^^^^ First of all - OMG Your Sig! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (DJRose @ Aug 9 2007, 03:31 PM)
Secondly. I think you might be glad to know that I think on some level the music industry is starting to realize what they've done. Their sales are plummeting, radio listenership is way down, and many people have switched to their MP3 players or Satellite radio. The radio industry in particular has been in a downright panic for the last 5 years as less and less people will tune into the crap they're pushing. I could expound on this for awhile, but I've got a work-related task that needs doing first.
QUOTE (DJRose @ Aug 9 2007, 03:31 PM)
And finally, what's wrong with singing high and having girly emotion? HA! Love ya! (Although, if you'd believe it, one of the criticisms I've gotten is that my voice is too high!)
High voices alone, outside of the rest of what I said, aren't annoying. I like plenty of singers with high voices. (My voice can go high too; one guy told me I talk in dog whistles. I just don't abuse it or always sing high because I can; when I do, it's usually rock and I belt, or I'm doing harmony).
I'm talking about the singers who use it to sound 12 years old, for one thing. Not my style; it's incredibly overdone and boring (to me) and I get uncomfortable listening to it, like I do watching cheesy musicals. I'd give examples but that's really (obviously) not a good idea--don't want to single out anyone and upset any fans if I don't have to. The rainbows and butterflies sentimentality is not my thing to the extent it is for other people, and if it were merely a matter of not listening to it, it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is, too often a woman either has to be that way, or a skank. There are too few Janis Joplins, Melissa Etheridges, Aretha Franklins, Alanis Morrisettes, Bonnie Raitts (I don't really even like country, but she's cool), Grace Slickses, Bree Sharps, Anne Wilsons, etc. these days. These are multi-dimensional women who seem to define themselves as people as well as women. You listen to them, and you don't feel as though you're getting the fact that they have vaginas shoved in your face through the whole CD. They're not always cutesy, and they're not always sentimental, if they are at all. (When they are, I tend not to like the song; unless of course the song rocks despite the lyrics). Maybe Bree Sharp is unintentionally "cute", and I don't like one of her videos at all, but she's not in your face trying to be 12-year-old girl, and she has plenty of dimension ("Robots in Love"--haha! Obsessed fandom--"David Duchovny", and a song about a pottymouth--"Guttermouth"). Then on the other hand, we have this cutesy or sentimental... genre?... that seems to unfairly prevail and which leaves less room for artists that other people prefer to see get airtime and "make it". IMO it's overdone in addition to being boring, and slightly offensive on a level you have to really stretch to see like I do, in that I don't get why some women can't seem to see themselves as people too--a whole other issue, probably. They act like extreme, cartoonish caricatures of women, ignoring the whole of what women are, or can be. I mean, you expect to dig around these artists' dressers and find their lyrics sheets with unicorns doodled all over them.
If the situation were reversed, and all guy musicians seemed to be were either cutesy and sentimental or skanky, nobody would bat an eye when a dude said, "WTF? Where's the real guy rock/pop/folk/whatever!?" Just the same, lots and lots of us women are not totally what we call "girly", and it's always been that way. I don't think I'd know that by watching stuff like MTV these days. And women like me aren't the only ones who want for things to swing back for women--lots of men who enjoy female singers, do too.
It does come down to a matter of preference, but I also think this trend in what I don't like in so-called "girl rock" (or folk or pop or what have you) suggests that it's being promoted almost as the sole alternative to "skank pop", and think the industry needs to open up--a LOT.
Here are some smileys because that might have sounded more like a rant full of heated passion than I actually intended--hah! "Soft" is not my forté, but I do try to work on my style.
i don't think of anything i could add just that, concerning the fact that OK Go is not nominated for the vma's... you cann all go to the ema (european awards) and vote for them TWICE! i think for band and inter act or sth.
In this way, "What Goes Around" feels old-school - like a rebellion against the new aesthetic. Instead, Bayer aimed for an experience more like Michael Jackson's landmark 1983 "Thriller" video, directed by John Landis.
"I said, `We gotta go big,'" says Bayer. "`If I'm going up against an OK Go video with four guys on a treadmill that plays millions of times on YouTube, how can I do something that is the opposite of that?'"
- Sam Bayer, director of Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around".
And later in the same article:
Many artists and directors are now creating videos knowing they'll have to compete for eyeballs on YouTube. OK Go's famous treadmill-choreographed video for "Here It Goes Again" was perfectly suited for viral distribution, but the power pop band is far from alone in its reconsidered methods.
This goes on to talk about other lo-fi videos like those by Jessica Simpson, Modest Mouse, and The Decemberists.
