Andy was the first one I met. I kinda just started talking to him. It wasn't really as awkward as I thought it was going to be. He was really nice and answered our questions (I was with katieyellow and Beasle at the time). Since he was at ease, it made me feel at ease.
Continued in response to Rebekker.
QUOTE (Rebekker @ May 29 2008, 09:00 PM)
yeah, and did you just go, "Hey I'm Becky" everytime you got to meet them?
When I met all of them at the 9:30 Club in DC, I actually shook their hands and said, "Hi, I'm Becky". It felt very corporate, but whatever, I got to shake their hands and introduce myself. And again, I just started to talk to them, even though in my head I was screaming OMG OMG OMG. It was surreal to say the least. They were all so nice and were very easy to speak with.
When we saw them in Grand Rapids I was able to incorporate my name with the Red Sox when speaking with Andy, "The B is for Becky". That is probably the only way that he remembers my name.
QUOTE (DJRose @ May 29 2008, 09:08 PM)
I completely agree with Becky here. I'll add geographical proximity to that mix for me though.
I should probably add that, too. All the shows I've seen, save for the DC one, have been in the Midwest.
Aw, that's very sweet of you to say. But seriously, it's been a mixture of luck and determination.
Now tell us all about the dental goodie bags!!!
Yes, luck and determination! So true! That's what happened with my Ok Go story. I'll just post the highlights of the dental goody bag show, so as not to bore the people who already know it. Actually, it was Rachel who first had me discuss it on the grown-ups forum. I'm pretty much only covering here the relevant Ok Go bits:
They were going to be playing in Glendale, AZ at a free show near a park. But at the last minute, it got moved inside the park as part of the Tostitos BCS Football Championship (Ohio State vs. University of Florida). The following events took place sometime between 2 and 5 pm on on January 6, 2007.
---I played hookie from school by getting another classmate to cover for me in Radiology. Once I got to the park, I found out you needed a ticket to get into the park. This was a big time football event, so tickets were sold out weeks ago. I played hookie, got all dolled up, and drove 50 miles out of the way. If Ok Go was in that park, I was getting into that park! So, I just followed the crowd into the park. I kept my head down, and played w/ a piece of paper sticking out of my purse, pretending it was a ticket. No one cared, and I was wisked right in.
---While their guitars were being tuned, I noticed shadows behind the stage that looked like the outlines of the band members. The married couple I was sitting next too were nice enough to save my seat while I walked around. I hung around the back side of the stage and saw the 4 lads behind the curtain. The back stage was up a few stairs. I waved at Tim. He waved and smiled. A few mins later, I waved at Andy, he nodded and smiled. Dan kept coming out the back curtain to pound his drum-sticks on the metal railing surrounding the steps. I waved and he smiled and waved w/ his drumstick. In a little bit, Damian came out from behind the curtain, stretching his arms. I tried calling to him, but my voice isn't that loud. Damian went back behind the curtain, but in a few minutes, he came back out again. He started playing w/ the metal railing on the steps, opening and closing it, like a bored 5 year old. I waved at him. He noticed and smiled waving back. I said "Hi, I'm here just for you guys. I don't even like football." He said, "That makes sense. We're gonna put on a better show than them." I heard cheering, meaning the show was about to start. I maneuvered back to my seat. The sun was in my eyes, so I kept going back and forth from my own seat in front of Andy to another seat closer to Tim's side of the stage.
---The show was great. The lads were full of energy. Dan was turning red from all the drum pounding. Ohio’s team is called “The Buckeyes.” One of the nearby towns that was having football fesitivities is also called "Buckeye." Damian leaned in a very flirty way against the microphone and said, "So let me all ask you something, what is a Buckeye?" Apparently, a buckeye is a type of nut. Someone in the audience was wearing a necklace made from them. She threw it at Damian. He examined them. She shouted, “They're actually a type of poisonous nut.” Here's Damian holding them and examining them. He laughs at the idea of them being poisonous, then throws them back to her.
