, those mb ppl are dumb. but yeah, makes sense. i feel a little better now smile.gif

    oh, and yeah, hahah. its some sexy stuff! i had to favorite it. and of course im the max, hehe

    i just remebered that interpol always plays on jimmy kimmel, which is recorded in l.a. and has mini-concerts for bands that are big enough to fill the space, which interpol could totally do. ahhhhhhhhhhhh, i hope they do it. omg, i could see them again!! awwwww...omg omg omg omg omg omg
  • golly galoshes!!! that's so awesome! i hope they do it too! i'm sure someone will put it on youtube and then I can also "be there". hehe

    awww everything happens in la, i wanna go!!

    edit: oooh some sort of pirate ninja surgeon!! biggrin.gif
  • OMG, I hope everything is okay!!

    I hope they bring that band with them to aus!! I doubt it though, we'll end up with someone local. Hey, if i survived Wolf and Cub, i can survive ANY support band! (lolabert would understand ) They went on for 40minutes playing the same damn beat (with 2 drummers doing the same thing!! so unnecessary!), the bassist was completely off his face (worse than Paul in la route du rock) and it smelt really bad.

    Haha, when we went and saw W&C, I spent the entire time staring at one of the drummers. The hot one. Well, there used to be a hot one, but he left to be a uranium miner (!) and left the other ugly drummer and a new replacement drummer. But yeah, I'm not a big fan of W&C, but my friends are. They were playing the same night as OK Go and my friends kept on whining about how they wanted to see them instead.

    Yay! Tea party at my place! It'll be an imaginary tea party. Me and Paul will imagine both JB and Vinnie there. Except we don't really know what you look like, but that won't stop us!

    My friend says Paul has a lazy eye in all his photos. Is this true or is she just speaking blasphemy?
  • aw poor carlos sad.gif

    and paul mentions a lazy eye in "rest my chemistry" but i dunno i'll leave that question to the more knowledgeable.
  • QUOTE (Juniperberry! @ Aug 22 2007, 08:41 AM)
    golly galoshes!!! that's so awesome! i hope they do it too! i'm sure someone will put it on youtube and then I can also "be there". hehe

    awww everything happens in la, i wanna go!!

    haha, awww
    u should come!!!! in october!! so we can see interpol together biggrin.gif biggrin.gif oh, that would be sexy. omg, and i kind of have an extra ticket...COME!!

    QUOTE (LolaBert @ Aug 22 2007, 01:52 PM)
    Yay! Tea party at my place! It'll be an imaginary tea party. Me and Paul will imagine both JB and Vinnie there. Except we don't really know what you look like, but that won't stop us!

    My friend says Paul has a lazy eye in all his photos. Is this true or is she just speaking blasphemy?

    yay!! i can't believe i had tea with paul ohmy.gif
    oh, and yeah, sometimes it seems like he has a lazy eye, but i dont think so. there was this thread on the interpol mb. its more of lazy eyelid, if that makes any sense. haha.

    but who cares about that...hes still SEXY wub.gif
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Aug 22 2007, 11:52 PM)
    OMG, I hope everything is okay!!
    Haha, when we went and saw W&C, I spent the entire time staring at one of the drummers. The hot one. Well, there used to be a hot one, but he left to be a uranium miner (!) and left the other ugly drummer and a new replacement drummer. But yeah, I'm not a big fan of W&C, but my friends are. They were playing the same night as OK Go and my friends kept on whining about how they wanted to see them instead.

    Yay! Tea party at my place! It'll be an imaginary tea party. Me and Paul will imagine both JB and Vinnie there. Except we don't really know what you look like, but that won't stop us!

    My friend says Paul has a lazy eye in all his photos. Is this true or is she just speaking blasphemy?

    laugh.gif awww we were stuck with two ugly drummers when we saw w&c sad.gif
    Hey, Paul totally already knows what I look like... if you know what i mean wink.gif

    Let me know how the tea party goes! Perhaps there'll be some juicy gossip biggrin.gif

    QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Aug 23 2007, 05:48 AM)
    haha, awww
    u should come!!!! in october!! so we can see interpol together biggrin.gif biggrin.gif oh, that would be sexy. omg, and i kind of have an extra ticket...COME!!
    yay!! i can't believe i had tea with paul ohmy.gif
    oh, and yeah, sometimes it seems like he has a lazy eye, but i dont think so. there was this thread on the interpol mb. its more of lazy eyelid, if that makes any sense. haha.

    but who cares about that...hes still SEXY wub.gif

    omg that would be very sexy! aw I so wish I could come!! sad.gif

    I love Paul's lazy eyelid! It reminds me of a little kid, he's so adorable!!
  • ^^
    haha, awww

    it does make him adorable.

    those new pics on the imb - - - - - *drools*

    he should dress that fancy all the time biggrin.gif
  • Are these the ones where Paul has a Carlos-esque vest and it's all shiny?? That outfit is very very nice... but if you're talking about a different one biggrin.gif
    I'm going to have a lookie now!!
  • ^^
    haha, yes those ones

    biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

    very very nice...

    have u seen the bourges concert [2005]? i tried to upload it from the interpol mb and it wont work and paul is all sweaty and sexy in it sad.gif im scared to ask them to re upload or tell me how to play it :S
  • aw no, i haven't seen it, sorry! Can you still use youtube for basic functions? Mabye you could just download the parts you want from there.

    oh i think i saw pics from that one actually, he was looking very much like Julian eh? wub.gif
  • ^^
    haha, yes he was!!

    thats y i wanna download it biggrin.gif

    edit: i just saw a little bit of it on youtube cuz the search thing is working now
    i am no longer solid
    i have melted away
    paul has made me melt away.
  • awwwww wub.gif I'm going to have a look and join you in the melting!!

    edit: OMG


    haha he's so hot laugh.gif cuz he's sweating! ha ha... sorry
  • ^^

    u dont have to apologize!!!

    hes sexy. u can't help it if someones so sexy that u can't thing straight and just melt away, hehe.
  • you're very right about that.

    sad.gif i wish youtube was working properly!!
  • ^^

    me too!!!

    but these interpol vids are keeping me entertained until the site starts working biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
  • oh wow! he looks fantastic in Roland!!

    he make me melty girl mmmm

    wub.gif wub.gif

    and i love Roland as a song too! It's so perfect!! smile.gif

    edit: hello Daniel!!!! biggrin.gif woah!
    I downloaded it! Now I can watch meltyness everywhere!!! muahaha
  • ^^
    haha, awww

    ohmy.gif omg, where did u download it from?!?!?

    they all look fantastic. they deff dont give sam enough camera time sad.gif sad.gif

    omg, but in not even jail paul is wearing that stump-looking hat, gross, but still sexy, haha.
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