I haven't watched the video, but I was there and I typed up a review. But I stupidly typed it in the boards instead of copying and pasting from Word. I don't know if I did the math wrong or I pressed the wrong button, but the topic I made didn't show up? So I lost it all and now I'm sad and I don't feel like typing it again so I'm doing a short list.
-My camera died. No video. These are the only pictures I got.
-Set List:
Last Leaf
Wave of Mutilation (instrumental)
-Andy wet himself.
-Dan had to get refilled.
-Dan dumped a bunch of goldfish into Damian's suit.
-I eventually got two of those goldfish. They died.
-I gave Tim his backup scarf.
-I gave Damian this:
The end.
Don't worry. I'll have a proper review later because I love all of you, but I kind of hate the new board right now.
Kalinda, it's nice to see you back! Sorry the boards ate your post, it's happened to me before too. But OMG you were there? That is awesome. I can't wait to hear all about it!
Nothing like a good night’s sleep to wash away all your anger. After watching the video, I actually think the board did me a favor by losing my post because it kept me from giving an inaccurate account of events. I knew I had a bad memory, but I didn’t know it was this bad. I definitely misquoted Damian twice and jumbled up the order of some stuff in my original review. Plus, I wasn’t in the front and I’m short and there was a camera man set up in the only little window I had with a view of Damian in the water suit, so I actually really couldn’t see anything going on except for Tim. So I apologize new board. I no longer hate you.
The backstage vid pretty much sums up the whole show, so I’ll just add what isn’t in it. I can’t believe it actually happened. It all seems kind of like a dream. I’ve been to more than my fair share of OK Go shows and this one definitely wins for most insane. I had walked past the water suit like three times during the day and never really thought anything of it. Even when I saw them roll it backstage, I didn’t even occur to me that Damian was going to get in it (um, I’m kind of slow). Anyway, they started with HIGA, which isn’t included in the video, so here’s one I found on Youtube.
There was a giant metal sculpture close to the stage that would spew fire occasionally (it was always somewhat on fire, but sometimes it would kind of explode in flames) and it did just that in the middle of the song, surprising everyone, so that’s why Damian said, “Jesus, that’s a lot of fire.” I wish they had played There’s A Fire right then, or maybe just a snippet of it.
After the show was over, Damian was like, “I’m going to walk through the crowd” and they pushed back the barricade and started pushing Damian, still in the suit, through the audience. They did a little loop and then brought him back in front of the stage and he got out. I think Damian took some pictures with people while he was still soaking wet, but he eventually got himself dried off. I was looking down at the merch and when I looked up, Dan was suddenly standing behind a barricade near me and saying hi. According to my mom, Dan saw me and that’s why he walked over. I didn’t believe her at first, but Dan was standing there, talking to me, before I had even looked up, so I guess she’s right. I went over and he gave me a hug. I think he asked what I was doing here and I told him that anytime they’re in the Bay Area, I’ll be there. I really don’t think he should be surprised at me being anywhere considering how far I’ve traveled to see them. He asked what I thought of the show and I told him that is was the craziest thing I had ever seen in my life. I asked him about the Amanda Palmer thing since it was taking place just across the bridge. I was thinking maybe he could sneak me in, but Dan said he had no idea what I was talking about. Then he pulled out his phone and started looking at it and just said that they were going to Google tomorrow (today). So maybe keep an eye out for something about that. Then he started to say bye and I told him to tell Tim that I had something for him.
Damian had changed into dry clothes and was now talking to people, but it was a pretty big crowd around him, so I just kind of watched from a distance. There was also a girl climbing into the suit because she was going to get all of the goldfish out. Then I saw Tim, Dan, and Andy backstage and it looked like they were about to leave, so I rushed over to where they were, but they weren’t leaving yet and Tim was walking in my direction, but he was talking to someone. I waited until they were finished and I called out his name. I told him I had something for him and took out a bag with the scarf in it and he was like, “Is it brownies?” I told him no (we weren’t allowed to bring food in and I was too busy to make them) and handed him the bag. He took the scarf out and read the little card I had attached which said, “Spare Scarf – Use in case of emergency” and he seemed to get a kick out of that. He said, “Can I open it?” because I had folded it up and tied a piece of yarn around it. I was like, “Um, yeah you can open it. It’s your scarf.” He said it looked just like the original and he told me that he left it at home since there was only a week left in the tour, so he was really glad that I brought him another one. Then there was a huge gust of wind and I told him he could start using it right now and he put it on.