---Damian asked Tim and Andy what song they should play. People were shouting ideas. Damian asked the audience "For all you old folks here do you want to hear the Femme Fetals or ELO?" He made us all vote of course. He said "You all sound like you're voting as loud for both of them. Come on, now Florida, I know you people like to vote twice." Tim laughed at that one and made a little noise w/ his guitar. Femme Fetals won. Damian sang, and jumped off the stage, hopped over the metal barricade, and began walking in the audience. One girl comes over and hugs him while he's singing. Before they sang “Oh Lately It’s So Quiet, ” Damian joked “Now we’re gonna a play a mushy love song. It’s not appropriate to be fondling the person next to you, but if this were a dark room some place, then it’d be ok.” Some people were dancing in the audience.
---The lads were in the middle of their set just as the doors were opening to let people into the football game. Most of the people in the audience actually got up and left to go to the game! Later on, the lads were pretty disappointed about it, but for a fan it was awesome. Like having my own private Ok Go concert. I made a geeky college kid dance with me.
---After the show, I went around the side of the place. Six other fans waited. We all got acquainted. They were nice girls. One of them, it turns out, is a New York Times best selling author. The girls complimented the shirt I had made. We chatted w/ the very nice security people. There were two small white tents next to the stage behind some metal barricades. The security people said the lads were in there and that they’d be out in a few minutes. I couldn't get out of school any earlier that day, but had I been able to, there was a meet and greet going on that I missed. I was kinda mad that I missed out on that. But there was no way I could get out of school any earlier. Plus it was a long drive from my school to the arena. Not to mention that going to see ok go is like going on a date, you have to look drop dead gorgeous or you don't feel right. I had to take a half hour to get out of my scrubs and into something pretty. (Can you imagine how psychotic I would look giving the lads dental items while wearing scrubs?!)
---In regards to the dental goody bags: The night before the concert, just before falling asleep, I came up w/ the crazy idea to give the lads a little dental care package, since I was going to tell them about being a dental student. At first I thought it might be a dorky idea, but then I thought why not. Baggies filled w/ toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss and Orbitz gum.
---Dan came out first, holding a bottle of beer. Dan posed for pics and signed autos. The girls had a camera phone w/ them that was really hard to get a good pic w/. Dan had to direct me about were to stand so that I could get the shot right. He was all smiley about it and very sweet. He gave me his autograph and posed for a pic w/ me. His back was really really sweaty. When I told him I was studying to be a dentist, his eyes widened and his smile shrunk just slightly. I told him I'd give him free dental care and gave him a dental goody bag. He laughed, but then he had to go.
---After he left, we waited another few mins, and Andy came out. He had a nice wool suit on. He couldn't have been more sweet and adorable. When I gave him the dental package, Andy said "Wow, this will be great since you're not allowed to bring a lot of toiletries on a plane." So cute cause now I think at some point in the future, he'll actually use the gift. He gave us all autographs and posed for pics. The girl taking a pic of me with Andy had trouble using my camera. She thought the photo was taken, but Andy says, “Yeah, but it didn’t flash.” And just as he says that, the flash goes off and another pic was taken. I started saying “oh, redo it.” At the same time, Andy automatically said, “Op, I was talking so let’s take it again.” (Such a gracious guy!) I told him, “My name’s Rose by the way. I don’t know if I mentioned that to you.” Andy said, “I know. And it says it right here, ” pointing to the card I put in with the dental care package. He got confused because to proove I had been to an Ok Go show before, I showed him a pic of me and my girlfriends at the last show we had gone to. In that pic it was Damian who was posing with us, not Andy. For some reason, he kept looking at the pic trying to figure it out. I had to explain that this was my first time meeting him and that's why I don't have a pic with him in it.
---Then Damian and Tim both came out together, all smiles. They both waved. I shook their hands. When that was done, Damian looked at me and said “Ok. That’s a really nice shirt." (I had made a red shirt with glittery sequins spelling out "Ok Go.") So I begin to act like I'm modeling it off. He continues with, "I mean, I don’t want to stare at your boobs or anything, but that’s really great. Look at the way she did that, Tim.” Tim says “yeah.” Then he mentions that he likes the belt I have on. "It looks very goth." He said he noticed it on and off during the show. Damian jokes, "And were there like hearts fluttering around your head or something?" Tim laughs. Damian tells us, “Tim’s into goth apparantley.”
