In A little While (accustic)Wikipedia says:
Hot Action Cop is an American Funk Rock/Rap Metal band.
they have plenty of songs with funky beats and lyrics about
sexI say:
Hot Action Cop are really rather bloody good, pretty much every song on the album is a diffrent style to the last, its like the 12 diffrent bands hot action cop could chose to be if they went in one of the directions of the songs, but instead they keep themselfs always making diffrent sounds...hence why its been like a 4 year gap since the first album
also, they gave the world "head full of crazy" so they are rather amazing for this
14 Sep 2007 20:00
Phoenix Hill Tavern w/ Ligion Louisville, Kentucky
22 Sep 2007 20:30
12th and Porter w/ Ligion Nashville, Tennessee
26 Sep 2007 20:00
Fire w/ Ligion Jackson, Mississippi
28 Sep 2007 20:00
Lucky’s Pub Wilmington, North Carolina
29 Sep 2007 20:00
Downtown Event Center Raleigh, North Carolina
4 Oct 2007 21:00
Melt Lubbock, Texas
12 Oct 2007 20:00
Wall Street w/ Ligion Murfreesboro, Tennessee
13 Oct 2007 20:00
(Show Cancelled) Ethyl’s Diner w/ Ligion Roswell, Georgia
20 Oct 2007 20:00
Gatsby’s Johnson City, Tennessee
26 Oct 2007 20:00
The Poison Room Cincinnati, Ohio
i wish i could see them, and i hope the new album is out soon...its been like 5 years already