Then he was about to leave, but I stopped him again and asked him if he could make a little sign saying “I love Katie” or “Katie is awesome” and hold it up while I take a picture of him. He did it and then he left.
This is the Angry Bird from my old shoes, back when they were new. This is still my favorite one. I don't like the new Angry Bird as much. Half of the conversations I've had with Damian are about Angry bird, but I've only had like 6 real conversations with him, so it's not really that many.
That's suh-wheat! I'm so impressed with Damian's artistic talents.
QUOTE (ezorvera @ Feb 26 2008, 08:50 PM)
Don't feel bad! He said it in jokingly and I think he was saying it more towards me than you. I'm always bugging him about something.
*wipes brow* Phew! I was sullen for a little bit there. And now I'm uber happy again!! K, you are THE BEST EVAR!!
I'm so glad I got time to read this today. You're seem so cool-headed around them! They're so sweet to you too. And btw, it was awesome what you did for Katie and Becky.
How awesome was that write up? Sounds like a good time!! A totally cool experience. I can't wait until I can buy the book and read it, sounds like it will be a good one!!
Thank you soooo much for this write-up! I LOVED it. OK Go write-ups are like another chapter of my favorite story! You have the exclusively tailor-made Angry Bird shoes! Who said "dead"? Tim humor or Damian humor?
I can't believe you met Angela! And I especially can't believe the part where the world doesn't combust upon the two of you seeing each other
I know! I guess it'll only happen if all of the IWI meet.
QUOTE (Surfer Rosa @ Feb 27 2008, 07:52 AM)
uuhh awesome! how did he sign it at the end?
Katie Rulez.
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Feb 28 2008, 01:56 PM)
Who said "dead"? Tim humor or Damian humor?
I honestly can't remember! I've been trying to figure it out, but I can't. At first I thought it was Tim, but I can see Damian saying something like that too. Plus, they both said their answers at the same time, so that just adds to the confusion. This is going to bug me for a couple more days.
me too! i only had 20 bucks on saturday so i couldn't buy it
heheh!! i can't believe it either ;]
i wonder what monday's show as like...i really wanted to go but i couldn't
Here's my take on Monday's show:
Monday's show followed the same format....but obviously with different people. OK Go walked in and started playing and then they introduced Patton Oswalt, who was the host for that evening, and all the other contributors w/ the same little "mother fuckin" intro as they did on Saturday.
Patton started the show w/ a rant about the Academy Awards and how Gary Busey pretty much crashed the Awards ceremony because there was no way that he could have been invited. He then introduced David Wain who then brought out two friends, Kerri Kenney (I absolutely love her on Reno 911!!) and David Krumholtz (who was also in Freaks and Geeks). I can't remember the title of his story, but it had to do with persistence. The two actors carried it off really well...pretty funny. Larry Wilmore then read his bit about his daughter, which was cute.
The band then played “Oh Lately It’s So Quiet”. I was half expecting them to keep everything the same and play “A Million Ways”, but I was glad they changed it up a bit. I was able to record it on my camera, but the quality wasn’t all that great , it was a bit blurry.
They did something a little different that night. They added a screen to show a little cartoon illustrating one of the stories w/ a recorded phone call playing in the background. I think it was entitled “I Still Like Jessica”, but I’m not quite sure. It was funny! The only drawback to this was that all the guys except for Andy were hidden behind the screen. Andy at least was entertained.
Afterwards, they introduced Nellie McKay who performed “Mother of Pearl” w/ OK Go and Patton Oswalt.
The best part of the night (of course this is an OK Go fan talking) had to be when the band was asked why the 4th member of the band wasn’t up there. Dan was in attendance that night sitting only a couple of rows ahead of where I was standing. The band then pointed him out. I was hoping that Dan would be called up to play, but that didn’t happen, instead, Damian said something along the lines that the show was too “sensitive” for him and that Dan is only signed on to “rock”. Patton then said, “so this is the make up of the band?…3 parts Sensitivity and 1 part Rock”…to which Dan and the rest of the band agreed. He then started on Dan, telling him he was the Ted Nugent of the band. Soon after that, I believe, Bob Odenkirk ended the night w/ his story.