Then my mom saw that they were giving away the goldfish and since she can’t resist anything that’s free, she got two. I didn’t want to take them because I’ve never had a pet and generally suck at taking care of things, but she really wanted them. A bunch of people got Damian to sign their goldfish (the bags they were in, not the goldfish themselves). I heard one girl say she was naming hers “OK Goldfish.” I remembered that I had my OTBCOTS insert that I needed to get signed, so I got Damian to sign it. They started to roll the water suit away from the stage and it almost crashed into Damian and it might have been my fault, but it was all okay in the end. He started to talk to someone else and walk away, but I eventually got to give him the cross stitch I made. There was a woman who was working the Faire standing next to him, so he explained what Paracadute was. She was like, “You made that?” I told her yes and then she pulled out a round yellow patch that said, “Maker: 2010” on it and gave it to me. She said, “You’re a maker! You deserve this!” It was like I had won an award or something. I didn’t really think I deserved it considering Maker Faire is filled with people who are awesomer, nerdier, and more talented than me, but it still made me happy. She also gave one to Damian. Oh, there was also a photographer hanging around (I’m not sure if he was an official Maker Faire photog or what) and he took a picture of Damian holding the cross stitch and me. So there might be a horrible picture of a sun burnt me with Damian floating around. I also asked Damian how it was inside the suit. He said it wasn’t that bad because he had gone in twice before, so he was kind of used to it. He said the first time it was pretty cold, but it was warmer by show time. I told him that they had the water suit sitting in the sun for most of the afternoon, so that probably helped.
I found Dan again and got him to sign my insert. He was with Adam from Synn Labs and Adam said jokingly, “Do you want me to sign it?” I said sure if he wanted to, but he declined. I don’t know if he knew that I knew who he was because I wasn’t like, “You’re Adam from Synn Labs!” I also found Tim again and got his signature. I asked about Andy because he was the last one I needed and I hadn’t seen him and Tim said that he was hiding somewhere, which seems to be the usual answer whenever I ask where Andy is.
I think that’s basically it. About two hours after we got home and got the goldfish settled into their temporary home, my mom informed me that she believed that the goldfish were dead. I went to have a look and they most certainly were. I was tempted to act out a scene from Robin Hood Men in Tights, but I don’t think my mom would have gotten it.
As for Maker Faire itself, it was pretty awesome. I mean, within the first ten minutes I was inside I saw a man riding on a giant robot spider. There were a bunch of R2-D2s roaming around and a huge Lego city that I mentioned to Damian, but I don’t know if he ever saw it. I didn’t get a chance to see any steampunk stuff, which made me sad. I did find the little corner where Synn Labs was set up. They were playing the video on a loop. I tried to get my mom to watch it, but she walked away after about a minute. My mom is apparently unimpressed by Rube Goldberg machines.
OMG !!! That's insanazing (insane+amazing)!! When I watched the video I was really afraid that something would happen to them,because it looks dangerous in some way! But I like their underwater performance. I was surprised that Damian can sing that well underwater ^^ He sounds pretty good considering the circumstances.
@ Becky Did the goldfish really all died?? I was wondering what have happened with them,but that they died is very sad.
Someone's gotta fill me in on this gag you're all talking about. I feel left out of a great joke.
OH. Sorry, Tempeleh. In Chicago, Becky thought it would be funny if, when Damian takes that pause after "I can't breathe" in IWYSBICB, we all shouted "Underwater!" We definitely got a laugh out of Tim for it, and he's asked us for more (hence the Cincinnati show - "in Outer Space"). Has anyone seen Damian laugh at it yet? We've also said it at a few other shows.
Someone's gotta fill me in on this gag you're all talking about. I feel left out of a great joke.
OH. Sorry, Tempeleh. In Chicago, Becky thought it would be funny if, when Damian takes that pause after "I can't breathe" in IWYSBICB, we all shouted "Underwater!" We definitely got a laugh out of Tim for it, and he's asked us for more (hence the Cincinnati show - "in Outer Space"). Has anyone seen Damian laugh at it yet? We've also said it at a few other shows.