---My sister told me to wear my shiny gold name badge from school. She thought it'd make good conversation w/ strangers, and she was right. Damian notices my badge right away, “Student dr,” he reads. I immediately jump in, “Yes, I’m your only fan dental student. I’m studying to become an actual dentist (ha, you see, I had completely forgotten my girlfriends existed. They are dental students too). I told Tim about how much I liked his online truth in dentistry skit. Damian interrupts with, “Yeah, Tim’s a dentist.” I, overenthusiastically and jokingly, said, “You are my inspiration to become a dentist then.” The other girls I was standing with asked Tim if he really was a dentist. He said he just plays one on tv. Then Damian says, “Ok so can I ask you something.” He’s gesturing vigorously as he always does when he speaks. “Those white fillings, like, they’re really toxic aren’t they?” I said, “I don’t think so. People worry that the silver ones are.” “Yeah, but I heard like you should only have gold and nothing else. The white fillings have 85% toxic chemicals.” I was kind of at a loss for words. Here's the Kulash throwing some sort of statistic at me, that I think may date back from the 1980s when white fillings first came out. “Um, not really, ” I stammer. Damian waves and says “Ok, don’t listen to her, she’s just a student.” (And now, it turns out a year later, I'm working with a faculty member who's a big proponent of gold and actually threw at me similar statistics to Damian. )
---Then I go on to ask Damian and Tim both, “So what kind of fillings do you have in your mouths then?” I ask looking toward them and up near their mouths, but not actually into their mouths. Damian thinks about it for a second. Tim licks his teeth thinking about it. Tim says he doesn’t really remember what he has. I whip out my little dental care packages for them. “This is just to proove that I am in dental school and if you need anything, consider me the band dentist.” Damian points at the toothpaste and says, “This is actually the brand of toothpaste I use.” Some pic and autographs taken. Then they had to go.
I only remember all this stuff cause I'm cutting and pasting from my diary. I keep my diary on my computer so no one can get to it! And now I really really want to go to another Ok Go show. If only I had the money to join one of you girls at a show!
thephantommilk --> your story was just so sweet! Your brother is incredibly nice and I'm glad you had a great 17th birthday!
Rose --> Aaah, that is SO exciting!! I'm sure they'll always remember you for that! What happened to all that shy business you were telling me earlier?
All of you are so brave! I'm pretty shy around new people, so it would be very hard for me to be as bold and courageous... let alone verbally competent... in front of them as you all are!
And for you other people who have yet to share --- come onnn, I'm sure you have some amazing stories to tell! Don't be afraid! Share! Share!
Tempe, that was an awesome story!!! Question, which toothpaste did you give them? I'm a Crest girl. Are you?
QUOTE (Rebekker @ May 29 2008, 11:36 PM)
By the way, How many times have you got to meet them, Becky, and did you notice that if you say your board status out loud it's Andy.
I've met Andy and Dan 3 times and Damian and Tim 4 times. Though it seems I've spent the most time actually talking with Andy (wonder why ), with Dan in a near second.
I think my first meeting with them was the best and most memorable... for lots and lots and LOTS of reasons... but. I stopped dead in my tracks when Andy came walking out... I had a marker in my mouth (Don't know why...) and I dropped it when he came out and couldn't find it. He literally (har har) left me speechless. Angie can vouch for me that I was a bumbling retard and all I said to him was "Oh my God" I just stared at him. annnd of course he laughed at me. I've gotten much better about it and kept myself VERY composed the next 2 times I got to talk to him Dan is SUPER easy to talk to... I loved at the DC show, how he had been hittin' the booze and asked us the same question about 3 times. He is a very composed drunk person though... minus the repetitive questions. I was Tim for Halloween, and luckily had worn my costume the night before a show, so I got to brag about my sweater vest, and was sad I couldn't find glasses... he suggested LA... ANgie goes "Damn, that's the ONLY place we didn't look," and Tim says, "Check there" hahah
I think my first meeting with them was the best and most memorable... for lots and lots and LOTS of reasons... but. I stopped dead in my tracks when Andy came walking out... I had a marker in my mouth (Don't know why...) and I dropped it when he came out and couldn't find it. He literally (har har) left me speechless. Angie can vouch for me that I was a bumbling retard and all I said to him was "Oh my God" I just stared at him. annnd of course he laughed at me.
