chocolate chip bagels are from jesus. you can get them at einstein bros. and i just eat them plain, an inch of cream cheese would definitely kill me but they make it look so good on TV! I want bagels now...
chocolate chip bagels are from jesus. you can get them at einstein bros. and i just eat them plain, an inch of cream cheese would definitely kill me but they make it look so good on TV! I want bagels now...
I want to go back to that dream and find out what happens when Damian shows up with his bagel...
these forums are so funny, from dreams to bagels and all in between, it's the best here... maybe you can finish the dream tonite. if, that is, you eat bagels... what do you wish would happen?
My mommy loves them! It's a traditional Jewish thing (even though lox is originally from Scotland). I like a bagel and lox with cream cheese and onions on a Sunday morning. Yuuumy. But lox is a bit of an acquired taste.
i had one once along time ago...its more of an Ok Go nightmare And the story goes :
In the dream, I found out that Ok Go was gunna put on a free concert at the mall. I missed the concert because I was printing out fake ticket stubs for them to sign (i know, even in my dreams im lame ) and i was stuck in limbo on a bus. I got to see tim after the show though and asked him to sign my fakeness... he was annoyed. Then I tried to talk to him and then he got pissed at me... he was yelling...
Then somehow my parents were there...with a video camera and asked Tim to give my sister his tie. He didn't say anyting, so my mom just took the tie off of his head and put it on my sister...
i had one once along time ago...its more of an Ok Go nightmare And the story goes :
In the dream, I found out that Ok Go was gunna put on a free concert at the mall. I missed the concert because I was printing out fake ticket stubs for them to sign (i know, even in my dreams im lame ) and i was stuck in limbo on a bus. I got to see tim after the show though and asked him to sign my fakeness... he was annoyed. Then I tried to talk to him and then he got pissed at me... he was yelling...
Then somehow my parents were there...with a video camera and asked Tim to give my sister his tie. He didn't say anyting, so my mom just took the tie off of his head and put it on my sister...
and that was the end of that...
any wanna be freuds out there wanna interpret ?
You have some unresolved tension between you and your sister that is causing family issues, even though you don't realise it. You attempt to print out the ticket stubs and have Tim sign them is an indication that you need self-validation.
Nah, I'm just kidding, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
hahaha. A while ago I had an OKGo dream like every night for about a week. I don't remember all of them, but in one of them Dan made me play the drums, but I couldn't do it so we had to swap and then (we were at school haha) I hadnt done any of the work and he got in trouble for it. And then in another dream Dan was off his face on drugs and didn't remember me. And in another dream Damian was doing this DISGUSTING thing on my neck that makes you cringe eugh (like if you shove your chin into someones nerve on their neck haha). Um and in another one they were doing a signing and everyone was mad at me cos I was at the front of the queue hehe. I often have OKGo dreams. They make me happy....
Apart from the one I had the other day. Damian hired me to work for his company (yea, I dunno, WTF!!!) and then I got fired for not doing something, even though nobody else did it. And the rest of the dream was basically me grovelling to him to get my job back, and him treating me like shit. haha.
i had one once along time ago...its more of an Ok Go nightmare And the story goes :
In the dream, I found out that Ok Go was gunna put on a free concert at the mall. I missed the concert because I was printing out fake ticket stubs for them to sign (i know, even in my dreams im lame ) and i was stuck in limbo on a bus. I got to see tim after the show though and asked him to sign my fakeness... he was annoyed. Then I tried to talk to him and then he got pissed at me... he was yelling...
Then somehow my parents were there...with a video camera and asked Tim to give my sister his tie. He didn't say anyting, so my mom just took the tie off of his head and put it on my sister...
and that was the end of that...
any wanna be freuds out there wanna interpret ?
Hmm, it sounds like you're a person that strives to be accepted by others but you think that you're not accomplishing that. Also, you think your family is embarassing, but that's only my Psych classes talking.
HAHA I had another OKGo dream. Last night I dreamt that they played a show and then afterwards Damian came out for a drink with me and my friends, and we ended up in my Uni club (not sure how) and then we all got wasted and blacked out and when I woke up Damian wasn't there and he'd gone off with this girl I went to school with and had sex with her and I was reeeeally upset (ummm, almost to the point of being cheated on upset) and then I drove to where their next show was and found him and just like stood there with my arms crossed staring at him and he was like 'ummm, hold on i'll be right back' and took me away to talk to me. And then he apologised for sleeping with this girl and gave me a hug, and then he turned into someone else hahahaha.