Um, look at Debbie's vid and tell me what you think: I *think* he's smiling. I'm pretty sure he's looking at either Tim or Mike about it after we scream Underwater! as if to say, "yep, I knew they'd scream Underwater! Totally called it."
Now I'm really curious. Was my Underwater! idea the impetus for them performing underwater or is just a really big happy coincidence. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it would effing amazing if I inspired them. One can hope, right?
Someone's gotta fill me in on this gag you're all talking about. I feel left out of a great joke.
OH. Sorry, Tempeleh. In Chicago, Becky thought it would be funny if, when Damian takes that pause after "I can't breathe" in IWYSBICB, we all shouted "Underwater!" We definitely got a laugh out of Tim for it, and he's asked us for more (hence the Cincinnati show - "in Outer Space"). Has anyone seen Damian laugh at it yet? We've also said it at a few other shows.
Um, look at Debbie's vid and tell me what you think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....K481efeJHg I *think* he's smiling. I'm pretty sure he's looking at either Tim or Mike about it after we scream Underwater! as if to say, "yep, I knew they'd scream Underwater! Totally called it."
Now I'm really curious. Was my Underwater! idea the impetus for them performing underwater or is just a really big happy coincidence. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it would effing amazing if I inspired them. One can hope, right?
It would be pretty awesome if it were all related!
Did they already have the Maker Faire gig in the works when they were in Tampa? If so, I'd love to know what they were thinking when we shouted. Maybe the look over to Tim(?) was like, "Wait until they see this!"
I really want to know! Someone needs to ask them about all of it.
Here's another video from the Waterboy performance director. It's their practice and rehearsal before the show. I especially love the part with Andy playing guitar & listening to Damian sing. He's so happy that it works!
And you'd never get my head in a bowl of water. I get a panic attack just watching them do this.
Like Damian sang : "… don't go blame it on the fish again!!" —> The goldfish have survived !!!
I was actually referencing the goldfish that ezorvera's mom had gotten. They did die:
ezorvera said: -I eventually got two of those goldfish. They died.
Snack_Cakes said: Did they already have the Maker Faire gig in the works when they were in Tampa? If so, I'd love to know what they were thinking when we shouted. Maybe the look over to Tim(?) was like, "Wait until they see this!" I really want to know! Someone needs to ask them about all of it.
I'm pretty sure they knew that they were going to do something related to that as they had the H2Oboy picture up on their tumblr. Though I'm not sure if they had made contact with him at that point.
If I'm able to talk with the guys after their set this weekend, I'll ask as I really want to know, too.
I haven't watched the video, but I was there and I typed up a review. But I stupidly typed it in the boards instead of copying and pasting from Word. I don't know if I did the math wrong or I pressed the wrong button, but the topic I made didn't show up? So I lost it all and now I'm sad and I don't feel like typing it again so I'm doing a short list.
-My camera died. No video. These are the only pictures I got.
-Set List:
Last Leaf
Wave of Mutilation (instrumental)
-Andy wet himself.
-Dan had to get refilled.
-Dan dumped a bunch of goldfish into Damian's suit.
-I eventually got two of those goldfish. They died.
-I gave Tim his backup scarf.
-I gave Damian this:
The end.
Don't worry. I'll have a proper review later because I love all of you, but I kind of hate the new board right now.
Wow. So awesome.
This looked really difficult for them.
Kalinda, it's nice to see you back! Sorry the boards ate your post, it's happened to me before too. But OMG you were there? That is awesome. I can't wait to hear all about it!
That vid is fucking amazing. I guess it's good to know none of the guys have a fear of drowning -OR- they totally faced their fears with this set.
Those poor goldfish. Not that they were in the suit, but that they died. :(
Awesome stitchwork Kalinda! Can't wait to hear the details of the show.
That is so awesome/bizarre!!!!
"Luke, I'm your father" - of course he was going to say that, nerd!! hahahahaha
The backstage vid pretty much sums up the whole show, so I’ll just add what isn’t in it. I can’t believe it actually happened. It all seems kind of like a dream. I’ve been to more than my fair share of OK Go shows and this one definitely wins for most insane. I had walked past the water suit like three times during the day and never really thought anything of it. Even when I saw them roll it backstage, I didn’t even occur to me that Damian was going to get in it (um, I’m kind of slow). Anyway, they started with HIGA, which isn’t included in the video, so here’s one I found on Youtube.