Ahhh Rose that is the coolest story. Possibly ever. Tim noticed you, with hearts dancing round his head! Eeee
Do you think I can legitimately claim to be the boys' only medical student fan next time I see them, then? I mean, I'm probably not, but I'm likely to be their BIGGEST medical student fan (figuratively speaking ), right? Mind if I slightly steal your idea and offer them free health care, too?
Tempe, that was an awesome story!!! Question, which toothpaste did you give them? I'm a Crest girl. Are you?
I used to be a Crest girl. Lately, I've become Aquafresh (for no real dental reason, just personal preference). Our dental clinic has a bunch of floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes to give to patients after a cleaning. I just grabbed 4 toothbrushes in colors I thought would suit each lad, floss which I doubted any of them would use but at least might come in handy on the road in a Maguiver sort of way, and Aquafresh Orange Mint cause it just happened to be the toothpaste we had there at the time.
QUOTE (YoDoofball! @ May 30 2008, 12:06 AM)
Rose --> Aaah, that is SO exciting!! I'm sure they'll always remember you for that! What happened to all that shy business you were telling me earlier?
All of you are so brave! I'm pretty shy around new people, so it would be very hard for me to be as bold and courageous... let alone verbally competent... in front of them as you all are!
I'm shy mostly. But if you girls were in the room, I'd probably get quite bubbly without even drinking any bubbly. I turn into Lucy Ricardo in front of anyone remotely in showbusiness, even a tv weatherman can do it to me.
My two girlfriends are usually the talkative ones. But when we met Tim and Damian, they clammed up and I went talky.
QUOTE (Electra @ May 30 2008, 04:16 PM)
Do you think I can legitimately claim to be the boys' only medical student fan next time I see them, then? I mean, I'm probably not, but I'm likely to be their BIGGEST medical student fan (figuratively speaking ;)), right? Mind if I slightly steal your idea and offer them free health care, too?
I would say of course it's legit! You are apart of the Ok Go medical team.
All of you are so brave! I'm pretty shy around new people, so it would be very hard for me to be as bold and courageous... let alone verbally competent... in front of them as you all are!
I'm usually like that, but for some reason I've never had that problem with OK Go. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm always verbally incompetent around them, but that doesn't stop me from trying to talk to them.
I have write-ups from all my other shows, but they're friends only on Livejournal because my sister is paranoid and I'm too lazy to edit and repost all of them. If you have a Livejournal, you're more than welcome to add me and read them. My username is the same there as it is here.
I'm usually like that, but for some reason I've never had that problem with OK Go. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm always verbally incompetent around them, but that doesn't stop me from trying to talk to them.
Aaah, your write-ups were great... and very thorough! You've been to such a broad range of shows... Cali, China, Japan! Exciting!
I see that you were the creator of that schmexy scarf. I think I read in some other topic that Tim actually wore it and loved it! That is so awesome!
