I thought I should post in here officially, since I've already drawn fan art, haha.
I think your stories are awesome, amazing, wonderful, adorable, brilliant, fantastic, etcetera. Really. I love them SO much. It makes me want Teeny OK Go members of my own--but you write in a way that I can easily imagine it.
so, yeah! good job! I love it. <3
*blushing* (That's why my family calls me Rosey. I do blush heavily) Thank you, applelye! I just take all the marvelous ideas you guys come up with and put them all together in a story. (I can't believe you got thru them all in one sitting. Did the Teenys make your brain go crazy during the process?)
The great boardie agentnumone came up with some great toy ideas for Andy and Dan: Andy-Bake-Oven and Fur-Real-Dan Can't you just picture a little pink oven and Barbie-sized kitchen complete with your very own Runty Rusty wearing a chef's hat and apron? And how bout a huggable Dan wearing one of those big fur-coats for men (ala Putty from Seinfeld)?
*blushing* (That's why my family calls me Rosey. I do blush heavily) Thank you, applelye! I just take all the marvelous ideas you guys come up with and put them all together in a story. (I can't believe you got thru them all in one sitting. Did the Teenys make your brain go crazy during the process?)
The great boardie agentnumone came up with some great toy ideas for Andy and Dan: Andy-Bake-Oven and Fur-Real-Dan Can't you just picture a little pink oven and Barbie-sized kitchen complete with your very own Runty Rusty wearing a chef's hat and apron? And how bout a huggable Dan wearing one of those big fur-coats for men (ala Putty from Seinfeld)?
you're welcome.
well, I might've gone a little crazy, haha...my head was spinning afterwards. spinning with adoration, mind you! I'm completely taken with the Teenys.
and ack! stop it! those ideas are too painfully adorable, especially because I can completely picture it in my head! and since Dami hates Barbie stuff but loves cooking, wouldn't he be torn between bossing Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen?!
well, I might've gone a little crazy, haha...my head was spinning afterwards. spinning with adoration, mind you! I'm completely taken with the Teenys.
and ack! stop it! those ideas are too painfully adorable, especially because I can completely picture it in my head! and since Dami hates Barbie stuff but loves cooking, wouldn't he be torn between bossing Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen?!
Ah, well if you're taken with them, Big Person says you can have them Dinky Damian says to ignore her. She often forgets to thank him for the great improvements he makes to her cooking. Tiny Tim appreciates your drawing of him. He wants to dedicate an audioblog to it. Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty say they will gladly pose for you.
Lol, "painfully adorable," I love the phrase and not just cause I'm in a profession that inflicts pain.
Yes, Dinky Dami would be torn between bossing Runty Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen. He would make every attempt to change that kitchen from stiff pink Barbie to funky mid century modern. However, he will put up with the kitchen if it means easy bake oven treats. Big Person will wake up not understanding why the kitchen smells of cooking because she is unaware of Easy Bake Andy and his little oven.
(All this rambling is to make up for the fact that I am too overloaded with studying to write a Teeny story at the moment. So those are just some bits and pieces for the dear boardies)
Ah, well if you're taken with them, Big Person says you can have them Dinky Damian says to ignore her. She often forgets to thank him for the great improvements he makes to her cooking. Tiny Tim appreciates your drawing of him. He wants to dedicate an audioblog to it. Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty say they will gladly pose for you.
Lol, "painfully adorable," I love the phrase and not just cause I'm in a profession that inflicts pain.
Yes, Dinky Dami would be torn between bossing Runty Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen. He would make every attempt to change that kitchen from stiff pink Barbie to funky mid century modern. However, he will put up with the kitchen if it means easy bake oven treats. Big Person will wake up not understanding why the kitchen smells of cooking because she is unaware of Easy Bake Andy and his little oven.
(All this rambling is to make up for the fact that I am too overloaded with studying to write a Teeny story at the moment. So those are just some bits and pieces for the dear boardies)
eee, sometimes I want to just pick up the Teenys and squish them <3 but then they'd be crushed. D:
ack. I have this huge stupid grin on my face just thinking of the possibilities...wow, the Teenys really are infectious. I mean, just one idea and then the whole thing snowballs as you think of the details of the scenario...
not to get horribly off topic, but I had CNN on in the background and I was staring out the window, spacing out, when suddenly I heard, "...Jon from Tempe, Arizona..." I kept staring until it hit me like three seconds later and I glanced over at the TV, hah.
not to get horribly off topic, but I had CNN on in the background and I was staring out the window, spacing out, when suddenly I heard, "...Jon from Tempe, Arizona..." I kept staring until it hit me like three seconds later and I glanced over at the TV, hah.
I have my minions. Let's see, where did I leave Jon? You know my fav audioblog is the one where Tim mentions Tempe.
"I came home from class pretty annoyed. Diminutive Dan sat on the counter, tapping out a tune and eating some trail mix. I complained out loud to him about having to take a major quiz to pass gym. "It's supposed to cover a range of terminology about all sorts of sports. So stupid! Who ever heard of a test to pass gym?!" I threw down the study guide onto the counter. Diminutive Dan came over to take a peak at it, reading the list. "I can help you with this," he said. "I know a little about sports. Andy does too." In no time at all, Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan set up the kitchen as a little classroom. They scribbled on the wall different football moves. Then they went on to explain hocky, then baseball. Runty Rusty added little notes to my study guide that he thought I should know. After some time of tutoring, Runty Rusty turned to Diminutive Dan and said, "Now I think she needs a little test to see what she's learned." "Yeah, let quiz her," Diminutive Dan agreed. He hoped off the counter and called out to Little Damian and Tiny Tim. He went in the pantry and I heard muffled voices. After a few minutes they all emerged with an assortment of stuff.
