I've always had an interest in learning about other people's experiences. So, I'm sure a topic like this is probably created somewhere but in any case... I would LOVE to hear some great stories of meetings with any or all members of OK Go.
Fill the pages with miles of colorful OK Go chronicles so I will become old just reading them.
P.S. It's Day... *checks* 14... and I'm still impressed. Love you guys, and love them.
Philadelphia, 11/15/06
NYC, 11/18/06
Washington, DC 11/19/06
Washington, DC 12/9/06
London, UK 2/4/07
Philadelphia, PA 5/1/07
Danbury, CT 5/4/07
Camden, NJ 6/24/07
Columbia, MD 6/28/07
Washington, DC 9/8/07
Washington, DC 2/2/08
Philadelphia, PA 4/11/08
Charlottesville, VA 4/12/08
I have omitted four shows - the two I saw pre 2006 (because I wasn't on these boards at the time and didn't write them up), the private Philadelphia show in Jan 07 (because I went to the show and hid upstairs so that they wouldn't see me; I was not yet secure in my fandom and was seeing them in London a few days later ANYWAY), and the Snow Patrol show 3/24/07 because there wasn't anything worth writing about at that show.
Wow. That's a lot to read. Should keep you busy for a few hours or so, LOL. Enjoy!
thats when i saw okgo twice in one day!
sigh... i was just reading it again... why are they so rad?!
i'm the shyest person ever, so i don't generally meet musicians unless they approach me first... damian came up to me once after a show to say he liked the alterations i made to my ok go shirt... i told him my name was jennifer 'cause i was afraid if i said darbie he'd know i was that crazy girl from their message board...
I'll make this post make more sense later when I get home from school. (Although it sounds more intriguing when I describe it like above)
(Sorry for double post): Darbie is amazing. She is not crazy, or maybe she is, but in a good way!
I'll make this post make more sense later when I get home from school. (Although it sounds more intriguing when I describe it like above)
Ooh, I can't wait to hear the rest of this story. I love Damian rants and am interested in how you confuzzled Andy.
Yeah, Darbs! I'm sure they'd love to meet the crazy famous Darbie Starpower.
As for my experiences... the first time I met them, I got Damian to sign a mini ping pong paddle, which he twirled around and laughed at and he pretty much made me collapse into a ball of blushing. Then I told Tim that I wanted him to be my dentist because "I want you in my mouth" - it was honestly meant innocently and I only realised what I'd said when I saw his expression of surprise! But he found it funny and he ended up remembering me the second time I met him because of it, so it was all cool.
The next time I saw them I got to chat to them for longer, and I'd made pins of their pictures in the Oh No booklet, so I got them signed. Damian didn't like his picture, and I agreed that he looked arrogant, to which he gave me a look of "WHAT did you just call me??" so I quickly said that arrogance was kinda hot, and he grinned and called me sweetie. Which was fabulous.
I didn't get to meet them the next time I saw them, but my dearest Mayonaise got Tim to record a video saying hi to me!!
My other experiences have been with Rachel, in the last two of her posts:
Charlottesville, VA 4/12/08
Ahhhh. Just rereading all of that, reliving the experiences.. it's made me so happy. Thanks, Doofball!
Also, Tempe - you're just too awesome for words.
The only OK Go member I've ever met is Andy, but my experience meeting him was so awesome, it was definitely better than I could have dreamed about meeting a rockstar. I mean, he was so nice, really- he was nicer than Jane Austen's finest gentleman. And I think Andy is more gorgeous in person than in photos; I feel like you have to be a really excellent photographer to capture his beauty. In person, he has this aura of a prince; he's Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid come to life, only even better. His stature, his mannerism, everything- a prince. When I first saw him, it felt like there should be a white horse somewhere, that's how he looked.
I actually met him twice and it was like that both times. What I couldn't believe was how attentive he was to me and my friend: his phone even rang and he was called away, but instead of going, he told the person on the line that he was busy and stayed talking with me and my friend.