So I went to my first ever OK Go concert about a week ago at UCLA which was amazing and so worth standing right in the front of the stage as one crappy band after the next, after the next came up and sung for 5 hours until finnaly at last! what my friends and I had been waiting for, Dan came out and started to mess with his drums one of my friends and I saw him and went in to a frenzy of uncontrolable shaking of sheer joy as we tried to take pictures with our cameras. We gave up trying to take steady pictures of our 1st Okgo band member seen with are very own eyes and belted out "We love you Dan!!" in a great chorus of girls screaming. He looked up stunned, it seemed, from the abrupt screams and scaned the audience, found the melting huddle of girls screaming and waving, and waved back to match our enthusasim. A few minutes later there they all came, right in front of us, just like we had seen heard in the hundreds of videos, interviews, songs and articles. But this time they were right there, more glorifed and real than ever. It was like watching a fairy tale walk out on stage and talk about it all like it was old hat. We were awstuck. But in away were youre still dancing and jumping and squealing like an idiot but in complete amazment. We happen to be right infront of Tim which was amazingly awsome. I told him he was the best dancer in the world and his remark to that joy and delirium pumped statement was that he looked down at me and just calmly said, "yeah." which made it all the better. We touched his base guitar, my friend grabbed Damain's pant leg(the lucky dog she was), we lost our voices for at least three days, had to wake up a six the next morning for a test, Andy looked at us at least four times, Damian told us to shut up for we were squealing in our joy, and Dan personally came up to us after the show and gave us his drumstick. Oh and to anybody who might have been wondering, yes, they are like gods in person, they are perfect.
Wow, that is great! You're an excellent artist! Is that a painting or drawing? Oh, and Damian's shirt looks perfect! You should repost this on the 'OK Go Fan Art' thread.
Also, I noticed a comment that someone put about the chocolate OK Go plate... you're the creator of Damian in chocolate?? That was preeeeetty amazing!!! I mean who wouldn't want Damian in chocolate? Heck, who wouldn't want Damian altogether?
Andy was the first one I met. I kinda just started talking to him. It wasn't really as awkward as I thought it was going to be. He was really nice and answered our questions (I was with katieyellow and Beasle at the time). Since he was at ease, it made me feel at ease.
Continued in response to Rebekker.
When I met all of them at the 9:30 Club in DC, I actually shook their hands and said, "Hi, I'm Becky". It felt very corporate, but whatever, I got to shake their hands and introduce myself. And again, I just started to talk to them, even though in my head I was screaming OMG OMG OMG. It was surreal to say the least. They were all so nice and were very easy to speak with.
When we saw them in Grand Rapids I was able to incorporate my name with the Red Sox when speaking with Andy, "The B is for Becky". That is probably the only way that he remembers my name.
I should probably add that, too. All the shows I've seen, save for the DC one, have been in the Midwest.
Now tell us all about the dental goodie bags!!!
Yes, luck and determination! So true! That's what happened with my Ok Go story. I'll just post the highlights of the dental goody bag show, so as not to bore the people who already know it. Actually, it was Rachel who first had me discuss it on the grown-ups forum. I'm pretty much only covering here the relevant Ok Go bits:
They were going to be playing in Glendale, AZ at a free show near a park. But at the last minute, it got moved inside the park as part of the Tostitos BCS Football Championship (Ohio State vs. University of Florida). The following events took place sometime between 2 and 5 pm on on January 6, 2007.
---I played hookie from school by getting another classmate to cover for me in Radiology. Once I got to the park, I found out you needed a ticket to get into the park. This was a big time football event, so tickets were sold out weeks ago. I played hookie, got all dolled up, and drove 50 miles out of the way. If Ok Go was in that park, I was getting into that park! So, I just followed the crowd into the park. I kept my head down, and played w/ a piece of paper sticking out of my purse, pretending it was a ticket. No one cared, and I was wisked right in.
---While their guitars were being tuned, I noticed shadows behind the stage that looked like the outlines of the band members. The married couple I was sitting next too were nice enough to save my seat while I walked around. I hung around the back side of the stage and saw the 4 lads behind the curtain. The back stage was up a few stairs. I waved at Tim. He waved and smiled. A few mins later, I waved at Andy, he nodded and smiled. Dan kept coming out the back curtain to pound his drum-sticks on the metal railing surrounding the steps. I waved and he smiled and waved w/ his drumstick. In a little bit, Damian came out from behind the curtain, stretching his arms. I tried calling to him, but my voice isn't that loud. Damian went back behind the curtain, but in a few minutes, he came back out again. He started playing w/ the metal railing on the steps, opening and closing it, like a bored 5 year old. I waved at him. He noticed and smiled waving back. I said "Hi, I'm here just for you guys. I don't even like football." He said, "That makes sense. We're gonna put on a better show than them." I heard cheering, meaning the show was about to start. I maneuvered back to my seat. The sun was in my eyes, so I kept going back and forth from my own seat in front of Andy to another seat closer to Tim's side of the stage.
---The show was great. The lads were full of energy. Dan was turning red from all the drum pounding. Ohio’s team is called “The Buckeyes.” One of the nearby towns that was having football fesitivities is also called "Buckeye." Damian leaned in a very flirty way against the microphone and said, "So let me all ask you something, what is a Buckeye?" Apparently, a buckeye is a type of nut. Someone in the audience was wearing a necklace made from them. She threw it at Damian. He examined them. She shouted, “They're actually a type of poisonous nut.” Here's Damian holding them and examining them. He laughs at the idea of them being poisonous, then throws them back to her.
---Damian asked Tim and Andy what song they should play. People were shouting ideas. Damian asked the audience "For all you old folks here do you want to hear the Femme Fetals or ELO?" He made us all vote of course. He said "You all sound like you're voting as loud for both of them. Come on, now Florida, I know you people like to vote twice." Tim laughed at that one and made a little noise w/ his guitar. Femme Fetals won. Damian sang, and jumped off the stage, hopped over the metal barricade, and began walking in the audience. One girl comes over and hugs him while he's singing. Before they sang “Oh Lately It’s So Quiet, ” Damian joked “Now we’re gonna a play a mushy love song. It’s not appropriate to be fondling the person next to you, but if this were a dark room some place, then it’d be ok.” Some people were dancing in the audience.
---The lads were in the middle of their set just as the doors were opening to let people into the football game. Most of the people in the audience actually got up and left to go to the game! Later on, the lads were pretty disappointed about it, but for a fan it was awesome. Like having my own private Ok Go concert. I made a geeky college kid dance with me.
---After the show, I went around the side of the place. Six other fans waited. We all got acquainted. They were nice girls. One of them, it turns out, is a New York Times best selling author. The girls complimented the shirt I had made. We chatted w/ the very nice security people. There were two small white tents next to the stage behind some metal barricades. The security people said the lads were in there and that they’d be out in a few minutes. I couldn't get out of school any earlier that day, but had I been able to, there was a meet and greet going on that I missed. I was kinda mad that I missed out on that. But there was no way I could get out of school any earlier. Plus it was a long drive from my school to the arena. Not to mention that going to see ok go is like going on a date, you have to look drop dead gorgeous or you don't feel right. I had to take a half hour to get out of my scrubs and into something pretty. (Can you imagine how psychotic I would look giving the lads dental items while wearing scrubs?!)
---In regards to the dental goody bags: The night before the concert, just before falling asleep, I came up w/ the crazy idea to give the lads a little dental care package, since I was going to tell them about being a dental student. At first I thought it might be a dorky idea, but then I thought why not. Baggies filled w/ toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss and Orbitz gum.
---Dan came out first, holding a bottle of beer. Dan posed for pics and signed autos. The girls had a camera phone w/ them that was really hard to get a good pic w/. Dan had to direct me about were to stand so that I could get the shot right. He was all smiley about it and very sweet. He gave me his autograph and posed for a pic w/ me. His back was really really sweaty. When I told him I was studying to be a dentist, his eyes widened and his smile shrunk just slightly. I told him I'd give him free dental care and gave him a dental goody bag. He laughed, but then he had to go.
