So I just looked at my iTunes play count for OTBCOTS and I've listened to Skyscrapers more than any other song on the album...WHAT?! I didn't even like this song when I first heard it and it's not even "my type" of music. Well, I obviously love it now... interesting.
Alright, so, I finally picked up this on vinyl and I've gotta say, I now actually appreciate all aspects of the album - the CD master was of such a poor quality that I found several of my favorite tracks unlistenable (White Knuckles comes to mind in particular). The vinyl master has, as suspected, fixed many of these issues. I think maybe the master on White Knuckles in particular is just super-poor because there's still elements of unintentional distortion, although it can be rather unnoticeable when you use a decent EQ. Overall I am incredibly impressed with the mastering and production here.
Anybody else who's a producer or technical musician here bought the vinyl? Thoughts?
So I just looked at my iTunes play count for OTBCOTS and I've listened to Skyscrapers more than any other song on the album...WHAT?! I didn't even like this song when I first heard it and it's not even "my type" of music. Well, I obviously love it now... interesting.
For me Skyscrapers is tied with Needing/Getting for top plays. Idk, maybe it's because I fell in love with it when I heard it live, but Skyscrapers has pretty consistently been a favorite of mine. I'm glad other people are falling in love with it too though
A few weeks ago (I know, I'm a terrible boardie for not posting sooner) I finally listened to the whole record all the way through, in a darkened room, with the phone turned off, so I wouldn't be distracted. I have much I could say, but that's it in a nutshell.
I just bought a copy of the new album at the show last week (Tokyo). It's the Japanese version (at least there is a Japanese insert in addition to the English one), I think. The video for WTF is on the CD as an application, but I want to put the video on my iPhone.... anyway to do that without purchasing it from iTunes? Since I've already paid for it, I don't want to buy it again.
The other two OK Go records didn't make me cry. This one does. A few weeks ago (I know, I'm a terrible boardie for not posting sooner) I finally listened to the whole record all the way through, in a darkened room, with the phone turned off, so I wouldn't be distracted. I have much I could say, but that's it in a nutshell.
I feel ya. Some of their older songs make me cry too, though.
I just bought a copy of the new album at the show last week (Tokyo). It's the Japanese version (at least there is a Japanese insert in addition to the English one), I think. The video for WTF is on the CD as an application, but I want to put the video on my iPhone.... anyway to do that without purchasing it from iTunes? Since I've already paid for it, I don't want to buy it again.
Any help would be appreciated.
Rip it from YouTube?
ETA: I just noticed that my icon is still a Christmas pudding. Hmmm.
I just bought a copy of the new album at the show last week (Tokyo). It's the Japanese version (at least there is a Japanese insert in addition to the English one), I think. The video for WTF is on the CD as an application, but I want to put the video on my iPhone.... anyway to do that without purchasing it from iTunes? Since I've already paid for it, I don't want to buy it again.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried looking for the video file on the CD file system? If you right-click the CD drive and click Explore rather than AutoPlay or whatever is default (I'm assuming Windows here) then you should be able to look around. Either there will be a video file somewhere or it is embedded into the application in which case you'll have to look elsewhere.
Incidentally, just because you paid for it on CD doesn't necessarily mean legally you automatically have the right to have it on your iPhone. However last time I checked you also didn't automatically have the legal right to transfer music from a CD to iTunes to your iPhone either. So leaving the legal/ethical judgement to you, should you decide you want a particular video file on your iPhone I recommend Videora which can either take a video file you might find on a CD or take straight from YouTube and put it into the appropriate format ready for iTunes.
OK Go's new album, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, along with their previous two efforts, OK Go (2002) and Oh No (2005), are now distributed through the group's own (and unpronounceable) label, Paracadute.
#1 I didn't know they also had distributing rights to OK Go and Oh No.
#2 How is Paracadute unpronounceable?
They are just coming off a 10-day shoot for White Knuckles, a groovy, Prince-like number, near Portland, Ore.
I'm pretty sure that the article is incorrect and they do not have the rights to any earlier releases. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not.
As for the White Knux vid, just because they make an official one doesn't mean they are opposed to a second. TTSP, anyone?
I'm pretty sure that the article is incorrect and they do not have the rights to any earlier releases. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not.
That's what I thought, too. I could've sworn that they just got OTBCOTS and that was it.
DJRose said:
As for the White Knux vid, just because they make an official one doesn't mean they are opposed to a second. TTSP, anyone?
True. Very true. Alas, we'd need a lot more Boardie vids than what is currently available for a video to be made.
Maybe that explains the dream I had last night (there were amusements and White Knuckles was playing from somewhere). Maybe that also explains the rising incidences of sightings, like my Dan doppelganger experience.
I think there are inaccuracies in the article too, or maybe just annoyances. First of all, Chicago natives? Surely that's a case of an editor's attempt to "punch up" some perfectly nice and accurate phrase like "The band, formed in Chicago" by making it shorter and wrong. Second, why is OR abbreviated in the old style, "ORE." Why is it abbreviated at all. It's not like there's a premium on column inches here. Three more letters won't throw off the layout. I live in ORE, and no one has used that defunct postal designation in nearly 20 years (insert sarcastic joke about Canadians HERE). Oh! They caused a flap over embedding! A flap, get it? In an article featuring Orange Bill?
