I put together some animated OK Go avatars that I'll be hosting for free… at least for now. I know I can't do much to help promote the band in person, but if I reach at least one person to get them to listen to OK Go then I'm helping.
I would have put this in the "OK Go Pictures and Stuff" thread but some of these files are large. If you're on a 56k connection, you might want to open this and come back later.
They're all from different music videos, and contain some of the funny or interesting parts of the videos. All animations are fairly seamless. You may notice that the RGM video isn't represented... the single-shot nature and series of events doesn't lend itself to seamless avatar creation.
Three of these are intended for use on this site (50 pixels wide is REALLY small!) and the others are intended for avatar use elsewhere to promote the band. I currently use the WTF .gif as my avatar elsewhere, and I get a lot of questions about it. That is, at least in my opinion, a great way to reach potential new fans who might not be open to listening to recommended music from strangers.
Need one edited to fit a certain filesize or dimension? Let me know.
Requests? I do those too.More coming later!
Thanks! I can't edit my original post anymore, so I'll have to keep going down here. If any of you have any ideas that you'd like to see resized for this forum, or you have a particular scene in mind, let me know.
Their legs are gonna be huge after this workout.
Ever wondered what "Don't Ask Me" would be like without the actual band? Me neither. Here's how it would look anyway.
wow Byron these are awesome! I particularly like the one of Dan from WTF
Great Job!
The ping pong battle heats up: