Since my co-workers constantly see me on the board (it's hard to miss the new background) and also cannot miss my screensaver on my work computer (stolen from facebook somewhere), one of them asked me to make a CD for her 8 year old son. So I was totally excited to potentially recruit a new fan and immediately started checking off tracks that I think are essential to the newbie OK Go experience.
Then I remembered! She specifically said, "they don't curse right?", to which I said, "nahh not really."
DUH! This leaves me with taking off not only WTF, but also Get Over It AND Don't Ask Me, which I find to be absolutely necessary on this CD. Those songs are so OK Go 101.
So, I was wondering if anyone knew of some kind of "edited version" to these songs. It's silly I know.
ALSO! Since my iTunes is telling me I have 80 tracks of OK Go-ness (I'm sure most of them are live verisons that aren't on the CDs), I'm having trouble cutting down 80 to 20.
What do you guys think?
The vids that EMI (*shock-awe*) puts up are censored. At least the F word is in both WTF and Don't Ask Me:
You can rip those but the quality probably won't be so great. What Sunnyside said might work better.
Sam, I love this post because when I play the "curse word songs" in my car with my son, I always turn the volume all the way down and it actually makes a beep sound. So whenever my son sings the songs he sings "beep" instead of the word. Makes me laugh every time. Yes, I'm easily amused.
Anyway, I don't usually swear but a censored "Don't Ask Me" is just plain wrong. "Don't waste my 'effin' time" makes the whole song IMHO.
Songs to include from a kid's perspective? My son loves Skyscrapers, AMW, Invincible, There's A Fire (& this won't help but WTF?). And on the flip side, he begs me to change White Knuckles every time.
wow, that is so strange because I assumed that White Knuckles would totally be a hit with an 8 year old. But who knows?! (I wouldn't lol)
Thanks for the help you guys. I'll probably just end up ripping them. Needing/Getting and Do What You Want is a definite, but I was debating on Back From Kathmandu. What do you think? Yay or Nay?
Needing/Getting is turning out to be a kick ass song on the new album. No cursing on it either.
I was going to hold off on posting till I got home, but I had to respond here.
My friend's 5-year-old LOVES OK Go, and I made him a CD awhile back. He especially loved "There's a Fire" and there's the most adorable video of him laughing at Damian saying "whoa" at the end.
Omg that sounds adorable. I'm gonna make it this weekend this time. I'm going to color coordinate the track listing by album and go in chronological order. Hahaha. I'm getting way too excited about this.
Just noticed you were debating Back From Kathmandu, which is one of my favorite new songs. DEFINITELY include it!
I guess you would need some kind of music editing software like Pro-Tools or something if you couldn't find a clean version elsewhere.
It's been years since I've used Pro-Tools, but you might be able to find an LE version for a free trial download. Then you could import the files and go in and edit the words out - you could reverse the F word or replace it with another sound.
My 4 year old loves OK GO, but what choice would he have since mommy is constantly playing them in the car?
When he was 2 he would beg me to play Bye Bye Baby, Here Comes the Fire and HIGA all the time. Now he's really into WTF and All is not lost. I do the "turn down" thing during the one F word part in WTF, but since it's only once during the song it's not too much effort. When he asks for WTF he always asks for it by making up a sentence that sounds like "there's just this thing aboutcha" but comes out as complete nonsense because he doesn't actually know what they are saying.
BS - I was hoping we'd see you over here soon. :-)
You make an excellent point re: editing the songs yourself. There are a lot of great audio editing software packages out there too, Pro Tools might be a little difficult for a casual-use beginner. I highly recommend Adobe Audition and there appears to be a free trial on their site.
Thank you dear!
I sooo wish I could have gotten my act together to chill with u ladies at the meet up. I hope there will be another!
i know im crazy late on this
but i do have an edited Dont ask me, without the swearing
hit me up furr if you wants it
why am i not andy anymore Furr!
you still owe me a reply by the way =p