There was a giant metal sculpture close to the stage that would spew fire occasionally (it was always somewhat on fire, but sometimes it would kind of explode in flames) and it did just that in the middle of the song, surprising everyone, so that’s why Damian said, “Jesus, that’s a lot of fire.” I wish they had played There’s A Fire right then, or maybe just a snippet of it.
After the show was over, Damian was like, “I’m going to walk through the crowd” and they pushed back the barricade and started pushing Damian, still in the suit, through the audience. They did a little loop and then brought him back in front of the stage and he got out. I think Damian took some pictures with people while he was still soaking wet, but he eventually got himself dried off. I was looking down at the merch and when I looked up, Dan was suddenly standing behind a barricade near me and saying hi. According to my mom, Dan saw me and that’s why he walked over. I didn’t believe her at first, but Dan was standing there, talking to me, before I had even looked up, so I guess she’s right. I went over and he gave me a hug. I think he asked what I was doing here and I told him that anytime they’re in the Bay Area, I’ll be there. I really don’t think he should be surprised at me being anywhere considering how far I’ve traveled to see them. He asked what I thought of the show and I told him that is was the craziest thing I had ever seen in my life. I asked him about the Amanda Palmer thing since it was taking place just across the bridge. I was thinking maybe he could sneak me in, but Dan said he had no idea what I was talking about. Then he pulled out his phone and started looking at it and just said that they were going to Google tomorrow (today). So maybe keep an eye out for something about that. Then he started to say bye and I told him to tell Tim that I had something for him.
Damian had changed into dry clothes and was now talking to people, but it was a pretty big crowd around him, so I just kind of watched from a distance. There was also a girl climbing into the suit because she was going to get all of the goldfish out. Then I saw Tim, Dan, and Andy backstage and it looked like they were about to leave, so I rushed over to where they were, but they weren’t leaving yet and Tim was walking in my direction, but he was talking to someone. I waited until they were finished and I called out his name. I told him I had something for him and took out a bag with the scarf in it and he was like, “Is it brownies?” I told him no (we weren’t allowed to bring food in and I was too busy to make them) and handed him the bag. He took the scarf out and read the little card I had attached which said, “Spare Scarf – Use in case of emergency” and he seemed to get a kick out of that. He said, “Can I open it?” because I had folded it up and tied a piece of yarn around it. I was like, “Um, yeah you can open it. It’s your scarf.” He said it looked just like the original and he told me that he left it at home since there was only a week left in the tour, so he was really glad that I brought him another one. Then there was a huge gust of wind and I told him he could start using it right now and he put it on.
Then my mom saw that they were giving away the goldfish and since she can’t resist anything that’s free, she got two. I didn’t want to take them because I’ve never had a pet and generally suck at taking care of things, but she really wanted them. A bunch of people got Damian to sign their goldfish (the bags they were in, not the goldfish themselves). I heard one girl say she was naming hers “OK Goldfish.” I remembered that I had my OTBCOTS insert that I needed to get signed, so I got Damian to sign it. They started to roll the water suit away from the stage and it almost crashed into Damian and it might have been my fault, but it was all okay in the end. He started to talk to someone else and walk away, but I eventually got to give him the cross stitch I made. There was a woman who was working the Faire standing next to him, so he explained what Paracadute was. She was like, “You made that?” I told her yes and then she pulled out a round yellow patch that said, “Maker: 2010” on it and gave it to me. She said, “You’re a maker! You deserve this!” It was like I had won an award or something. I didn’t really think I deserved it considering Maker Faire is filled with people who are awesomer, nerdier, and more talented than me, but it still made me happy. She also gave one to Damian. Oh, there was also a photographer hanging around (I’m not sure if he was an official Maker Faire photog or what) and he took a picture of Damian holding the cross stitch and me. So there might be a horrible picture of a sun burnt me with Damian floating around. I also asked Damian how it was inside the suit. He said it wasn’t that bad because he had gone in twice before, so he was kind of used to it. He said the first time it was pretty cold, but it was warmer by show time. I told him that they had the water suit sitting in the sun for most of the afternoon, so that probably helped.
