with the onset of school means no more time to play on the computer or checking in here when I feel like it...
back to a regular work schedule, sorry to those of you who don't have summers off and deal with it all year.
I will miss you all, you've added to my summer in a positive way. Thanks!
see you around
but i do love me some summer.
Though I admit I'm freaking out about the move. I have huge difficulties with transition so the thought of having to move makes me panicky. I won't be seeing my family on a regular basis, nor my really close friends from home, nor my boyfriend who I've come accustomed to (and love) seeing on a daily basis.
It's a mix of two very strong emotions and I don't know which side is winning. I know I will be fine when I settle in, but the process of moving is terrible.
but i'll agree. i'm super excited to start school, but i always get like this, and come november i'm wishing it was over. but this year, my senior year, i don't know if i'll ever get that feeling. :-/
It must be so nice to go back to the same location. Hopefully I'll be in the same position next year as my roommates and I have moved into a new apartment and don't plan on trying to find a new one come the end of the year.
I just don't want to have to buy furniture and set up bill payment and whatever else I have to do. I want to wake up and be there with everything settled.
However, I did buy a connecticut flag for 50 cents at a tag sale to use as a curtain. My room is going to be ridiculous (I also have a huge wooden kitten plaque my boyfriend found for me, record covers galore, a framed postcard from a Basquiat show, a huuuuuge ridiculous flower embroidered poster...thing, and hopefully the ugliest lamps in existence). This should be interesting.
You'll enjoy your senior year. You know the place. You'll probably still want it to be over, but this time you have something new and exciting to look forward to in the coming year rather than just another year at school. It will be great.
We'll miss you too!
I'll also have to be cutting back the fun time once school starts, but I plan on being here all weekend to make up for it, hopefully
I will miss everyone, and will hopefully get to come on during the weekends
I lived in London my senior year of college and was engaged to my boyfriend...I wrote him 2, sometimes 3 letters a day I missed him so badly. It didn't stop me from enjoying all the many things there were around me. I was lucky to have good roommates too, that really helps.
My advice to all of you is to, excuse the pun, do what you want while you are free from the burdens of adult life that come after college. I think I may have been a tad bit wilder had I known then what I know now.
have a great school year!
Last year I was getting on my feet, but now that I've actually settled and feel like I have, as trite as it sounds, my Montreal group, my support system of sorts. I love the lot of 'em and I know we're going to have a great year.
I just need to get over myself and realize I have absolute nothing to complain about.
I'm not starting school until the 27th, but I've got my AP project to keep me busy until then. I haven't even started it yet. The plan is to start today, but...that's been the plan for the last week. Hasn't quite worked out yet.
I'm not starting school until the 27th, but I've got my AP project to keep me busy until then. I haven't even started it yet. The plan is to start today, but...that's been the plan for the last week. Hasn't quite worked out yet.
I know how you feel. I have to read a huge ass book for AP and then do some paper. Oh and I still have another book to read for Enlish. And I have less than 2 weeks to school, ugh. Why can't summer be longer. I really do like sleep.
hehe i love the smell of the books on the first day ^^
oo and all the new pencils
What are you talking about?? I have way less burden now than when I was in college. And I actually have the money to go do wild things. No, I don't have 3 month blocks off anymore, but I didn't have that in college either, I took summer school. But man, I found college was way harder than the work place. Way less stressful at least. I come in, I put in my 10 hour days (which suck, but I get paid OT, so it's not too bad) and then I go home and forget about it. No, homework, no test coming nagging me, nothing to make me feel guilty for enjoying myself in my spare time (man, this show is awesome, but now I have to stay up till 4am to get this done) None of it!!
It is my experience that college was not hte best time of my life. It's now!! Now I have the time any money to enjoy myself.
ETA: I guess I should mention that finishing college was key to lifting the burden. Cause man, money can't buy happiness, but no money sure as hell buys stress!!!
I have my favourite teacher for homeroom in my senior year YEEEE. I was pretty much convinced that I didn't have him, up until a couple days ago... I knew I had english for first period on one of my days, I asked him when he was teaching, he was like, "I teach Grade 12 on day 2 period 2 and period 4..." I was like DAMMIT but I checked the student portal two nights ago. Lo and behold, English 12 with Pizzuti day 1 per 1. You have no idea how awesome he is. He's amazing. He doesn't give hmework on wednesdays if he has us, because he wants us to watch America's Next Top Model... bahahaha. He's also apparently the best-dressed man in the entire country according to the Globe and Mail.
... I'm proud to be his student. I'm sorry, I'm rambling, I'll stop
I'm smack in between the two wolfies here. I LOVED College and would give anything to go back, but right now things with just me and and my husband aren't so bad, either! We may not have all the money we want to go and do whatever we want, and we do have to work pretty hard for the money we make (him moreso than I, although I work more OT than he does), but we do a LOT of really fun stuff. *ahem* OK Go concerts *Ahem*
I think the answer to this conundrum is to appreciate every day and live it to its fullest, no matter how much or little responsibility you've got. That way you're not saying to yourself, "Man I wish I had this back again."
My birthday is next week, hence heightened insight abilities.
Did I mention my b-day is next week? W00t!
Those things are a burden wether you're in college or not. In fact those things would be more of a burden if you were in college. I do intend to settle down and have a family and a spouse, but the burden of which you speak comes from that, not from finishing college.