After the show, I went and bought a book at the table. At first, Ben Karlin and Bob Odenkirk were the only two at the table signing. Bob asked if I wanted him to ruin my copy by signing it, to which I replied “Yes, I was hoping to depreciate the book’s worth”….then Ben Karlin signed it adding “you complete me” and it was at this point that Damian was hopping over seats to get to the table so he could join in on signing the book. He made it just in time for Ben to hand him my book so he could sign it. As he was writing a little message for me, I noticed Dan right beside me and so did Damian. Felt kind of awkward, like I was intruding on them by just standing right there as they talked about the show and carried on their conversation. Damian then handed me the book…I said thanks and took off to read his comment…which I’m sure he used on many other people…”Now all you have to do is learn to read” w/ his signature It was a good night.
He then introduced David Wain who then brought out two friends, Kerri Kenney (I absolutely love her on Reno 911!!) and David Krumholtz (who was also in Freaks and Geeks). I can't remember the title of his story, but it had to do with persistence. The two actors carried it off really well...pretty funny.
So jealous! That was my favorite lesson in the book. And you got to see Kerri and David. I've had a crush on David Krumholtz since The Santa Clause (don't laugh, he was utterly adorable in that movie).
QUOTE (weirdwolf76 @ Feb 29 2008, 07:11 PM)
The band then played “Oh Lately It’s So Quiet”. I was half expecting them to keep everything the same and play “A Million Ways”, but I was glad they changed it up a bit. I was able to record it on my camera, but the quality wasn’t all that great , it was a bit blurry.
We'd be ever so grateful if you posted it somewhere. Pwease
QUOTE (weirdwolf76 @ Feb 29 2008, 07:11 PM)
Bob asked if I wanted him to ruin my copy by signing it, to which I replied “Yes, I was hoping to depreciate the book’s worth”….then Ben Karlin signed it adding “you complete me” and it was at this point that Damian was hopping over seats to get to the table so he could join in on signing the book. He made it just in time for Ben to hand him my book so he could sign it. As he was writing a little message for me, I noticed Dan right beside me and so did Damian. Felt kind of awkward, like I was intruding on them by just standing right there as they talked about the show and carried on their conversation. Damian then handed me the book…I said thanks and took off to read his comment…which I’m sure he used on many other people…”Now all you have to do is learn to read” w/ his signature It was a good night.
Weirdwolf! There is so much to love about your story! First off, what Dan wrote in your book- hyyyysterical. And the three parts sentimental, 1 part rock- I absolutely love that description. I can just picture the scene. Thank you so much for sharing!
uuhh awesome! how did he sign it at the end?
This is the Angry Bird from my old shoes, back when they were new. This is still my favorite one. I don't like the new Angry Bird as much. Half of the conversations I've had with Damian are about Angry bird, but I've only had like 6 real conversations with him, so it's not really that many.
That's suh-wheat! I'm so impressed with Damian's artistic talents.
*wipes brow* Phew! I was sullen for a little bit there. And now I'm uber happy again!! K, you are THE BEST EVAR!!
What CAN'T the man do?!?!
i know!!! i teared up when i got it, i won't lie
Who said "dead"? Tim humor or Damian humor?
I know! I guess it'll only happen if all of the IWI meet.
Katie Rulez.
I honestly can't remember! I've been trying to figure it out, but I can't. At first I thought it was Tim, but I can see Damian saying something like that too. Plus, they both said their answers at the same time, so that just adds to the confusion. This is going to bug me for a couple more days.
i think it was tim...yeah, i'm almost sure it was him...
cuz didn't damian start to laugh after that?
