It's good to hear that OK Go's music has cheered you up, and also the fact that your husband likes the music too.
I could have gone to the gig in Manchester on the 25th July...I remember the date well because that was the only gig I could have gone to had it not coincided with the day I went on holiday. Ah well, there's always next year.
I'm Jade by the way :)
Hi Jade, thanks for the welcome!
Sorry to hear you missed them this year too...I have my fingers crossed for next year!
Did you have a good holiday though? We didn't really have a holiday this year, just a week in Canterbury, but it was nice and sunny.
DJRose said:
Awesome Nic! Welcome to the boards. I'm sorry you had to deal with tragedy, but at least you've come through it with a new favorite band. :-)
Hi Rachel! Thanks for the welcome too, you all seem so friendly on here, it's really nice :)
I'm so happy to have found such a cool new favourite band too!! My poor husband really didn't stand a chance he was brainwashed into loving OK Go!!
I'll patiently wait for them to come back to the UK again...
(Hopefully the coding worked out on this post...I meddled with the HTML, but it still looked weird!)
Hiya, Chris! Glad you're here, and so sorry for your loss.
I haven't ever "formally" introduced myself, so here's a quick one: I'm Raina, I live in a state called New Mexico which is really, really in the USA despite the fact that people still sometimes get confused about that. I've known about OK Go through their cover of They Might Be Giants' "Letterbox", but didn't really become a board-watchin', cd-collectin', card-carryin' member of the hardcore fandom until OTBCOTS came out. My Dad was fighting super-rare, super-aggressive cancer around the time I first heard the new OK Go album, and its aching desperation really hit home for me. Also, Dad just loved TTSP, and especially loved the marching band version of the song, so much so that when he could barely speak he was still making an effort to ask me to play it for him. Dad passed in early April at almost precisely sunrise and I like to thing that TTSP was playing for him when his morning came. Being immersed in the board and the fandom has helped me start to work through his loss, to have things to appreciate and look forward to, and a way to keep connected to the music that was so much a part of my last months with Dad.
Guys, these stories are so touching, and I hate to say that I have one too.
My friend Dave died of complications from Leukemia in June. He was 26 and his widow was a month shy of 26 herself. The last weekend, we all stayed in the hospital with his wife and family praying for a miracle. When I drove home each night and up to the hospital the next day, I had "All Is Not Lost" on repeat. All I could think of was the quote in all their interviews about how the album was about "trying to find hope in hopeless situations."
Kinda makes their American Cancer Society Birthday Song just that much more poignant for all of us, doesn't it?
Sometimes I wonder just how aware these guys are of how much their music means to us. They have such a positive effect on their fans' lives.
These stories really are touching. I won't add mine here, partly because it's too much and partly because some of you already know it, but I did want to comment on how OK Go, and OTBCOTS particularly, has been such a (no pun intended) touchstone for all of us.
I often wonder if the guys are aware of what it really is that they and their music do for us. Then, other times, I'm absolutely sure that they are aware. After all, they're fans too. They've been deeply affected by art and artists in their lives, and unlike so many others, they've made an effort to hang on to those feelings–even the difficult ones, especially sometimes, the difficult ones–by being so connected (to us, to each other, to their idols, to their art). They've affected us by being so aware.
This thread had me in tears with your stories, as well as Raina and Rachel's. I'm so sorry for the pain that you've all been through but I'm glad that you've been able to find comfort with the music.
Hi everyone, thanks for the welcomes. I's so great to meet you all I'm so sorry to hear that others have such sad stories too.
I won't go into the details about my story too much, but basically I was three months pregnant and we lost the baby. As so many of you have said on here, music is a great healer and OK Go's in particular for me too. Listening to OTBCOTS has filled me with hope (as corny as that sounds!) it's nice to read about other people loving the same music!
Hi all, juz thought I'd leave a quick HELLLLUUU to all the boardies, coz it seemed the right thing to do :) my name is JOLEAN and ive been a fan of OK Go for, maybe a couple yrs now, but am feeling a bit lonely out here in Hong Kong in terms of sharing my OK Go love. My friends are convinced my obsession with all things OK Go (and *cough* damian) related has gone WAAAAYYYY overboard, and that im spiralling into some mental condition/situation lol but it's all gd, i know i've found my buddies here ;)
btw thx to all those who shared your stories, it's so nice to see how their music touches each and every one of us. stay strong kids :D
and as for those ive been stalking for the past coupla mths (hi jade and autumn! :P ) thx for providing us all with your many fab updates and all. wouldn't be able to get thru the day without a daily dose fm yous ;)
Hi, everyone! I've decided it's about time I started posting something to the forums (I've spent the last year lurking, as many have already admitted to).