So let me get this straight - Our boys are the highlight of last year's show, win a Freaking Grammy for the video, and are a MOTIVATING FACTOR in choosing the direction of a Justin Freaking Timberlake video, and not a single freaking nod from MTV? What The Fuck?
Viewership for the VMAs was reportedly down to about 5.7 million last year, a 28% dip from 2005. The culprit is relatively obvious. Last year’s most talked-about video was an Internet phenomenon rather than one driven by MTV (OK Go’s treadmill choreography on “Here It Goes Again”), so perhaps it’s no surprise that MTV is turning to its last major video star to pump some life into its congratulatory gala
Ahhh, so it's sour grapes, is it, MTV? OK Go has made something of themselves *without* your support (because let's face it, you've given them less support than the acts that were on 120 minutes back in the day, and that is saying virtually NOTHING) and so you've decided to take your toys and go home, have you? MTV becomes more and more worthless by the minute, and it's awful. KURT LODER! JOHN NORRIS! WTF?! You used to mean something! You used to be a voice of progress and leadership for young people, and now all you are is a great big reality TV machine.
I dunno, I guess I'm just disillusioned because once upon a time I really looked up to everything MTV meant, and I feel like I just found out Superman is Clark Kent and he's a total douchebag.
EDIT: Just for clarification - it's not like any of MTV's latest antics come as a surprise, I'm just reacting to it right now.
KURT LODER! JOHN NORRIS! WTF?! You used to mean something! You used to be a voice of progress and leadership for young people, and now all you are is a great big reality TV machine.
you know, sometimes I feel like MTV News is a completely different organization from MTV anyways. because they still do alot of that stuff, it just barely gets aired and such. =(
and yah, I can see MTV snubbing Ok Go because they weren't a product of MTV's promotion. but it still sucks.
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I just got one call and three IMs about how incredibly bad this year's VMAs are. And some of these comments are from MTV-worshippers, so...
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I just got one call and three IMs about how incredibly bad this year's VMAs are. And some of these comments are from MTV-worshippers, so...
It sort of made me happy.
It's REALLY odd, Shalu-lah, because I just woke up and I'm getting all sorts of hints about how much everyone hated it. It's funny because these awards (and MTV in general) usually aren't even ON MY RADAR. They must have outdone themselves this year in sucktitude, then.
but at least we still have hope that ok go win 2 EMA's this year, since they didn't score any VMA...plus, EMA is far better because the compettion usually is cooler
Timberlake also twice asked MTV to revert to its video-playing ways of the ol' days.
"Play more damn videos. We don't want to see the Simpsons on reality television," said Timberlake, referring to Jessica and Ashley Simpson. "Play more videos."
It's in a few interviews from back then. I think both Damian and Trish have told this story of Justin Timberlake stopping in the middle of his rehearsal upon seeing OK Go and shouting out "I F*^&ing LOVE YOU GUYS!"
This year's nominees include a category of classic videos competing for "Best Video (That Should Have Won A Moonman)." The nominees from the past for this new award are: U2 - "Where The Streets Have No Name," Dr. Dre - "Nuthin' But A G Thang," Beastie Boys - "Sabotage," Bjork - "Human Behavior," Radiohead - "Karma Police," George Michael - "Freedom," Foo Fighters - "Everlong," Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - "Into The Great Wide Open," OK Go - "Here It Goes Again" and David Lee Roth - "California Girls."
High voices alone, outside of the rest of what I said, aren't annoying. I like plenty of singers with high voices. (My voice can go high too; one guy told me I talk in dog whistles. I just don't abuse it or always sing high because I can; when I do, it's usually rock and I belt, or I'm doing harmony).
I'm talking about the singers who use it to sound 12 years old, for one thing. Not my style; it's incredibly overdone and boring (to me) and I get uncomfortable listening to it, like I do watching cheesy musicals. I'd give examples but that's really (obviously) not a good idea--don't want to single out anyone and upset any fans if I don't have to. The rainbows and butterflies sentimentality is not my thing to the extent it is for other people, and if it were merely a matter of not listening to it, it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is, too often a woman either has to be that way, or a skank. There are too few Janis Joplins, Melissa Etheridges, Aretha Franklins, Alanis Morrisettes, Bonnie Raitts (I don't really even like country, but she's cool), Grace Slickses, Bree Sharps, Anne Wilsons, etc. these days. These are multi-dimensional women who seem to define themselves as people as well as women. You listen to them, and you don't feel as though you're getting the fact that they have vaginas shoved in your face through the whole CD. They're not always cutesy, and they're not always sentimental, if they are at all. (When they are, I tend not to like the song; unless of course the song rocks despite the lyrics). Maybe Bree Sharp is unintentionally "cute", and I don't like one of her videos at all, but she's not in your face trying to be 12-year-old girl, and she has plenty of dimension ("Robots in Love"--haha! Obsessed fandom--"David Duchovny", and a song about a pottymouth--"Guttermouth"). Then on the other hand, we have this cutesy or sentimental... genre?... that seems to unfairly prevail and which leaves less room for artists that other people prefer to see get airtime and "make it". IMO it's overdone in addition to being boring, and slightly offensive on a level you have to really stretch to see like I do, in that I don't get why some women can't seem to see themselves as people too--a whole other issue, probably. They act like extreme, cartoonish caricatures of women, ignoring the whole of what women are, or can be. I mean, you expect to dig around these artists' dressers and find their lyrics sheets with unicorns doodled all over them.
If the situation were reversed, and all guy musicians seemed to be were either cutesy and sentimental or skanky, nobody would bat an eye when a dude said, "WTF? Where's the real guy rock/pop/folk/whatever!?" Just the same, lots and lots of us women are not totally what we call "girly", and it's always been that way. I don't think I'd know that by watching stuff like MTV these days. And women like me aren't the only ones who want for things to swing back for women--lots of men who enjoy female singers, do too.
It does come down to a matter of preference, but I also think this trend in what I don't like in so-called "girl rock" (or folk or pop or what have you) suggests that it's being promoted almost as the sole alternative to "skank pop", and think the industry needs to open up--a LOT.
Here are some smileys because that might have sounded more like a rant full of heated passion than I actually intended--hah!
"I said, `We gotta go big,'" says Bayer. "`If I'm going up against an OK Go video with four guys on a treadmill that plays millions of times on YouTube, how can I do something that is the opposite of that?'"
And later in the same article:
So let me get this straight - Our boys are the highlight of last year's show, win a Freaking Grammy for the video, and are a MOTIVATING FACTOR in choosing the direction of a Justin Freaking Timberlake video, and not a single freaking nod from MTV? What The Fuck?
And, I mean come on, OK Go is in a whole different category than most of the people nominated.
haha o and I love how their videos influenced Justin Timberlakes video.
From http://britneyspears.hollywood.com/2007/09...tvs-resurgence/
Ahhh, so it's sour grapes, is it, MTV? OK Go has made something of themselves *without* your support (because let's face it, you've given them less support than the acts that were on 120 minutes back in the day, and that is saying virtually NOTHING) and so you've decided to take your toys and go home, have you? MTV becomes more and more worthless by the minute, and it's awful. KURT LODER! JOHN NORRIS! WTF?! You used to mean something! You used to be a voice of progress and leadership for young people, and now all you are is a great big reality TV machine.
I dunno, I guess I'm just disillusioned because once upon a time I really looked up to everything MTV meant, and I feel like I just found out Superman is Clark Kent and he's a total douchebag.
EDIT: Just for clarification - it's not like any of MTV's latest antics come as a surprise, I'm just reacting to it right now.
you know, sometimes I feel like MTV News is a completely different organization from MTV anyways. because they still do alot of that stuff, it just barely gets aired and such. =(
and yah, I can see MTV snubbing Ok Go because they weren't a product of MTV's promotion.
but it still sucks.
It sort of made me happy.
It sort of made me happy.
It's REALLY odd, Shalu-lah, because I just woke up and I'm getting all sorts of hints about how much everyone hated it. It's funny because these awards (and MTV in general) usually aren't even ON MY RADAR. They must have outdone themselves this year in sucktitude, then.
but at least we still have hope that ok go win 2 EMA's this year, since they didn't score any VMA...plus, EMA is far better because the compettion usually is cooler
"Play more damn videos. We don't want to see the Simpsons on reality television," said Timberlake, referring to Jessica and Ashley Simpson. "Play more videos."
Yeah, I probably would, actually. Remember how nice he was to the guys? Something tells me that Justin is an alright kinda guy.
yeah. I thought he meant the cartoon.
and I ALSO thought it was funny that as he said that, the girls of The Hills were standing right next to him. hahahahhahah
Really Rachel? when? where? I want to see that...
It's in a few interviews from back then. I think both Damian and Trish have told this story of Justin Timberlake stopping in the middle of his rehearsal upon seeing OK Go and shouting out "I F*^&ing LOVE YOU GUYS!"
Puts a smile on my face even now, really.
Ha, that's pretty cool. I think Lou Reed said the same thing last year during the broadcast, about playing videos again.
Yeah! that's exactly what I thought when I read this!
From http://www.fmqb.com/article.asp?id=1442019