Meanwhile, Runty Rusty picked up a bottle cap that was laying on the coutner. He told me to pay close attention as he showed me the ultimate way to toss it. When everything was all set up, he turned and said, "Alright then, volleyball." Little Damian stepped forward. Looking like a hardcore pro, he wore a white polo shirt, white shorts, and a headband. He said to me. "I'm going to pass the ball to Tim and he's gonna pass it back to me. Tell me the names of the passes we are doing." He picked up a red grape that sat on the counter next to him. Then he threw the grape slightly in the air, as a volley ball, and used his forearms to punt the ball over to Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim jumped up and passed the ball back to Little Damian using his finger tips. "Little Damian," I said, "the name of the pass you did is called the 'underarm pass or bump' and Tiny Tim your pass back is called the 'overhand pass'." Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty clapped, approving my answers, while Little Damian and Tiny Tim continued to pass the ball back and forth. "Come on, Tim, sooner or later, you're gonna drop it." "Not if you drop it first," Tiny Tim grunted with a laugh. This went on for several seconds until Diminutive Dan finally came between them and blatantly took the ball away.
"Aww, man, I was winning," Tiny Tim whined. "No way, I was!" "Next on to golf!" Runty Rusty announced as he ate the grape/volleyball. Near the toaster, Diminutive Dan dragged over a golf bag which had odd looking golf clubs inside. The golf clubs were made out of pretzel sticks. At the end of each pretzel stick was a different sized nut, peanuts and cashews mostly, which were glued on to each pretzel stick using marshmellow fluff. Runty Rusty put the golf bag strap over his shoulder. He carefully selected a club and passed it to Little Damian. "How many holes does a typical round of golf consist of?" Little Damian asked me. "18?" I said. "Don't say it like you're asking," he said. "You got it right." It was Tiny Tim's turn to ask a question. He said to me, "If I make a short distance shot, what's it called?" "A putt." "Good! If I make a long distance shot, what's it called?" "A drive." "I'm gonna make a long distance shot, and make a hole in one." "No, way," Little Damian said, leaning on a golf club. "Just where do you intend to go?" Runty Rusty pulled a golf club out of the bag and started snacking on it. "I'm gonna make a hole in one clear across the kitchen to that chair and get the ball in her purse," Tiny Tim continued. "A likely event, Yoda." Tiny Tim poised himself in front of the ball. The ball was actually a small breath mint. He got ready, he braced himself, and he swung. We all watched as the ball rose high through the air, gently gliding past a panda bear ornament near the telephone, and dipped down quietly and simply into my pocket book. Little Damian's mouth dropped open. "I can do that!" He declared. He placed a breath mint golf ball at his feet and poised himself. Just like Tiny Tim, he braced himself and swung. The ball soared through the air and dropped...right into the laundry basket full of clothes. "Ooo, laundry hazzard!" Tiny Tim said faining pain mixed with sarcasm toward Little Damian. "Forget it! What's next?" Little Damian declared quickly.
Diminutive Dan dribbled past Tiny Tim and Little Damian with a rubber ball, showing off his basket ball moves. He threw the ball through the hoop. The hoop consisted of a pasta measure balanced between two tall glasses. He quizzed me on some of the different moves such as the jump shot, layup, and slam dunk.
"Finally," Runty Rusty announced, "On to fencing." "I have no idea why this has to be on the test," I grumbled. "Let's just see what you've learned," Diminutive Dan said supportively. Little Damian and Tiny Tim stepped forward, dressed all in white and wearing little white helmets. They asked me to name the 4 types of fencing weapons. Then they showed me and quizzed me on some different fencing attacks and parry. Their weapons consisted of little plastic coctail swords. Little Damian's sword was blue, Tiny Tim's was red. I was able to identify each attack and parry. Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty clapped to approve of my answers and end the quiz. But instead of ending the sword fight, Tiny Tim and Little Damian continued fencing and suddenly began to recite lines from Les Miserable at each other. I couldn't make out most of the words they sang as it was done with such passion and muttered to each other at the same time. They'd each start singing really quietly---then suddenly shout! They stomped on the grapes, knocked over the golf bag spilling pretzel crumbs and salt all over. Little Damian continued singing and went for a thrust. Tiny Tim swung his hip out of the way while shouting "Shazzam!" Little Damian's sword went into a bag of flour, a little pile of flour began to spill from the bag. Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan clapped louder, trying to get the attention of Little Damian and Tiny Tim. I whistled really loud and waved at them. Pretty soon the counter was becoming a white grimy slippery mess and the jousting wouldn't stop! Finally the song came to an end with Tiny Tim proudly muttering "Yeah." They both took a bow. Neither of them had even won the joust. Diminutive Dan, Runty Rusty, and I stood there just staring, with our arms crossed disapprovingly.
And so the quiz ended. I went about doing the rest of my homework, while it was decided that Tiny Tim and Little Damian should clean up the ridiculous mess they had made."