---After he left, we waited another few mins, and Andy came out. He had a nice wool suit on. He couldn't have been more sweet and adorable. When I gave him the dental package, Andy said "Wow, this will be great since you're not allowed to bring a lot of toiletries on a plane." So cute cause now I think at some point in the future, he'll actually use the gift. He gave us all autographs and posed for pics. The girl taking a pic of me with Andy had trouble using my camera. She thought the photo was taken, but Andy says, “Yeah, but it didn’t flash.” And just as he says that, the flash goes off and another pic was taken. I started saying “oh, redo it.” At the same time, Andy automatically said, “Op, I was talking so let’s take it again.” (Such a gracious guy!) I told him, “My name’s Rose by the way. I don’t know if I mentioned that to you.” Andy said, “I know. And it says it right here, ” pointing to the card I put in with the dental care package. He got confused because to proove I had been to an Ok Go show before, I showed him a pic of me and my girlfriends at the last show we had gone to. In that pic it was Damian who was posing with us, not Andy. For some reason, he kept looking at the pic trying to figure it out. I had to explain that this was my first time meeting him and that's why I don't have a pic with him in it.
---Then Damian and Tim both came out together, all smiles. They both waved. I shook their hands. When that was done, Damian looked at me and said “Ok. That’s a really nice shirt." (I had made a red shirt with glittery sequins spelling out "Ok Go.") So I begin to act like I'm modeling it off. He continues with, "I mean, I don’t want to stare at your boobs or anything, but that’s really great. Look at the way she did that, Tim.” Tim says “yeah.” Then he mentions that he likes the belt I have on. "It looks very goth." He said he noticed it on and off during the show. Damian jokes, "And were there like hearts fluttering around your head or something?" Tim laughs. Damian tells us, “Tim’s into goth apparantley.”
---My sister told me to wear my shiny gold name badge from school. She thought it'd make good conversation w/ strangers, and she was right. Damian notices my badge right away, “Student dr,” he reads. I immediately jump in, “Yes, I’m your only fan dental student. I’m studying to become an actual dentist (ha, you see, I had completely forgotten my girlfriends existed. They are dental students too). I told Tim about how much I liked his online truth in dentistry skit. Damian interrupts with, “Yeah, Tim’s a dentist.” I, overenthusiastically and jokingly, said, “You are my inspiration to become a dentist then.” The other girls I was standing with asked Tim if he really was a dentist. He said he just plays one on tv. Then Damian says, “Ok so can I ask you something.” He’s gesturing vigorously as he always does when he speaks. “Those white fillings, like, they’re really toxic aren’t they?” I said, “I don’t think so. People worry that the silver ones are.” “Yeah, but I heard like you should only have gold and nothing else. The white fillings have 85% toxic chemicals.” I was kind of at a loss for words. Here's the Kulash throwing some sort of statistic at me, that I think may date back from the 1980s when white fillings first came out. “Um, not really, ” I stammer. Damian waves and says “Ok, don’t listen to her, she’s just a student.” (And now, it turns out a year later, I'm working with a faculty member who's a big proponent of gold and actually threw at me similar statistics to Damian.
---Then I go on to ask Damian and Tim both, “So what kind of fillings do you have in your mouths then?” I ask looking toward them and up near their mouths, but not actually into their mouths. Damian thinks about it for a second. Tim licks his teeth thinking about it. Tim says he doesn’t really remember what he has. I whip out my little dental care packages for them. “This is just to proove that I am in dental school and if you need anything, consider me the band dentist.” Damian points at the toothpaste and says, “This is actually the brand of toothpaste I use.” Some pic and autographs taken. Then they had to go.
I only remember all this stuff cause I'm cutting and pasting from my diary. I keep my diary on my computer so no one can get to it! And now I really really want to go to another Ok Go show. If only I had the money to join one of you girls at a show!
By the way, How many times have you got to meet them, Becky, and did you notice that if you say your board status out loud it's Andy.
Rose --> Aaah, that is SO exciting!! I'm sure they'll always remember you for that! What happened to all that shy business you were telling me earlier?
All of you are so brave! I'm pretty shy around new people, so it would be very hard for me to be as bold and courageous... let alone verbally competent... in front of them as you all are!
And for you other people who have yet to share --- come onnn, I'm sure you have some amazing stories to tell! Don't be afraid! Share! Share!
I've met Andy and Dan 3 times and Damian and Tim 4 times. Though it seems I've spent the most time actually talking with Andy (wonder why
Tee-hee on the status.
