It was a gorgeous day at EarthFest, and the band played a great set. I'm starting a thread for the show, because I believe there was a lot of documentation. Nice to have a place to collect that material as it turns up.
Were any other Boardies there? Or did anyone get a chance to see the
live stream? What were your impressions?
I was there, and had a truly wonderful time. I took photos, some posted below. The crowd was kept a distance from the stage, and my camera could only zoom so far. I like my pics, but I'm telling you, many better ones were taken. Several photo pros were roaming around with telephoto lenses.
Here's the set list:
White Knuckles
A Million Ways
Return (on handbells)
Last Leaf
Good Idea
Get Over It
And a few photos:

Larger versions
Larger sizes HERE.
So glad you got to go and it was a good experience. ♥
Here are my photos:
I'm still so happy that you were able to make it to the show. And that you had a great time, too!
Lucky you for getting winning those 8in8 tickets! I saw it online, but would love to have been there.
And Heather, thanks for the welcome
Were you at the Paradise in December? That was a really nice "Last Leaf." Seemed like the whole room was singing along.
Plus they all look adorable. >>
Yay, good shots of all the boys!!
Tim - that beard - *guh* *is ded*
Note to self: Don't let Amber anywhere near my husband.... ;-)
Meanwhile, here's another opportunity to experience the glowiness remotely—in this case, including the bright reflections of the handbells. My remarkably thoughtful (and, incidentally, bearded) boyfriend Matt was so kind as to puchase a video camera last week. And lo, we recorded "Return" on handbells, as rendered upon the last day of the world.
Now, bear in mind we JUST got the camera. Not totally clear on all the controls. Some dramamine might be in order, say, a half hour before watching. But it is in HD, and the sound recorded pretty well. I do hope this works:
The part at the beginning, though... that made me smile.
But, um... What do you mean "verify my findings?"
Prove that their glowiness is particularly irresistible to me? How? By becoming inexorably attached in some way? Latching on to Damian's arm grinning and blushing something awful, as he's having to drag me around because I can't let go? I'm mortified, yet firmly locked to him, while apologizing profusely:"Sorry. Really sorry...Can't help it. Irresistible Glowiness, you see. Powerless to resist... It's magnetic."
This is the best mental image I've had all month. I'm not sure which is better, the thought of Christel latched onto Damian's arm or the smile he's going to give her as she begs for forgiveness.
Dear Matt, thank you for buying the video camera. I can't wait to watch that video later.