I laughed so hard at Runty Rusty for eating the equipment and haha, you mentioned the panda bear! It's incredible how well you write, I can perfectly picture everything and it's hilarious!!! (esp Damian and Tim and their go at Les Mis... love it)
It's incredible how well you write, I can perfectly picture everything and it's hilarious!!!
This made me so happy! You guys made my day.
The Teenys are educational. I spent too much time on wiki trying to figure out sporting terminology. I now have a better appreciation for golf, lol. Yes, Runty Rusty can't resist a nice snack, but really don't we all have that prob?
geh! I loved iiit! *dances* so much! great! fantastic! gaahh. I loved when Dami got all unhappy cause Tim made the hole in one in the purse, so he tried it, and then he failed, so he changed the subject...XD
I got grounded on Monday night until Friday morning, and I'd noticed you'd posted a new story but I hadn't read it, so I had to wait this long to read it! ahh! I got up this morning and ran over to the computer to read it, first thing, haha. yay. it was really awesome. it makes me want to draw Teenys, but I've got homework crushing me so I don't think I can D: hopefully soon though!
"I have no idea why Runty Rusty kept getting in my way today. He was everywhere I didn't want him to be, which is odd, considering he usually minds his own business curled up with his laptop in his can of spam. It started when I got home from school. I came into the house and plopped on the sofa. I heard rattling and clammering in the pantry followed by muffled Teeny voices. I decided to ignore it. Meanwhile, Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty were in the bedroom looking for something. "What are we looking for again?" Runty Rusty asked. "I dunno, that thing..." Diminutive Dan trailed off. "What thing?" "I'll let you know when we find it." "But she doesn't like when we go thru her stuff without permission. If we get yelled out, I'm blaming you." Diminutive Dan started rummaging through the shoe boxes in the closet, tossing over the lids. "Don't you think it's a bad idea to mess up her closet. We'll get in trouble." "Well," Diminutive Dan said, "why don't you check the night stand." Runty Rusty shrugged his shoulders and followed Diminutive Dan's orders. He approached the night stand, using the cord from the desk lamp to climb to the table's surface. He scanned the objects on the counter, some squished up tissues, lip stick and assorted make up, a pen and paper. "What are we looking for, Dan?" Suddenly the door came open and Diminutive Dan dived into a show box to hide. I came into the room to find Runty Rusty standing around my make-up on my nightstand. The room was a mess, admittedly, part of it was mine own mess, but not all of it. "What are you doing in my room?!" I demanded. "It wasn't my idea. It was Dan's!" Runty Rusty pointed at the closet. I looked inside, but Diminutive Dan was nowhere to be seen. "I don't know what you're talking about, but you're not supposed to be in my room." "But--" "Get out!" I pointed at the door. He hopped up onto the arm clock, then grabbed hold of it's electrical cord, slid down it to the floor, and scurried out the door.
Maybe I was harsh, but I had a hard day and was not expecting a Teeny to mess up my room. I'd expect that sort of thing from Little Damian, but not from Runty Rusty. A little while later, I went to get the mail. Diminutive Dan still needed help from Runty Rusty, but he refused to help. "No way, man. You got me in trouble," he said. Diminutive Dan climbed onto the window sill next to the front door. "Gee, Andy, I'm sorry about that." "Yeah, yeah...So then, what are you looking for?" "I'll know when I find it," Diminutive Dan replied. "What's that supposed to mean?" Runty Rusty asked as he climbed up on the sill to join Diminutive Dan. "Do you think you can go outside for just a second and fetch me that tennis ball in the alley?" Diminutive Dan asked. "Why can't you do it?" He shrugged, "Fine, let's do it together." But just as Runty Rusty slid out the open window, he heard it slam shut. He whipped round to see the cheap venetian blind from inside ripple down. He couldn't see if Diminutive Dan was alright. He knocked on the window, but no one answered. "Hey!" he started banging desperately at the window, but no one came to open it. He finally plopped down and sat there on the outside window sill.
As I approached the house, mail in tow, I found Runty Rusty sitting outside, chin in his palm looking both bored and angered. As soon as he saw me he jumped up. "I'm locked out!" he exclaimed. "Dan told me to come out here and grab a tennis ball and then I got locked out and no one will let me back in." he rambled on furiously. "Ah, sorry. That stinks." I opened the door and waited for Runty Rusty to hop down and scramble in first, his little fists clenched. "Alright, Dan where are you!?" he demanded. I went to the kitchen to throw out the junk mail. Runty Rusty searched the living room for Diminutive Dan. He finally looked out the sliding doors to see Diminutive Dan on the patio table behind a potted plant, waving at him. He gestured for Runty Rusty to come outside and join him. Runty Rusty looked past his shoulder to make sure the coast was clear, dragged open the sliding door a crack, and slid out. He climbed up the patio furniture to join Diminutive Dan on the table. "What do you want this time?" Runty Rusty asked. "Nothing," I just thought maybe what I was looking for would be around here somewhere--you know, in the backyard." "You got potting soil all over the table looking for whatever it is your looking for." Runty Rusty noted, his back turned to Diminutive Dan as he scanned the backyard with his eyes for the ubiquitous object that eluded Diminutive Dan. Diminutive Dan didn't answer. Runty Rusty turned round to find Diminutive Dan, once again, was gone.