I'm being grumpsy. It's a grim and grumpsy day, can you tell? But, yeah, Paracadute is easy (not to mention fun) to say, so, um... whatever. Hey, there may be more Muppets. I could use more Muppets.
Resurrecting this old thread because I've been listening to OTBCOTS a lot lately.
Does anyone else hear the Beach Boys during aross' solo in Needing/Getting?
DEFINITELY. I actually made a point of driving up the Pacific Coast Highway listening to Needing/Getting last time I was out in LA because that song just feels SO California to me.
It's funny you should say this, btw, because I've had OTBCOTS on repeat in the car recently. It's mainly because it's one of the few CDs I've got in the car and there are issues with my iPod hook up (8 year old car, what what?), but I still choose to listen to it over other stuff.
Does anyone else remember their first time listening to a particular song on the album? I do. I listened to In the Glass for the first time when I was half asleep and in the dark. I swear, I jumped five feet into the air and could not stop shivering after the little part at the beginning. A bad idea to put it on loud in the middle of the night. But is anyone else also a tad scared of the song?
It. Is. Beautiful.
And then I had a really sad dream that Andy left the band and I was like "Noooooo!"
Anybody else who's a producer or technical musician here bought the vinyl? Thoughts?
For me Skyscrapers is tied with Needing/Getting for top plays. Idk, maybe it's because I fell in love with it when I heard it live, but Skyscrapers has pretty consistently been a favorite of mine. I'm glad other people are falling in love with it too though
This one does.
A few weeks ago (I know, I'm a terrible boardie for not posting sooner) I finally listened to the whole record all the way through, in a darkened room, with the phone turned off, so I wouldn't be distracted. I have much I could say, but that's it in a nutshell.
By the way, there are 5 parts!
Any help would be appreciated.
This one does.
A few weeks ago (I know, I'm a terrible boardie for not posting sooner) I finally listened to the whole record all the way through, in a darkened room, with the phone turned off, so I wouldn't be distracted. I have much I could say, but that's it in a nutshell.
I feel ya. Some of their older songs make me cry too, though.
Any help would be appreciated.
Rip it from YouTube?
ETA: I just noticed that my icon is still a Christmas pudding. Hmmm.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried looking for the video file on the CD file system? If you right-click the CD drive and click Explore rather than AutoPlay or whatever is default (I'm assuming Windows here) then you should be able to look around. Either there will be a video file somewhere or it is embedded into the application in which case you'll have to look elsewhere.
Incidentally, just because you paid for it on CD doesn't necessarily mean legally you automatically have the right to have it on your iPhone. However last time I checked you also didn't automatically have the legal right to transfer music from a CD to iTunes to your iPhone either. So leaving the legal/ethical judgement to you, should you decide you want a particular video file on your iPhone I recommend Videora which can either take a video file you might find on a CD or take straight from YouTube and put it into the appropriate format ready for iTunes.
Hope that helps
I'm putting this here because it's all about OTBCOTS.
Free-thinking OK Go honk to the beat of their own geese.
OK Go's new album, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, along with their previous two efforts, OK Go (2002) and Oh No (2005), are now distributed through the group's own (and unpronounceable) label, Paracadute.
#1 I didn't know they also had distributing rights to OK Go and Oh No.
#2 How is Paracadute unpronounceable?
They are just coming off a 10-day shoot for White Knuckles, a groovy, Prince-like number, near Portland, Ore.
Sorry, kids.
I'm pretty sure that the article is incorrect and they do not have the rights to any earlier releases. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that I'm not.
As for the White Knux vid, just because they make an official one doesn't mean they are opposed to a second. TTSP, anyone?
Maybe that explains the dream I had last night (there were amusements and White Knuckles was playing from somewhere). Maybe that also explains the rising incidences of sightings, like my Dan doppelganger experience.
I think there are inaccuracies in the article too, or maybe just annoyances. First of all, Chicago natives? Surely that's a case of an editor's attempt to "punch up" some perfectly nice and accurate phrase like "The band, formed in Chicago" by making it shorter and wrong. Second, why is OR abbreviated in the old style, "ORE." Why is it abbreviated at all. It's not like there's a premium on column inches here. Three more letters won't throw off the layout. I live in ORE, and no one has used that defunct postal designation in nearly 20 years (insert sarcastic joke about Canadians HERE). Oh! They caused a flap over embedding! A flap, get it? In an article featuring Orange Bill?
I'm being grumpsy. It's a grim and grumpsy day, can you tell?
But, yeah, Paracadute is easy (not to mention fun) to say, so, um... whatever. Hey, there may be more Muppets. I could use more Muppets.
Does anyone else hear the Beach Boys during aross' solo in Needing/Getting?
DEFINITELY. I actually made a point of driving up the Pacific Coast Highway listening to Needing/Getting last time I was out in LA because that song just feels SO California to me.
It's funny you should say this, btw, because I've had OTBCOTS on repeat in the car recently. It's mainly because it's one of the few CDs I've got in the car and there are issues with my iPod hook up (8 year old car, what what?), but I still choose to listen to it over other stuff.