The only other thing I could contribute to this thread is that I brought little gifts for them at my first show, but I didn't get to give it to them before the show, and I knew I wouldn't get to afterward either. However, I was right up against the stage, so I tried to just hand them to Damian, and he said, "It's not present time yet!" That was kind of thrilling, lol. And then just before the end of the show, I just threw the gifts on stage (because the people around me were telling me to- peer pressure). And then two days later, Damian was interviewed, and he was asked the strangest gift he ever got, and I guess mine was the first he remembered, because his answer was the one I gave him. That made my life.
Actually, I do want to add one more thing, lol: It's just really weird to come to a show and see in real life the people you watch on youtube an dance to on your ipod. Seeing Damian was kind of like seeing my Ken doll come to life, and when I touched his arm as he ran through the crowd, it felt weirdly magical- like I was in that Disney Enchanted movie or something.
Rose, Rose, Rossssssse [DJRose] --> must be so amazing to have a unique relationship with them.
Tempe / Rose-squared --> you have yet again proved you are awesome.
And Tabetha --> Andy = Prince Eric & Damian = Ken? Me likey. Effin' hot.
If I'm being totally honest, I have yet to meet the greatness that is OK Go.
But pleeeeeease... please... continue sharing your schmexy stories.
December 7, 2007 - Truman State University
This was my first write-up, but my fourth show.
February 2, 2008 - DC show with Camp DJRose
April 14, 2008 - ampm Guitar Hero III Championship at House of Blues Chicago
April 23, 2008 - Calvin College
May 16, 2008 - Columbia College Manifest Urban Arts Festival in Grant Park
May 17, 2008 - Indianapolis Motor Speedway
It's hard to choose which experience was my favorite as they all have their very high points. Though I'm sure that after reading these write-ups, you'll be able to spot who I have a soft spot for. Hope you enjoy reading them as much as I had being there.
I never posted on this forum a write up about my last Ok Go experience (which was over a year ago). Would y'all like me too? I don't want to be repetitious for those who know me on other forums. I never posted a blog on my myspace about it either. I didn't want my girlfriends to know I went to an Ok Go show without them. Due to logistics and my deeper obsession than theirs, I had to keep it quiet (it was during school hours and both girls were too stressed at that time to ditch school with me).
Ha, you can call me Rachel. It's, umm, interesting. I think they think I'm a little nutsy.
I never posted on this forum a write up about my last Ok Go experience (which was over a year ago). Would y'all like me too? I don't want to be repetitious for those who know me on other forums. I never posted a blog on my myspace about it either. I didn't want my girlfriends to know I went to an Ok Go show without them. Due to logistics and my deeper obsession than theirs, I had to keep it quiet (it was during school hours and both girls were too stressed at that time to ditch school with me).
*You're* my hero, Rose.
I think I'm the only Grownup who was on the forum at the time who's still here, and you know how very much I complain about having to read things twice.
Really? I would've said Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty, myself. ;)
Rachel - you are nothing less than amazing for getting to all of these shows. I wish I had the time to do this, I SO envy you! Aggh!
Tempe - how friggin adorable that you gave dental goodie bags! great idea!
You guys made my day with these stories! I can't wait to read them all!
I only have one meeting experience. I am just NOT good at approaching people in this way. I always feel like a DORK so I just don't do it..but NEXT TIME I'm gonna be all over them like butter on a roll!
I spoke with Dan once, for a few minutes. This was last April ('07) and he talked about his upcoming wedding. My husband and I just congratulated him and asked him about how the plans were coming and he said that his fiancee was handling all of that stuff.
Yes, please.
Aw, that's very sweet of you to say. But seriously, it's been a mixture of luck and determination.
Now tell us all about the dental goodie bags!!!
Now tell us all about the dental goodie bags!!!
Becky - how did you approach them at first?
I completely agree with Becky here. I'll add geographical proximity to that mix for me though.
I've only seen/met them once. apparently they like age-restricted shows when they come to Boston.
But it was awesome, cause it was the day before my 17th birthday, at my brother's college up in maine, and he bought me the tickets for my birthday present
here's the full write-up-