Hi Guys!
I am totally excited about all the newbies here. This community can't survive on its old-timers alone and I know I speak for all the older boardies when I say we love new boardies. Welcome!
That said, I want to politely remind everyone about an important point of netiquette - Read BEFORE you post. By now most of us are getting Google alerts about the band, so at some point it's bound to happen that two people post the same link, but it can and should be avoided. When you post things that have already been posted by someone else, it can make them feel as though they are being ignored. Also, when something is poorly labeled, it means people don't realize they're clicking for the same article twice.
Most importantly, by reading before posting, your contributions to the community improve. You can respond to discussions with your thoughts, rather than "Hey everyone look what I got in a google alert!" I'm guilty of post-and-run too, I'm not saying I'm not, but I think we can all do better.
This community can be more than just a place that aggregates the results of Google Alert emails. It has been in the past and can be again.
Smooches, darlings. This is a smiley happy place. Look at the pretty colors on the side! How could it be anything but?
That's not even necessary, half the time! I mean, if you got the email this morning, it's likely that everyone else did. So just check what posts have been made since the last time you were on the boards.
I hope my original post didn't upset anyone, it certainly wasn't meant to.
This honestly wasn't meant to point fingers. Not at all. I brought it up so we could function better as a board.
It used to be that whenever these sorts of things would happen, there would be some snarky response post where the person would provide a link to the original post with some note like "yeah, use the search function." I just don't think we need to do that. A nice general reminder is sufficient.
Muffin, I think it's great that you find things and want to share them - that's the whole point of the board. I just made the suggestion that you (and everyone else) make sure that someone else hasn't shared it first beforehand. It's a small courtesy that we can all give each other to keep being the lovey dovey smiley happy place the boards can be.
Just wanted to say thanks to you guys for making me feel welcome, even thought I don't post very often.
We should add to this board etiquette reminder that discussing the boy's personal lives in regards to wives/girlfriends is off limits.
And this is a really good point. I've been a part of other boards that talk abut stuff like that too much that it becomes kinda awkward and annoying…
And I'm sure the boys wouldn't be so keen on it either. They're only people, and they probably don't want people delving into their privacy.
Thanks, again.
Edit: Eep. Screwed up the quote. D:
You know what would make this whole thing easier? If we can post articles in threads where they are specifically relevant. For example, if there's an article about Sasquatch we make a Sasquatch thread (or post in one that exists already). Or for Timterviews, we post them in the Tim thread. The "Stuff" thread was created for things that were otherwise unclassifiable - not every little thing Google sends us. Same for the "Great Articles" thread - which btw, should be reserved for great articles, and not judgemental jerks who cannot proofread.
This will make it easier for us to A) find things later and B) stop posting things that have already been posted (seriously guys, I posted something a week ago and it was reposted 6 days later, come on).
I'd like to add something to the growing list of proper board etiquette.
I like seeing that more people are joining the boards (hi by the way if you're new here) and that they are introducing themselves...but it would be nice if you could say hello and whatnot in the 'Introductions' thread instead of making a new thread to say 'hi' so there's no unecessary threads that get posted in once or twice in by other boardies.
To new boardies: Hola, konnichiwa, hi, guten tag, bonjour (and so forth)...good to have you as part of our community :)
Hey thanks for this thread, squashedbanana led me to it. I'm glad to be here, btw.
Personally, as a newbie I totally agree with everything, I've been around boards before but I think this one tops them all in terms of dedication, nice/awesome-ness, etc. I want to say great job of keeping it that way for...how many years has it been? Anyway, good job. Yeah.
I'm gonna add a little request to this thread:
When posting a picture, please link back to where you found it. There might be other pictures from that photographer that other Boardies might like but won't be able to see if there's no info on where the original pic was found.
Bumpity bump bump.
Love, love, love the new blood in the place. Hate, hate, hate seeing things posted 3 and 4 times in different places or new threads.
If you haven't been on the Boards in a minute, please read through the threads before posting the awesome new thing you just found. Chances are it's already been posted.
And if you're not sure of the last time you were here, the Board actually knows the last time you visited. It tells you right under where it shows you are logged in as "blah blah blah". If there are news posts since the last time you visited, read them before posting the new awesome thing you found.
Apologies if this is snarky, but seeing so many new threads for things that have already been posted in an already existing thread is a bit annoying. Plus it makes it hard to keep the discussion going on that awesome thing that was posted if it's in 5 different places.
OK, new crop of boardies, time to dig up the etiquette thread again. BUMP.
Guys, welcome. We love that OK Go's appeal is broadening. And we're excited to meet you and make you part of our boardie circle of love. But this is not Tumblr. Reblogging does not really work here. So this thread contains a bit of discussion (and I suggest you read from the beginning) on how this board works best.
I think so too, yeah. When I posted the link on the Milwaukee concert, I looked within at least 5 pages worth of posts to try and make sure nobody was talking about that. I used to use forums ages ago (when I was an Incubus fan, yes).
I hoped I didn't screw up, I'm sorry, but there are too many posts too look for every single one. That's why I didn't go off posting a hundred threads, I just thought the concert was interesting and nobody I talked to knew about it.
It's nice to have someone to help us out (n00bs) not being annoying, YES :)
and I know this is not tumblr, don't worrehhh
Happy New Years y'all :)
You didn't screw anything up with the concert post, Laeticia. Although (I thought) I had posted a link once upon a time, (I think) it was one of the mysteriously disappearing posts I often have. And it probably did deserve a separate thread, in my opinion, anyway. As for "too many posts to look for every single one", it's not perfect, but there are ways to finesse the search function. It's a pain, but it's easier than scrolling through 5 pages post by post (which you also wouldn't necessarily need to do if you know the dates of things you're looking for... 5 pages back is currently stuff from June, and the Milwaukee concert was posted on YT in May, so if it had been posted here, it would be within the first 6 pages).
Happy New Year!
I wasn't gonna say anything, and I probably still shouldn't, but I did post the Milwaukee vid already. It went up on the TV shows, movies commercials etc. thread on 5/20/10 since there was no reason to make a thread for that Milwaukee show. And it was within the last 5 pages of the thread.
I apologize for being snarky.
And Christel, I don't recall you posting the vid. I do remember someone else posting it in a different thread a few days after I posted it. Mainly because I remember responding to that post.
I may have tried to post it before or when you did, Becky. Or (what is more likely), I came to post it, saw your post and then promptly forgot about it until Laeticia's thread. I see it now that I'm actually looking (No, I didn't bother to actually go find it before , because 1) wasn't my post and 2) I saw the concert back when I first joined the board.). But (embarrassment impending), I did actually think "That's posted before, too" last night when I was grumbling around here (I was irritated at something else), and skimmed right over the post when I tried to check it. Which is why I assumed it probably deserved its own thread...
We need to do something about the search on the board, guys.
Nope. Not a bit of it, Amber. You're going to have to find a better incentive for good behavior, that one doesn't work (not for me , anyway).