I opened the sliding door, ice tea in hand, and found Runty Rusty on the patio table. Potting soil and Teeny foot prints covered the table. I glared at him. "It was Dan!" he said before I could speak. At first, I didn't know whether to believe him. But then I saw that not only did he look furious, but rather upset. I pulled up a chair in front of him. "What's wrong?" I asked, brushing potting soil out of the way so he could sit down. "It's my birthday and all I keep getting is yelled at." "Happy Birthday!" "The guys don't seem to care about it. They'd rather play dumbass jokes on me." I didn't know what to say. I felt sorry for him. "Well," I finally said. "How bout I make a special dinner just for you." The thought of food suddenly made Runty Rusty's face brighten just slightly. He hoped off the table, down the furniture, and to the sliding door. He dragged it open a crack and slid in. I got up to follow him. When we got to the kitchen, on the counter by the stove, Diminutive Dan, Tiny Tim, and Little Damian had their instruments set up. As soon as the saw Runty Rusty, they broke into a birthday song written especially for him. Runty Rusty's eyes widened as they presented him with gifts. After the song was done and Runty Rusty had opened his gifts, Little Damian slapped him on the back. He went on to explain, "We had Dan distract you." "More like get me into deep shit." "That too," Tiny Tim added. "We had to have Dan distract you while Tim and I got the pantry in order. Party at our place!" Little Damian shouted. He flipped opened the pantry and they all jumped inside.
They spent the rest of the night drinking, making tremendous noise, and causing a mess."
"Tiny Tim and Runty Rusty sat on the kitchen coutner playing Scrabble. Diminutive Dan was in charge of the dictionary. Meanwhile, I had something I wanted to get done. I finally bought a pair of simple drapes and couldn't wait to hang them up over the living room window. It was a simple enough task. Instructions were included. All I had to to was assemble it and screw it into the wall. That's when I realized Little Damian was not with the rest of the band. He should've been coaching Tiny Tim on Scrabble suggestions. He was the seimiotics champ afterall. I was hoping to hang the curtains in peace while he busied himself with that.
I shrugged my shoulders and went to work. But before I could get started, I sensed someone standing behind me. I turned reluctantly. Little Damian stood there in the middle of the living room floor, hands on his hips. "Looks like you're trying to build something," he smirked. "I'm putting up curtains," I muttered quickly. There was a pause, he opened his mouth to speak. I cut him off, "You want to help don't you?" I grumbled. He nodded enthusiastically. "...However," he added, "That curtain color is all wrong for that wall." "She should've taken you along curtain shopping, I take it?" Runty Rusty called from the kitchen. "Naturally," Little Damian said proudly. "Yahtzee!" Tiny Tim shouted. "---Oh wait, wrong game!--No wait!--I spelled the word Yahtzee! Triple word score!" Diminutive Dan slapped Tiny Tim five. "You know maybe if you guys were building robots instead of Scrabble, Tim wouldn't be kicking your butt," Little Damian shouted back at Runty Rusty.
As they teased each other, I tried desperately to get the curtains together as quickly as possible while Little Damian was too distracted to boss me around. He turned back toward me, "Now, wait a minute! Who said you could start on that without me," he insisted. "I don't need your help with this," I informed him. "Oh, yes you do, sweetie." Little Damain had this habit of calling someone "sweetie" or "honey" or "babe" when he wanted his way. I ignored him and continued assembling the curtains. They were ready for hanging. I got on a stool, screw driver at the ready. "A little more to the left," he told me. "I'm centering it over the window!" "That's not very original." "I'm going for normal not psycho decorater here." "Ha, well, you should lift the right side up. Unless you want crooked wall hangings that is." "Thanks," I grumble. "You should've bought some fancy wall sconces or lions heads to hang at the end of the drapes." "No." "Come on! Just a plain old curtain! It needs dressing up." "In that case...I did get tassles." I dangled them before him. His little mouth dropped. "No way!" he shouted. Hopping at the tassles, trying to swing at them excitedly. "Gimme!" "Go coach Tiny Tim. I need to finish hanging these." "Gimme that tassle," he said dazzled. "Sorry." He turned in a huff back to the kitchen.
A short time later I was in my room reading a homework assignment. It was nice and quiet for awhile. Then I heard thuds...then giggles...then shouts coming from the living room. I came out to see what was going on. Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan stood in front of the curtain, holding a piece of fabric. Meanwhile, Little Damian swung from the tassle like some sort of derranged Tarzan. Then he let go. Legs flailing, shouting some sort of jarble, he landed safely in the fabric being held by Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan. "Tim!" Little Damian shouted. "You've gotta try this man!" "Uhhh," Tiny Tim stammered, "No." "Come on!" "I'll try," Runty Rusty shouted. I marched over to them, "What the heck are you all doing to my curtain!" "Our curtain!" Little Damian insisted. "Well," Runty Rusty said. "For awhile, we were bunjee jumping, but now we're trying out other games." "Can't you all go back to building a robot with Runty Rusty or something? You're going to break my curtain." "No we won't," Diminutive Dan said pleasantly, eyes sweet and sparkly. I sighed. "Fine. Don't hurt yourselves." I turned to go back to my room. "Wait, wait," Tiny Tim shouted. "You haven't heard my great new stomp song about the curtain." "...I've got homework to do so you all just carry on with what you were doing," I said, heading back to my room.