I stopped dead in my tracks when Andy came walking out... I had a marker in my mouth (Don't know why...) and I dropped it when he came out and couldn't find it. He literally (har har) left me speechless. Angie can vouch for me that I was a bumbling retard and all I said to him was "Oh my God" I just stared at him. annnd of course he laughed at me. I've gotten much better about it and kept myself VERY composed the next 2 times I got to talk to him
Dan is SUPER easy to talk to... I loved at the DC show, how he had been hittin' the booze and asked us the same question about 3 times. He is a very composed drunk person though... minus the repetitive questions.
I was Tim for Halloween, and luckily had worn my costume the night before a show, so I got to brag about my sweater vest, and was sad I couldn't find glasses... he suggested LA... ANgie goes "Damn, that's the ONLY place we didn't look," and Tim says, "Check there" hahah
I stopped dead in my tracks when Andy came walking out... I had a marker in my mouth (Don't know why...) and I dropped it when he came out and couldn't find it. He literally (har har) left me speechless. Angie can vouch for me that I was a bumbling retard and all I said to him was "Oh my God" I just stared at him. annnd of course he laughed at me.
Hahaha, I probably woulda done the same thing!
Do you think I can legitimately claim to be the boys' only medical student fan next time I see them, then? I mean, I'm probably not, but I'm likely to be their BIGGEST medical student fan (figuratively speaking
I used to be a Crest girl. Lately, I've become Aquafresh (for no real dental reason, just personal preference). Our dental clinic has a bunch of floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes to give to patients after a cleaning. I just grabbed 4 toothbrushes in colors I thought would suit each lad, floss which I doubted any of them would use but at least might come in handy on the road in a Maguiver sort of way, and Aquafresh Orange Mint cause it just happened to be the toothpaste we had there at the time.
All of you are so brave! I'm pretty shy around new people, so it would be very hard for me to be as bold and courageous... let alone verbally competent... in front of them as you all are!
I'm shy mostly. But if you girls were in the room, I'd probably get quite bubbly without even drinking any bubbly. I turn into Lucy Ricardo in front of anyone remotely in showbusiness, even a tv weatherman can do it to me.
My two girlfriends are usually the talkative ones. But when we met Tim and Damian, they clammed up and I went talky.
I would say of course it's legit! You are apart of the Ok Go medical team.
I'm usually like that, but for some reason I've never had that problem with OK Go. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm always verbally incompetent around them, but that doesn't stop me from trying to talk to them.
Here are my write-ups that are on the boards:
March 1, 2007 - San Francisco
July 29, 2007 - Taipei
August 11-12, 2007 - Tokyo/Osaka
May 29, 2008 - Los Angeles
I have write-ups from all my other shows, but they're friends only on Livejournal because my sister is paranoid and I'm too lazy to edit and repost all of them. If you have a Livejournal, you're more than welcome to add me and read them. My username is the same there as it is here.
Aaah, your write-ups were great... and very thorough! You've been to such a broad range of shows... Cali, China, Japan! Exciting!
I see that you were the creator of that schmexy scarf. I think I read in some other topic that Tim actually wore it and loved it! That is so awesome!
And WELCOME to the boards! Stay a while... the temperature is great, the water is clean, and the folks are just freakity deakity awesome!
I was just thinking about this night, today, as I needed a pick-me-up.
And WELCOME to the boards! Stay a while... the temperature is great, the water is clean, and the folks are just freakity deakity awesome!
Thanks! Glad to be here! Oh yeah, my name is Lena! Sorry about that. hehe.
Hi, Lena! Love your icon! Did you draw it??
Hey, thanks! Glad you like it! Yeah I did draw it. Damian shirt took a really long time!
Wow, that is great! You're an excellent artist! Is that a painting or drawing? Oh, and Damian's shirt looks perfect! You should repost this on the 'OK Go Fan Art' thread.
Also, I noticed a comment that someone put about the chocolate OK Go plate... you're the creator of Damian in chocolate?? That was preeeeetty amazing!!! I mean who wouldn't want Damian in chocolate? Heck, who wouldn't want Damian altogether?