I'm new. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your stories! You could get published! I mean seriously, they're awesome, Tempe!
Also, a few nights ago I went to P.F. Changs, and there was a dish in the noodles section called Dan Dan Noodles. I just thought it would be hilarious if you could incorporate(sp?) that into a story.
I'm new. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your stories! You could get published! I mean seriously, they're awesome, Tempe!
Also, a few nights ago I went to P.F. Changs, and there was a dish in the noodles section called Dan Dan Noodles. I just thought it would be hilarious if you could incorporate(sp?) that into a story.
Welcome daisychains! You have a fun screen name. Yey for new peeps! Thank you so much. You made my day! I'm trying to go into the writing business, trying to make it go from hobby to career. Ooo, I shall definitely use your suggestion of the Dan Dan Noodles. Mmm, noodles, I'm hungry. Can't think of what to eat. But yeah, any ideas you guys have, throw 'em up here. That's what this thread is all about.
I'm new. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your stories! You could get published! I mean seriously, they're awesome, Tempe!
Also, a few nights ago I went to P.F. Changs, and there was a dish in the noodles section called Dan Dan Noodles. I just thought it would be hilarious if you could incorporate(sp?) that into a story.
Welcome daisychains! You have a fun screen name. Yey for new peeps! Thank you so much. You made my day! I'm trying to go into the writing business, trying to make it go from hobby to career. Ooo, I shall definitely use your suggestion of the Dan Dan Noodles. Mmm, noodles, I'm hungry. Can't think of what to eat. But yeah, any ideas you guys have, throw 'em up here. That's what this thread is all about.
Good luck with that!
They were delicious noodles. Spicy, yes, but good. If I have any more ideas, I'll post them. Can't wait for the next story!
Tempe, I was going through my room the other day when I found a unlabeled folder which I found particular familiar. I opened it up to find a printed copy of all the teeny OK Go stories you've written. I went through a re-read every single one and I just wanted to remind you how much of a talented writer you are and how gosh darn adorable those stories are! I'm going to keep those for freaking forever!
Time for a new Teeny Ok Go story. But first, let me explain for those who don’t know what Teeny Ok Go is and explain about fan fiction as far as this forum goes.
Teeny Ok Go started one summer when a bunch of boardies started making their own avatars and siggies. Unfortunately, one of the girls who was best at this no longer frequents the boards and a lot of her stuff is now missing from here. Anyway, an amusing siggie she came up with was one in which she photoshopped Damian into a glass jar in a pantry (see below). So it was a little joke having a mini-Damian living in your pantry. We all started to come up with fun things for mini-Damian to do and I took those ideas and turned them into words. I want to put a disclaimer since we do have new boardies and a new board. We tend not to endorse fan fiction on this forum. And I don't want to encourage it. This is a different case because we all came up with it together and I just keep it going based on everyone’s awesome ideas.
It was breakfast time and I wasn’t sure what to make. I opened the fridge...I didn’t see anything I wanted.
The pantry door creaked opened and Runty Rusty shimmied out the door. “What are you doing?” he asked me.
“I can’t decide what to make for breakfast.”
“I’ll do it,” he said.
“Do what?”
“Make breakfast,” he said proudly.
“You cook? I thought Dinky Damian only ever insisted on being the chef of the band.”
“Nah, I can cook. And Tim can too if you give him some cookie dough and decorations. Dan, eh, he…maybe can cook. Not too sure. But, breakfast happens to be my specialty,” he beamed proudly.
Then he wrapped his plaid red bathrobe around himself tightly, braced himself, and climbed into the fridge. “Let’s see, I’ll need this! And this! Oh, and this!”
A teeny slipper hit me in the face. Other items also began to hit me in the face that Runty Rusty threw out of the fridge.
“Hey, don’t throw the eggs!” I shouted at him.
“What’s going on?” Diminutive Dan asked as he and Tiny Tim appeared behind me.
“Making breakfast,” Runty Rusty’s voice echoed from inside the fridge.
The pantry door came open one more time with a groan. Only, it wasn’t the door that groaned, it was Dinky Damian.
“Cofffeeee….” Dinky Damian hissed in a parched voice as if he was stranded in the desert waiting for water.
“Oh, right, someone should get on that,” Diminutive Dan said.
“I think I’ll just have a Chai latte,” Tiny Tim said.
They both stared up at me.
“What?....Oh come on, I’m not a Starbucks!” I slammed the refrigerator door shut and started the coffee and tea.
“Um, hello??” a voice echoed from inside the fridge and I realized I had trapped Runty Rusty inside.
“Sorry!” I exclaimed. But Runty Rusty was having no trouble at all. He wrapped himself in an old Taco Bell wrapper to keep warm while snacking on the nearby leftovers.
I gave him my palm. He hopped into it, and I brought him over to the stove.
Meanwhile, the coffee and tea were ready. Dinky Damian took a gulp, perked up, and hopped to his feet. “You’re making breakfast! Neat! I’ll make the toast!” Dinky Damian exclaimed overly caffeinated.