So, I'm Silvia and I'm pretty new to OK Go- I've been listening to them for slightly over a year, but they very quickly made it onto my list of favorites. I haven't been able to see them play yet- the last time they were anywhere close to me was for the Sasquatch festival, which I could not attend, unfortunately. But I truly love their music, so much that even my mom is starting to become familiar with their songs. Oh, and there are even a couple of teachers at school that know about my "obsession".
By the way, all those stories you guys have shared are very touching. It's great to know OK Go's music has that kind of power for other. I'm not all that used to knowing people that feel so strongly about their music (even my friends don't quite understand the importance of it).
Well... I guess that's all I really have to say. I hope to get to know some of you and work up the courage to post some more. Hope you're all doing well.
I'm Skylar, or totalgeek, or that gay guy, any works, and I got addicted after my first show in early May this year. There was a lot of banter going on that show, and that was really exciting to me, seeing as I've been to a lot of concerts and none of them have been nearly that fantastic.
Since then TTSP has helped me deal with stuff that I can't even begin to explain.. it's a really hopeful song, if you haven't noticed.
I went to another concert about a month ago and my love for the band became a lot more.
While I've always loved music for the incredible amount of things that it can say, it seems to me like OK Go is the first band I've caught that's wanted to say such similar things to what I want to say. Which is kind of fantastic. That and some of their older songs just make me wanna dance. Also, Damian's gorgeous. Imeanwhat?
Hi Jade, thanks for the welcome!
Sorry to hear you missed them this year too...I have my fingers crossed for next year!
Did you have a good holiday though? We didn't really have a holiday this year, just a week in Canterbury, but it was nice and sunny.
Hi Rachel! Thanks for the welcome too, you all seem so friendly on here, it's really nice :)
I'm so happy to have found such a cool new favourite band too!! My poor husband really didn't stand a chance he was brainwashed into loving OK Go!!
I'll patiently wait for them to come back to the UK again...
(Hopefully the coding worked out on this post...I meddled with the HTML, but it still looked weird!)
Yeah the holiday was good, really hot though (went to Hong Kong).
A friend on Tumblr said that they might be coming back around February time so I'm psyched for that if its true
Oh February would be's not that far off either! Please let it be true!!
I've never been to Hong Kong, glad it was a good one
Well i have not really introduced myself yet, Im Christine, but you can call me Chris.
I first heard Ok Go back when Here it goes again came out, it was played on
Local BBC radio Cornwall, the DJ being a fan of the band, i really liked them.
Iwas a full time carer for my husband, as his illness got worse, i had no time for music
or any of the things i enjoyed, he passed away feb last year, leaving a big hole.
With the help of my family things are getting better.
A month or so back, i heard them on the radio again, kind of rediscovering them,
which was good, now im hooked once more. Think the love of their music has always
been there, just faded into the background during the hard times.
Now joining this board and getting to know all you lovely people has given me a real
boost. Think Ok Go and all the boardie fans have great healing power, for the first time in a long while i feel
really positive about life. Thank You
Hiya, Chris! Glad you're here, and so sorry for your loss.
I haven't ever "formally" introduced myself, so here's a quick one: I'm Raina, I live in a state called New Mexico which is really, really in the USA despite the fact that people still sometimes get confused about that. I've known about OK Go through their cover of They Might Be Giants' "Letterbox", but didn't really become a board-watchin', cd-collectin', card-carryin' member of the hardcore fandom until OTBCOTS came out. My Dad was fighting super-rare, super-aggressive cancer around the time I first heard the new OK Go album, and its aching desperation really hit home for me. Also, Dad just loved TTSP, and especially loved the marching band version of the song, so much so that when he could barely speak he was still making an effort to ask me to play it for him. Dad passed in early April at almost precisely sunrise and I like to thing that TTSP was playing for him when his morning came. Being immersed in the board and the fandom has helped me start to work through his loss, to have things to appreciate and look forward to, and a way to keep connected to the music that was so much a part of my last months with Dad.
Thank you, boardies! Thank you, OK Go!
Guys, these stories are so touching, and I hate to say that I have one too.
My friend Dave died of complications from Leukemia in June. He was 26 and his widow was a month shy of 26 herself. The last weekend, we all stayed in the hospital with his wife and family praying for a miracle. When I drove home each night and up to the hospital the next day, I had "All Is Not Lost" on repeat. All I could think of was the quote in all their interviews about how the album was about "trying to find hope in hopeless situations."
Kinda makes their American Cancer Society Birthday Song just that much more poignant for all of us, doesn't it?
Sometimes I wonder just how aware these guys are of how much their music means to us. They have such a positive effect on their fans' lives.