I found Dan again and got him to sign my insert. He was with Adam from Synn Labs and Adam said jokingly, “Do you want me to sign it?” I said sure if he wanted to, but he declined. I don’t know if he knew that I knew who he was because I wasn’t like, “You’re Adam from Synn Labs!” I also found Tim again and got his signature. I asked about Andy because he was the last one I needed and I hadn’t seen him and Tim said that he was hiding somewhere, which seems to be the usual answer whenever I ask where Andy is.
I think that’s basically it. About two hours after we got home and got the goldfish settled into their temporary home, my mom informed me that she believed that the goldfish were dead. I went to have a look and they most certainly were. I was tempted to act out a scene from Robin Hood Men in Tights, but I don’t think my mom would have gotten it.
As for Maker Faire itself, it was pretty awesome. I mean, within the first ten minutes I was inside I saw a man riding on a giant robot spider. There were a bunch of R2-D2s roaming around and a huge Lego city that I mentioned to Damian, but I don’t know if he ever saw it. I didn’t get a chance to see any steampunk stuff, which made me sad. I did find the little corner where Synn Labs was set up. They were playing the video on a loop. I tried to get my mom to watch it, but she walked away after about a minute. My mom is apparently unimpressed by Rube Goldberg machines.
OMG !!! That's insanazing (insane+amazing)!!
When I watched the video I was really afraid that something would happen to them,because it looks dangerous in some way! But I like their underwater performance. I was surprised that Damian can sing that well underwater ^^ He sounds pretty good considering the circumstances.
@ Becky Did the goldfish really all died?? I was wondering what have happened with them,but that they died is very sad.
Someone's gotta fill me in on this gag you're all talking about. I feel left out of a great joke.
Yey, Kalinda!! I'm so glad you went to such a strange show like this! Thank you for the great write-up
OH. Sorry, Tempeleh. In Chicago, Becky thought it would be funny if, when Damian takes that pause after "I can't breathe" in IWYSBICB, we all shouted "Underwater!" We definitely got a laugh out of Tim for it, and he's asked us for more (hence the Cincinnati show - "in Outer Space"). Has anyone seen Damian laugh at it yet? We've also said it at a few other shows.
I found the part where they are playing do what you want at maker faire
Andy's amazing attempt at the solo
Um, look at Debbie's vid and tell me what you think:
I *think* he's smiling. I'm pretty sure he's looking at either Tim or Mike about it after we scream Underwater! as if to say, "yep, I knew they'd scream Underwater! Totally called it."
Now I'm really curious. Was my Underwater! idea the impetus for them performing underwater or is just a really big happy coincidence. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it would effing amazing if I inspired them. One can hope, right?
It kind of looks like he knows it's coming. Whether it's a happy coincidence or not, still friggin awesome and still deserves to be shouted.
And if you did inspire them to do so, I'm not worthy!
Oops, posted before done.
(Not worthy as in Wayne's World, I bow to you. . ."We're not worthy!")
Yeah I quote myself. Whats up
It would be pretty awesome if it were all related!
Did they already have the Maker Faire gig in the works when they were in Tampa? If so, I'd love to know what they were thinking when we shouted. Maybe the look over to Tim(?) was like, "Wait until they see this!"
I really want to know! Someone needs to ask them about all of it.
Here's another video from the Waterboy performance director. It's their practice and rehearsal before the show. I especially love the part with Andy playing guitar & listening to Damian sing. He's so happy that it works!
And you'd never get my head in a bowl of water. I get a panic attack just watching them do this.
In essence, it started here:
And culminated here:
If Underwater! was the stimulus, of course.
So awesome!
I found an answer to my question!! The goldfish didn't die!! A crew member saved the goldfish and gave them to children
Like Damian sang : "… don't go blame it on the fish again!!" —> The goldfish have survived !!!
I was actually referencing the goldfish that ezorvera's mom had gotten. They did die:
I'm pretty sure they knew that they were going to do something related to that as they had the H2Oboy picture up on their tumblr. Though I'm not sure if they had made contact with him at that point.
If I'm able to talk with the guys after their set this weekend, I'll ask as I really want to know, too.