“Oh no,” Tiny Tim moaned.
“What?” I asked.
“Don’t put Damian in charge of the toast,” he grumbled. But it was too late, Dinky Damian had already unwrapped the bread and pulled out some choice slices.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” Dinky Damian said, “I have a flourish for making toast.”
“He makes toast into an art form,” Tiny Tim told me. “The trouble is then we never get to eat any of it!”
Dinky Damian defended himself, “Hey, well, you see, you know, after a lifetime of having homemade toast so that everything is, like, well done in the center and you have those edges that are just not cooked correctly, you have to spend the time to get it done right so that it is actually worth it.”
“You gotta have standards,” Diminutive Dan pointed out.
“Yeah,” Dinky Damian said proudly.
“You gotta make sense,” I said. “It’s just toast.”
He ignored me, as he set the timing on the toaster just so. And let the toast pop and dance in the air.
Meanwhile, Runty Rusty instructed me on the art of making fried eggs, bacon, and asparagus. While Diminutive Dan and Tiny Tim challenged each other to a competitive crossword puzzle game.
I kept hearing a “dink, weee,” sound and then another “dink, weee.”
Dinky Damian kept making toast. Every time the toaster made a “dink” sound, Dinky Damian said, “weee.” Then I heard a “dink…uh-oh.”
There was a pause, then Dinky Damian yelled, “Come on you stupid toaster!” He kicked it. “I think it’s broken. The toast is stuck inside.” He climbed to the top of the toaster and then fell backward as the toast finally popped up and knocked him down. He shook himself off, neatly piled the toast on a plate and instructed me to set the table.
“Ah, toast,” Tiny Tim said as he tucked a napkin into his shirt.
“Hey, you can’t eat that!” Dinky Damian insisted. “It’s art!”
“No, it’s toast. Arty toast,” Tiny Tim pointed out.
“Fine,” Dinky Damian gave in.
We sat and had breakfast, which was tasty and delightful even if a food fight nearly broke out.
Awesome story, Tempe, as usual!! So good to see the Teenies back in action. I especially love that you put "you gotta have standards" in there. Also, Dinky Damian saying weee every time the toast pops out. That's hilarious! I keep hearing it in my head and then giggling.
Quick note to anybody new to Teeny OK Go: Just in case you skimmed the page just to find the new story- Please make sure to read Tempe's bump post as well (the one with the pic of Dinky Damian in the jar). There's an important explanation there. Thanks!
Hi Red_Cadena Can I call you red? I think we have a thread somewhere on the General Discussion area to tells us about how you came up with your screen name. I'm always fascinated by things like that. Haha.
Welcome! I'm so glad you enjoy Teeny OK Go. They sprang out of a summer of creative craziness around here. Welcome again. :)
Thanks for the welcome! And for responding your awesome! And you may most certainly call me Red! The name came from my cartoon character I draw/created. Do you think we'll see anymore of Teensy OK Go? ;)
I'm SO happy (...mostly about the Jammy Dodger, actually, heheh)! Jade, you rock!
I'm new. I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your stories! You could get published! I mean seriously, they're awesome, Tempe!
Also, a few nights ago I went to P.F. Changs, and there was a dish in the noodles section called Dan Dan Noodles. I just thought it would be hilarious if you could incorporate(sp?) that into a story.
Welcome daisychains! You have a fun screen name. Yey for new peeps! Thank you so much. You made my day! I'm trying to go into the writing business, trying to make it go from hobby to career. Ooo, I shall definitely use your suggestion of the Dan Dan Noodles. Mmm, noodles, I'm hungry. Can't think of what to eat. But yeah, any ideas you guys have, throw 'em up here. That's what this thread is all about.
They were delicious noodles. Spicy, yes, but good. If I have any more ideas, I'll post them. Can't wait for the next story!
Tempe, I was going through my room the other day when I found a unlabeled folder which I found particular familiar. I opened it up to find a printed copy of all the teeny OK Go stories you've written. I went through a re-read every single one and I just wanted to remind you how much of a talented writer you are and how gosh darn adorable those stories are! I'm going to keep those for freaking forever!
Keep on writing girl! C:
Time for a new Teeny Ok Go story. But first, let me explain for those who don’t know what Teeny Ok Go is and explain about fan fiction as far as this forum goes.
Teeny Ok Go started one summer when a bunch of boardies started making their own avatars and siggies. Unfortunately, one of the girls who was best at this no longer frequents the boards and a lot of her stuff is now missing from here. Anyway, an amusing siggie she came up with was one in which she photoshopped Damian into a glass jar in a pantry (see below). So it was a little joke having a mini-Damian living in your pantry. We all started to come up with fun things for mini-Damian to do and I took those ideas and turned them into words. I want to put a disclaimer since we do have new boardies and a new board. We tend not to endorse fan fiction on this forum. And I don't want to encourage it. This is a different case because we all came up with it together and I just keep it going based on everyone’s awesome ideas.