And so while I try to decorate my home, I instead inadvertantly create another new toy for the Teenys to play and drive me crazy with."
I think your stories are awesome, amazing, wonderful, adorable, brilliant, fantastic, etcetera. Really. I love them SO much. It makes me want Teeny OK Go members of my own--but you write in a way that I can easily imagine it.
so, yeah! good job! I love it.
Thank you, applelye! I just take all the marvelous ideas you guys come up with and put them all together in a story. (I can't believe you got thru them all in one sitting. Did the Teenys make your brain go crazy during the process?)
The great boardie agentnumone came up with some great toy ideas for Andy and Dan: Andy-Bake-Oven and Fur-Real-Dan
Can't you just picture a little pink oven and Barbie-sized kitchen complete with your very own Runty Rusty wearing a chef's hat and apron? And how bout a huggable Dan wearing one of those big fur-coats for men (ala Putty from Seinfeld)?
Thank you, applelye! I just take all the marvelous ideas you guys come up with and put them all together in a story. (I can't believe you got thru them all in one sitting. Did the Teenys make your brain go crazy during the process?)
The great boardie agentnumone came up with some great toy ideas for Andy and Dan: Andy-Bake-Oven and Fur-Real-Dan
Can't you just picture a little pink oven and Barbie-sized kitchen complete with your very own Runty Rusty wearing a chef's hat and apron? And how bout a huggable Dan wearing one of those big fur-coats for men (ala Putty from Seinfeld)?
you're welcome.
well, I might've gone a little crazy, haha...my head was spinning afterwards. spinning with adoration, mind you! I'm completely taken with the Teenys.
and ack! stop it! those ideas are too painfully adorable, especially because I can completely picture it in my head! and since Dami hates Barbie stuff but loves cooking, wouldn't he be torn between bossing Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen?!
and ack! stop it! those ideas are too painfully adorable, especially because I can completely picture it in my head! and since Dami hates Barbie stuff but loves cooking, wouldn't he be torn between bossing Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen?!
Ah, well if you're taken with them, Big Person says you can have them
Lol, "painfully adorable," I love the phrase and not just cause I'm in a profession that inflicts pain.
Yes, Dinky Dami would be torn between bossing Runty Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen. He would make every attempt to change that kitchen from stiff pink Barbie to funky mid century modern. However, he will put up with the kitchen if it means easy bake oven treats. Big Person will wake up not understanding why the kitchen smells of cooking because she is unaware of Easy Bake Andy and his little oven.
(All this rambling is to make up for the fact that I am too overloaded with studying to write a Teeny story at the moment. So those are just some bits and pieces for the dear boardies)
Lol, "painfully adorable," I love the phrase and not just cause I'm in a profession that inflicts pain.
Yes, Dinky Dami would be torn between bossing Runty Rusty around and being disgusted at the very sight of the kitchen. He would make every attempt to change that kitchen from stiff pink Barbie to funky mid century modern. However, he will put up with the kitchen if it means easy bake oven treats. Big Person will wake up not understanding why the kitchen smells of cooking because she is unaware of Easy Bake Andy and his little oven.
(All this rambling is to make up for the fact that I am too overloaded with studying to write a Teeny story at the moment. So those are just some bits and pieces for the dear boardies)
eee, sometimes I want to just pick up the Teenys and squish them <3 but then they'd be crushed. D:
ack. I have this huge stupid grin on my face just thinking of the possibilities...wow, the Teenys really are infectious. I mean, just one idea and then the whole thing snowballs as you think of the details of the scenario...
not to get horribly off topic, but I had CNN on in the background and I was staring out the window, spacing out, when suddenly I heard, "...Jon from Tempe, Arizona..." I kept staring until it hit me like three seconds later and I glanced over at the TV, hah.
I have my minions. Let's see, where did I leave Jon? You know my fav audioblog is the one where Tim mentions Tempe.
I imagined Damian's annoyed little face at being "Man handled". For those keeping the score, I stole that from "Night at the Museum".
omg! that's so true! and adorable! aaah, I bet my dreams are going to be invaded by Teenys soon...
"I came home from class pretty annoyed. Diminutive Dan sat on the counter, tapping out a tune and eating some trail mix. I complained out loud to him about having to take a major quiz to pass gym. "It's supposed to cover a range of terminology about all sorts of sports. So stupid! Who ever heard of a test to pass gym?!"
I threw down the study guide onto the counter. Diminutive Dan came over to take a peak at it, reading the list. "I can help you with this," he said. "I know a little about sports. Andy does too." In no time at all, Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan set up the kitchen as a little classroom. They scribbled on the wall different football moves. Then they went on to explain hocky, then baseball. Runty Rusty added little notes to my study guide that he thought I should know. After some time of tutoring, Runty Rusty turned to Diminutive Dan and said, "Now I think she needs a little test to see what she's learned."
"Yeah, let quiz her," Diminutive Dan agreed. He hoped off the counter and called out to Little Damian and Tiny Tim. He went in the pantry and I heard muffled voices. After a few minutes they all emerged with an assortment of stuff.
Meanwhile, Runty Rusty picked up a bottle cap that was laying on the coutner. He told me to pay close attention as he showed me the ultimate way to toss it. When everything was all set up, he turned and said, "Alright then, volleyball."