....or i might be making stuff up :/
me too! i only had 20 bucks on saturday so i couldn't buy it
i can't believe it either ;]
i wonder what monday's show as like...i really wanted to go but i couldn't
Here's my take on Monday's show:
Monday's show followed the same format....but obviously with different people. OK Go walked in and started playing and then they introduced Patton Oswalt, who was the host for that evening, and all the other contributors w/ the same little "mother fuckin" intro as they did on Saturday.
Patton started the show w/ a rant about the Academy Awards and how Gary Busey pretty much crashed the Awards ceremony because there was no way that he could have been invited. He then introduced David Wain who then brought out two friends, Kerri Kenney (I absolutely love her on Reno 911!!) and David Krumholtz (who was also in Freaks and Geeks). I can't remember the title of his story, but it had to do with persistence. The two actors carried it off really well...pretty funny. Larry Wilmore then read his bit about his daughter, which was cute.
The band then played “Oh Lately It’s So Quiet”. I was half expecting them to keep everything the same and play “A Million Ways”, but I was glad they changed it up a bit. I was able to record it on my camera, but the quality wasn’t all that great
They did something a little different that night. They added a screen to show a little cartoon illustrating one of the stories w/ a recorded phone call playing in the background. I think it was entitled “I Still Like Jessica”, but I’m not quite sure. It was funny! The only drawback to this was that all the guys except for Andy were hidden behind the screen. Andy at least was entertained.
Afterwards, they introduced Nellie McKay who performed “Mother of Pearl” w/ OK Go and Patton Oswalt.
The best part of the night (of course this is an OK Go fan talking) had to be when the band was asked why the 4th member of the band wasn’t up there. Dan was in attendance that night sitting only a couple of rows ahead of where I was standing. The band then pointed him out. I was hoping that Dan would be called up to play, but that didn’t happen, instead, Damian said something along the lines that the show was too “sensitive” for him and that Dan is only signed on to “rock”. Patton then said, “so this is the make up of the band?…3 parts Sensitivity and 1 part Rock”…to which Dan and the rest of the band agreed. He then started on Dan, telling him he was the Ted Nugent of the band. Soon after that, I believe, Bob Odenkirk ended the night w/ his story.
After the show, I went and bought a book at the table. At first, Ben Karlin and Bob Odenkirk were the only two at the table signing. Bob asked if I wanted him to ruin my copy by signing it, to which I replied “Yes, I was hoping to depreciate the book’s worth”….then Ben Karlin signed it adding “you complete me” and it was at this point that Damian was hopping over seats to get to the table so he could join in on signing the book. He made it just in time for Ben to hand him my book so he could sign it. As he was writing a little message for me, I noticed Dan right beside me and so did Damian. Felt kind of awkward, like I was intruding on them by just standing right there as they talked about the show and carried on their conversation. Damian then handed me the book…I said thanks and took off to read his comment…which I’m sure he used on many other people…”Now all you have to do is learn to read” w/ his signature
So jealous! That was my favorite lesson in the book. And you got to see Kerri and David. I've had a crush on David Krumholtz since The Santa Clause (don't laugh, he was utterly adorable in that movie).
We'd be ever so grateful if you posted it somewhere. Pwease
What a great way to end the night!
Awesome write-up!!
i think it was tim...yeah, i'm almost sure it was him...
cuz didn't damian start to laugh after that?
....or i might be making stuff up :/
I guess it was Tim, plus Cinnamon Lips started playing on shuffle while I was reading this, so I'm going to take that as a sign.
And OH MY GOD! Dan was there!! And David Krumholtz! I totally should have gone. Thanks for the write-up Rosanna! I loved the Dan rock part.
I second this and I think I know someone else who would third it.
Damian's hilarious.
p.s I wonder why Dan wasn't playing? but he was there?
First off, what Dan wrote in your book- hyyyysterical.
And the three parts sentimental, 1 part rock- I absolutely love that description. I can just picture the scene. Thank you so much for sharing!