Owner of Dinky Damian:
It was breakfast time and I wasn’t sure what to make. I opened the fridge...I didn’t see anything I wanted.
The pantry door creaked opened and Runty Rusty shimmied out the door. “What are you doing?” he asked me.
“I can’t decide what to make for breakfast.”
“I’ll do it,” he said.
“Do what?”
“Make breakfast,” he said proudly.
“You cook? I thought Dinky Damian only ever insisted on being the chef of the band.”
“Nah, I can cook. And Tim can too if you give him some cookie dough and decorations. Dan, eh, he…maybe can cook. Not too sure. But, breakfast happens to be my specialty,” he beamed proudly.
Then he wrapped his plaid red bathrobe around himself tightly, braced himself, and climbed into the fridge. “Let’s see, I’ll need this! And this! Oh, and this!”
A teeny slipper hit me in the face. Other items also began to hit me in the face that Runty Rusty threw out of the fridge.
“Hey, don’t throw the eggs!” I shouted at him.
“What’s going on?” Diminutive Dan asked as he and Tiny Tim appeared behind me.
“Making breakfast,” Runty Rusty’s voice echoed from inside the fridge.
The pantry door came open one more time with a groan. Only, it wasn’t the door that groaned, it was Dinky Damian.
“Cofffeeee….” Dinky Damian hissed in a parched voice as if he was stranded in the desert waiting for water.
“Oh, right, someone should get on that,” Diminutive Dan said.
“I think I’ll just have a Chai latte,” Tiny Tim said.
They both stared up at me.
“What?....Oh come on, I’m not a Starbucks!” I slammed the refrigerator door shut and started the coffee and tea.
“Um, hello??” a voice echoed from inside the fridge and I realized I had trapped Runty Rusty inside.
“Sorry!” I exclaimed. But Runty Rusty was having no trouble at all. He wrapped himself in an old Taco Bell wrapper to keep warm while snacking on the nearby leftovers.
I gave him my palm. He hopped into it, and I brought him over to the stove.
Meanwhile, the coffee and tea were ready. Dinky Damian took a gulp, perked up, and hopped to his feet. “You’re making breakfast! Neat! I’ll make the toast!” Dinky Damian exclaimed overly caffeinated.
“Oh no,” Tiny Tim moaned.
“What?” I asked.
“Don’t put Damian in charge of the toast,” he grumbled. But it was too late, Dinky Damian had already unwrapped the bread and pulled out some choice slices.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” Dinky Damian said, “I have a flourish for making toast.”
“He makes toast into an art form,” Tiny Tim told me. “The trouble is then we never get to eat any of it!”
Dinky Damian defended himself, “Hey, well, you see, you know, after a lifetime of having homemade toast so that everything is, like, well done in the center and you have those edges that are just not cooked correctly, you have to spend the time to get it done right so that it is actually worth it.”
“You gotta have standards,” Diminutive Dan pointed out.
“Yeah,” Dinky Damian said proudly.
“You gotta make sense,” I said. “It’s just toast.”
He ignored me, as he set the timing on the toaster just so. And let the toast pop and dance in the air.
Meanwhile, Runty Rusty instructed me on the art of making fried eggs, bacon, and asparagus. While Diminutive Dan and Tiny Tim challenged each other to a competitive crossword puzzle game.
I kept hearing a “dink, weee,” sound and then another “dink, weee.”
Dinky Damian kept making toast. Every time the toaster made a “dink” sound, Dinky Damian said, “weee.” Then I heard a “dink…uh-oh.”
There was a pause, then Dinky Damian yelled, “Come on you stupid toaster!” He kicked it. “I think it’s broken. The toast is stuck inside.” He climbed to the top of the toaster and then fell backward as the toast finally popped up and knocked him down. He shook himself off, neatly piled the toast on a plate and instructed me to set the table.
“Ah, toast,” Tiny Tim said as he tucked a napkin into his shirt.
“Hey, you can’t eat that!” Dinky Damian insisted. “It’s art!”
“No, it’s toast. Arty toast,” Tiny Tim pointed out.
“Fine,” Dinky Damian gave in.
We sat and had breakfast, which was tasty and delightful even if a food fight nearly broke out.
Awesome story, Tempe, as usual!! So good to see the Teenies back in action.
I especially love that you put "you gotta have standards" in there. Also, Dinky Damian saying weee every time the toast pops out. That's hilarious! I keep hearing it in my head and then giggling.
Quick note to anybody new to Teeny OK Go: Just in case you skimmed the page just to find the new story- Please make sure to read Tempe's bump post as well (the one with the pic of Dinky Damian in the jar). There's an important explanation there. Thanks!
Can I call you red? I think we have a thread somewhere on the General Discussion area to tells us about how you came up with your screen name. I'm always fascinated by things like that. Haha.
Welcome! I'm so glad you enjoy Teeny OK Go. They sprang out of a summer of creative craziness around here. Welcome again. :)
Do you think we'll see anymore of Teensy OK Go?