Little Damian stepped forward. Looking like a hardcore pro, he wore a white polo shirt, white shorts, and a headband. He said to me. "I'm going to pass the ball to Tim and he's gonna pass it back to me. Tell me the names of the passes we are doing." He picked up a red grape that sat on the counter next to him. Then he threw the grape slightly in the air, as a volley ball, and used his forearms to punt the ball over to Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim jumped up and passed the ball back to Little Damian using his finger tips.
"Little Damian," I said, "the name of the pass you did is called the 'underarm pass or bump' and Tiny Tim your pass back is called the 'overhand pass'."
Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty clapped, approving my answers, while Little Damian and Tiny Tim continued to pass the ball back and forth. "Come on, Tim, sooner or later, you're gonna drop it."
"Not if you drop it first," Tiny Tim grunted with a laugh. This went on for several seconds until Diminutive Dan finally came between them and blatantly took the ball away.
"Aww, man, I was winning," Tiny Tim whined.
"No way, I was!"
"Next on to golf!" Runty Rusty announced as he ate the grape/volleyball.
Near the toaster, Diminutive Dan dragged over a golf bag which had odd looking golf clubs inside. The golf clubs were made out of pretzel sticks. At the end of each pretzel stick was a different sized nut, peanuts and cashews mostly, which were glued on to each pretzel stick using marshmellow fluff.
Runty Rusty put the golf bag strap over his shoulder. He carefully selected a club and passed it to Little Damian. "How many holes does a typical round of golf consist of?" Little Damian asked me.
"18?" I said.
"Don't say it like you're asking," he said. "You got it right."
It was Tiny Tim's turn to ask a question. He said to me, "If I make a short distance shot, what's it called?"
"A putt."
"Good! If I make a long distance shot, what's it called?"
"A drive."
"I'm gonna make a long distance shot, and make a hole in one."
"No, way," Little Damian said, leaning on a golf club. "Just where do you intend to go?"
Runty Rusty pulled a golf club out of the bag and started snacking on it.
"I'm gonna make a hole in one clear across the kitchen to that chair and get the ball in her purse," Tiny Tim continued.
"A likely event, Yoda."
Tiny Tim poised himself in front of the ball. The ball was actually a small breath mint. He got ready, he braced himself, and he swung. We all watched as the ball rose high through the air, gently gliding past a panda bear ornament near the telephone, and dipped down quietly and simply into my pocket book.
Little Damian's mouth dropped open. "I can do that!" He declared. He placed a breath mint golf ball at his feet and poised himself. Just like Tiny Tim, he braced himself and swung. The ball soared through the air and dropped...right into the laundry basket full of clothes.
"Ooo, laundry hazzard!" Tiny Tim said faining pain mixed with sarcasm toward Little Damian.
"Forget it! What's next?" Little Damian declared quickly.
Diminutive Dan dribbled past Tiny Tim and Little Damian with a rubber ball, showing off his basket ball moves. He threw the ball through the hoop. The hoop consisted of a pasta measure balanced between two tall glasses. He quizzed me on some of the different moves such as the jump shot, layup, and slam dunk.
"Finally," Runty Rusty announced, "On to fencing."
"I have no idea why this has to be on the test," I grumbled.
"Let's just see what you've learned," Diminutive Dan said supportively.
Little Damian and Tiny Tim stepped forward, dressed all in white and wearing little white helmets.
They asked me to name the 4 types of fencing weapons. Then they showed me and quizzed me on some different fencing attacks and parry. Their weapons consisted of little plastic coctail swords. Little Damian's sword was blue, Tiny Tim's was red. I was able to identify each attack and parry. Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty clapped to approve of my answers and end the quiz. But instead of ending the sword fight, Tiny Tim and Little Damian continued fencing and suddenly began to recite lines from Les Miserable at each other.
I couldn't make out most of the words they sang as it was done with such passion and muttered to each other at the same time. They'd each start singing really quietly---then suddenly shout! They stomped on the grapes, knocked over the golf bag spilling pretzel crumbs and salt all over. Little Damian continued singing and went for a thrust. Tiny Tim swung his hip out of the way while shouting "Shazzam!" Little Damian's sword went into a bag of flour, a little pile of flour began to spill from the bag. Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan clapped louder, trying to get the attention of Little Damian and Tiny Tim. I whistled really loud and waved at them. Pretty soon the counter was becoming a white grimy slippery mess and the jousting wouldn't stop! Finally the song came to an end with Tiny Tim proudly muttering "Yeah." They both took a bow. Neither of them had even won the joust. Diminutive Dan, Runty Rusty, and I stood there just staring, with our arms crossed disapprovingly.
And so the quiz ended. I went about doing the rest of my homework, while it was decided that Tiny Tim and Little Damian should clean up the ridiculous mess they had made."
I laughed so hard at Runty Rusty for eating the equipment and haha, you mentioned the panda bear!
It's incredible how well you write, I can perfectly picture everything and it's hilarious!!! (esp Damian and Tim and their go at Les Mis... love it)
Tempe, once again, that was adorably amazing
This made me so happy! You guys made my day.
The Teenys are educational. I spent too much time on wiki trying to figure out sporting terminology. I now have a better appreciation for golf, lol. Yes, Runty Rusty can't resist a nice snack, but really don't we all have that prob?