These stories really are touching. I won't add mine here, partly because it's too much and partly because some of you already know it, but I did want to comment on how OK Go, and OTBCOTS particularly, has been such a (no pun intended) touchstone for all of us.
I often wonder if the guys are aware of what it really is that they and their music do for us. Then, other times, I'm absolutely sure that they are aware. After all, they're fans too. They've been deeply affected by art and artists in their lives, and unlike so many others, they've made an effort to hang on to those feelings–even the difficult ones, especially sometimes, the difficult ones–by being so connected (to us, to each other, to their idols, to their art). They've affected us by being so aware.
Hello Nic and Chris,
This thread had me in tears with your stories, as well as Raina and Rachel's. I'm so sorry for the pain that you've all been through but I'm glad that you've been able to find comfort with the music.
Thanks Debbie, life would be good if we did not have to suffer pain, butit has to be.
Music is a great healer, getting lost in music you like blots out reality for a while,
but also knowing this band cares about their fans, makes you feel good and even
better still all the fans care about each other that = a lot of happy people.
Okay. I finally decided I have the courage to do this.
Hi,I'm Autumn! A few already know me threw Twitter and Tumblr.
So,I'm from the US,and I've been a OK Go fan for almost a year.
I've known about the boards since I became a fan,but I just lurked. [Still do]
So,to the ones I haven't talked to yet,Hiya! And sorry,I suck at this stuff. :)
That seemed like a perfect introduction, Autumn.
You did great, Autumn! You need to link your tumblrs here, because they are epic and need to be shared!
Okay,Here is my personal,and here is mine and Jade's Tumblr for Andy. :D
Autumn, i love yours and Jades postings on Tumblr, im new to that,
but enjoying what is on there.
Hi everyone, thanks for the welcomes. I's so great to meet you all
I'm so sorry to hear that others have such sad stories too.
I won't go into the details about my story too much, but basically I was three months pregnant and we lost the baby. As so many of you have said on here, music is a great healer and OK Go's in particular for me too. Listening to OTBCOTS has filled me with hope (as corny as that sounds!) it's nice to read about other people loving the same music!
Hi all, juz thought I'd leave a quick HELLLLUUU to all the boardies, coz it seemed the right thing to do :) my name is JOLEAN and ive been a fan of OK Go for, maybe a couple yrs now, but am feeling a bit lonely out here in Hong Kong in terms of sharing my OK Go love. My friends are convinced my obsession with all things OK Go (and *cough* damian) related has gone WAAAAYYYY overboard, and that im spiralling into some mental condition/situation lol but it's all gd, i know i've found my buddies here ;)
btw thx to all those who shared your stories, it's so nice to see how their music touches each and every one of us. stay strong kids :D
and as for those ive been stalking for the past coupla mths (hi jade and autumn! :P ) thx for providing us all with your many fab updates and all. wouldn't be able to get thru the day without a daily dose fm yous ;)
Hi, everyone! I've decided it's about time I started posting something to the forums (I've spent the last year lurking, as many have already admitted to).
So, I'm Silvia and I'm pretty new to OK Go- I've been listening to them for slightly over a year, but they very quickly made it onto my list of favorites. I haven't been able to see them play yet- the last time they were anywhere close to me was for the Sasquatch festival, which I could not attend, unfortunately. But I truly love their music, so much that even my mom is starting to become familiar with their songs. Oh, and there are even a couple of teachers at school that know about my "obsession".
By the way, all those stories you guys have shared are very touching. It's great to know OK Go's music has that kind of power for other. I'm not all that used to knowing people that feel so strongly about their music (even my friends don't quite understand the importance of it).
Well... I guess that's all I really have to say. I hope to get to know some of you and work up the courage to post some more.
Hope you're all doing well.
Heylook, an intro board.
I'm Skylar, or totalgeek, or that gay guy, any works, and I got addicted after my first show in early May this year. There was a lot of banter going on that show, and that was really exciting to me, seeing as I've been to a lot of concerts and none of them have been nearly that fantastic.
Since then TTSP has helped me deal with stuff that I can't even begin to explain.. it's a really hopeful song, if you haven't noticed.
I went to another concert about a month ago and my love for the band became a lot more.
While I've always loved music for the incredible amount of things that it can say, it seems to me like OK Go is the first band I've caught that's wanted to say such similar things to what I want to say. Which is kind of fantastic. That and some of their older songs just make me wanna dance. Also, Damian's gorgeous. Imeanwhat?
Welcome Silvia and Skylar!
I hope you both find the boards as friendly as I have. And yes, dancing is good and Damian's gorgeous. (What? I didn't say anything...)