I got grounded on Monday night until Friday morning, and I'd noticed you'd posted a new story but I hadn't read it, so I had to wait this long to read it! ahh! I got up this morning and ran over to the computer to read it, first thing, haha. yay. it was really awesome. it makes me want to draw Teenys, but I've got homework crushing me so I don't think I can D: hopefully soon though!
thank you for the story!
"I have no idea why Runty Rusty kept getting in my way today. He was everywhere I didn't want him to be, which is odd, considering he usually minds his own business curled up with his laptop in his can of spam. It started when I got home from school. I came into the house and plopped on the sofa. I heard rattling and clammering in the pantry followed by muffled Teeny voices. I decided to ignore it.
Meanwhile, Diminutive Dan and Runty Rusty were in the bedroom looking for something.
"What are we looking for again?" Runty Rusty asked.
"I dunno, that thing..." Diminutive Dan trailed off.
"What thing?"
"I'll let you know when we find it."
"But she doesn't like when we go thru her stuff without permission. If we get yelled out, I'm blaming you."
Diminutive Dan started rummaging through the shoe boxes in the closet, tossing over the lids.
"Don't you think it's a bad idea to mess up her closet. We'll get in trouble."
"Well," Diminutive Dan said, "why don't you check the night stand."
Runty Rusty shrugged his shoulders and followed Diminutive Dan's orders. He approached the night stand, using the cord from the desk lamp to climb to the table's surface. He scanned the objects on the counter, some squished up tissues, lip stick and assorted make up, a pen and paper. "What are we looking for, Dan?"
Suddenly the door came open and Diminutive Dan dived into a show box to hide.
I came into the room to find Runty Rusty standing around my make-up on my nightstand. The room was a mess, admittedly, part of it was mine own mess, but not all of it.
"What are you doing in my room?!" I demanded.
"It wasn't my idea. It was Dan's!" Runty Rusty pointed at the closet. I looked inside, but Diminutive Dan was nowhere to be seen.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but you're not supposed to be in my room."
"Get out!" I pointed at the door.
He hopped up onto the arm clock, then grabbed hold of it's electrical cord, slid down it to the floor, and scurried out the door.
Maybe I was harsh, but I had a hard day and was not expecting a Teeny to mess up my room. I'd expect that sort of thing from Little Damian, but not from Runty Rusty.
A little while later, I went to get the mail. Diminutive Dan still needed help from Runty Rusty, but he refused to help. "No way, man. You got me in trouble," he said. Diminutive Dan climbed onto the window sill next to the front door. "Gee, Andy, I'm sorry about that."
"Yeah, yeah...So then, what are you looking for?"
"I'll know when I find it," Diminutive Dan replied.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Runty Rusty asked as he climbed up on the sill to join Diminutive Dan.
"Do you think you can go outside for just a second and fetch me that tennis ball in the alley?" Diminutive Dan asked.
"Why can't you do it?"
He shrugged, "Fine, let's do it together." But just as Runty Rusty slid out the open window, he heard it slam shut. He whipped round to see the cheap venetian blind from inside ripple down. He couldn't see if Diminutive Dan was alright. He knocked on the window, but no one answered. "Hey!" he started banging desperately at the window, but no one came to open it. He finally plopped down and sat there on the outside window sill.
As I approached the house, mail in tow, I found Runty Rusty sitting outside, chin in his palm looking both bored and angered. As soon as he saw me he jumped up. "I'm locked out!" he exclaimed. "Dan told me to come out here and grab a tennis ball and then I got locked out and no one will let me back in." he rambled on furiously.
"Ah, sorry. That stinks." I opened the door and waited for Runty Rusty to hop down and scramble in first, his little fists clenched.
"Alright, Dan where are you!?" he demanded.
I went to the kitchen to throw out the junk mail. Runty Rusty searched the living room for Diminutive Dan. He finally looked out the sliding doors to see Diminutive Dan on the patio table behind a potted plant, waving at him. He gestured for Runty Rusty to come outside and join him. Runty Rusty looked past his shoulder to make sure the coast was clear, dragged open the sliding door a crack, and slid out. He climbed up the patio furniture to join Diminutive Dan on the table. "What do you want this time?" Runty Rusty asked.
"Nothing," I just thought maybe what I was looking for would be around here somewhere--you know, in the backyard."
"You got potting soil all over the table looking for whatever it is your looking for." Runty Rusty noted, his back turned to Diminutive Dan as he scanned the backyard with his eyes for the ubiquitous object that eluded Diminutive Dan.
Diminutive Dan didn't answer. Runty Rusty turned round to find Diminutive Dan, once again, was gone.
I opened the sliding door, ice tea in hand, and found Runty Rusty on the patio table. Potting soil and Teeny foot prints covered the table. I glared at him. "It was Dan!" he said before I could speak.
At first, I didn't know whether to believe him. But then I saw that not only did he look furious, but rather upset. I pulled up a chair in front of him. "What's wrong?" I asked, brushing potting soil out of the way so he could sit down.
"It's my birthday and all I keep getting is yelled at."
"Happy Birthday!"
"The guys don't seem to care about it. They'd rather play dumbass jokes on me."
I didn't know what to say. I felt sorry for him. "Well," I finally said. "How bout I make a special dinner just for you."
The thought of food suddenly made Runty Rusty's face brighten just slightly. He hoped off the table, down the furniture, and to the sliding door. He dragged it open a crack and slid in. I got up to follow him. When we got to the kitchen, on the counter by the stove, Diminutive Dan, Tiny Tim, and Little Damian had their instruments set up. As soon as the saw Runty Rusty, they broke into a birthday song written especially for him. Runty Rusty's eyes widened as they presented him with gifts. After the song was done and Runty Rusty had opened his gifts, Little Damian slapped him on the back. He went on to explain, "We had Dan distract you."
"More like get me into deep shit."
"That too," Tiny Tim added.
"We had to have Dan distract you while Tim and I got the pantry in order. Party at our place!" Little Damian shouted. He flipped opened the pantry and they all jumped inside.
They spent the rest of the night drinking, making tremendous noise, and causing a mess."
Happy Birthday, Runty Rusty!!!
"It's my birthday and all I keep getting is yelled at."
awww! *pictures him saying that*
"It's my birthday and all I keep getting is yelled at."
awww! *pictures him saying that*
aaaaaaw, me too, poor Rusty....
another amazing story, oh how I love this.
"Tiny Tim and Runty Rusty sat on the kitchen coutner playing Scrabble. Diminutive Dan was in charge of the dictionary. Meanwhile, I had something I wanted to get done. I finally bought a pair of simple drapes and couldn't wait to hang them up over the living room window. It was a simple enough task. Instructions were included. All I had to to was assemble it and screw it into the wall. That's when I realized Little Damian was not with the rest of the band. He should've been coaching Tiny Tim on Scrabble suggestions. He was the seimiotics champ afterall. I was hoping to hang the curtains in peace while he busied himself with that.
I shrugged my shoulders and went to work. But before I could get started, I sensed someone standing behind me. I turned reluctantly. Little Damian stood there in the middle of the living room floor, hands on his hips. "Looks like you're trying to build something," he smirked.
"I'm putting up curtains," I muttered quickly.
There was a pause, he opened his mouth to speak. I cut him off, "You want to help don't you?" I grumbled.
He nodded enthusiastically. "...However," he added, "That curtain color is all wrong for that wall."
"She should've taken you along curtain shopping, I take it?" Runty Rusty called from the kitchen.
"Naturally," Little Damian said proudly.
"Yahtzee!" Tiny Tim shouted. "---Oh wait, wrong game!--No wait!--I spelled the word Yahtzee! Triple word score!" Diminutive Dan slapped Tiny Tim five.
"You know maybe if you guys were building robots instead of Scrabble, Tim wouldn't be kicking your butt," Little Damian shouted back at Runty Rusty.
As they teased each other, I tried desperately to get the curtains together as quickly as possible while Little Damian was too distracted to boss me around.
He turned back toward me, "Now, wait a minute! Who said you could start on that without me," he insisted.
"I don't need your help with this," I informed him.
"Oh, yes you do, sweetie."
Little Damain had this habit of calling someone "sweetie" or "honey" or "babe" when he wanted his way. I ignored him and continued assembling the curtains. They were ready for hanging. I got on a stool, screw driver at the ready.
"A little more to the left," he told me.
"I'm centering it over the window!"
"That's not very original."
"I'm going for normal not psycho decorater here."
"Ha, well, you should lift the right side up. Unless you want crooked wall hangings that is."
"Thanks," I grumble.
"You should've bought some fancy wall sconces or lions heads to hang at the end of the drapes."
"Come on! Just a plain old curtain! It needs dressing up."
"In that case...I did get tassles." I dangled them before him. His little mouth dropped.
"No way!" he shouted. Hopping at the tassles, trying to swing at them excitedly. "Gimme!"
"Go coach Tiny Tim. I need to finish hanging these."
"Gimme that tassle," he said dazzled.
He turned in a huff back to the kitchen.
A short time later I was in my room reading a homework assignment. It was nice and quiet for awhile. Then I heard thuds...then giggles...then shouts coming from the living room. I came out to see what was going on. Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan stood in front of the curtain, holding a piece of fabric. Meanwhile, Little Damian swung from the tassle like some sort of derranged Tarzan. Then he let go. Legs flailing, shouting some sort of jarble, he landed safely in the fabric being held by Runty Rusty and Diminutive Dan. "Tim!" Little Damian shouted. "You've gotta try this man!"
"Uhhh," Tiny Tim stammered, "No."
"Come on!"
"I'll try," Runty Rusty shouted.
I marched over to them, "What the heck are you all doing to my curtain!"
"Our curtain!" Little Damian insisted.
"Well," Runty Rusty said. "For awhile, we were bunjee jumping, but now we're trying out other games."
"Can't you all go back to building a robot with Runty Rusty or something? You're going to break my curtain."
"No we won't," Diminutive Dan said pleasantly, eyes sweet and sparkly.
I sighed. "Fine. Don't hurt yourselves." I turned to go back to my room.
"Wait, wait," Tiny Tim shouted. "You haven't heard my great new stomp song about the curtain."
"...I've got homework to do so you all just carry on with what you were doing," I said, heading back to my room.
And so while I try to decorate my home, I instead inadvertantly create another new toy for the Teenys to play and drive me crazy with."