So, I'm in the UK at some bar with Tim, Damian and some of my friends. We sit down at some table, start talking and laughing and then Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie comes over to our table. He's holding like 7 vinyls and he's like, "Dude, I need a record to listen to that's only an hour long." Apparently they only have vinyls in the UK (bizaar, yes, but it's a dream so deal with it). So, we all start spouting out names of albums that we like, but everyone is naming vinyls that are about an hour and half long, so Ben gets mad and asks me if I know of any. Then I start talking about bands I know nothing about but I know are really good. I'm like, "Metric is really hot, Mew, Bjork, The Subways, Unsacred Hearts-" and then Damian interupts me and says, "OMG, I love those bands, you are so cool." Then Ben pats me on the back and starts playing the records and I wake up.
I don't know what the point of that dream was, but it was pretty sweet.
DENISE! Come back and post about your OK Go dream that you just had!
ok i'm going to buts it totally weird and probably dumb as hell
this is how the dream was: i was walking through school, and i notice this flyer that was backed by the school, it offered work, $$$, travel and hrs for any humanity classes. ( i need a psyh. or soci. class) so i go the office and ask for the job, me and some other girl at the same time for the job. yet i got the job since my grades were way higher and this oppority would look good on my app. for pharmacy school *shrugs*. so if fastforwards to the job, i and some other girl from another college were notified that we will be helping a band while they were tour (this includes merch, promos, and bascially being one's bitch). the guy then tells the band to come into the room and bam ok go arrives. so we get the intros done and they tell us we are leaving in an hour and to get our stuff ready. then dan goes up to me and the girl and says you are going with us right?? or you driving by yourself, i was like i dont have a car or i don't my way around. he was like well then you must come with us and he smiles. then we fastforward again to this festival, the girl runs up to the stage and starts talking to someother band, while i'm carrying all these boxes of merch and then one of the guys gives me some paper and ask to promote and ask people to sign up for their mailing list. i'm there just about to leave and start promoting when the girl walks up to me and was like what do we do, sorry i got busy. then out of no where damian walks up to her and starts yelling at her that she hasn't been doing her job and that she's fired. damn i was scared, the girl is pissed and leaves then damian looks at me and was like "i'm sorry i acted like that in front of you. you are doing such a great job we are really glad you are here". and gives me a hug. so the rest of the dream i'm basically asking people to check out the band, and that the person i was talking to had great taste in music and should check out ok go (damn i was lying through my teeth, all these teenyboppers were annonying).
The bagels we have at school suck. I don't know why Damian was going to get fact, I don't know why they were in Cutter at all...
i've never knew there was was a chocolate chip bagel. i just eat the reg. ones
I used to eat regular bagels with about an inch of cream cheese slathered on. It was the most disgusting thing ever. I don't know how I did it.
and i just eat them plain, an inch of cream cheese would definitely kill me but they make it look so good on TV! I want bagels now...
and i just eat them plain, an inch of cream cheese would definitely kill me but they make it look so good on TV! I want bagels now...
I want to go back to that dream and find out what happens when Damian shows up with his bagel...
yah plus i really want damian to bring me back a bagel.
i love my bagel toasted with a think layer of cream cheese. dude i totally want one and there are none in my house. darn it!!!! lol
has anyone ever eaten a bagel with raw salmon?
I've eaten a bagel with smoked salmon (bagels and lox they call it)
was it any good?
My mommy loves them! It's a traditional Jewish thing (even though lox is originally from Scotland). I like a bagel and lox with cream cheese and onions on a Sunday morning. Yuuumy. But lox is a bit of an acquired taste.
i had one once along time ago...its more of an Ok Go nightmare
And the story goes :
In the dream, I found out that Ok Go was gunna put on a free concert at the mall. I missed the concert because I was printing out fake ticket stubs for them to sign (i know, even in my dreams im lame
Then somehow my parents were there...with a video camera
and that was the end of that...
any wanna be freuds out there wanna interpret
i had one once along time ago...its more of an Ok Go nightmare
And the story goes :
In the dream, I found out that Ok Go was gunna put on a free concert at the mall. I missed the concert because I was printing out fake ticket stubs for them to sign (i know, even in my dreams im lame
Then somehow my parents were there...with a video camera
and that was the end of that...
any wanna be freuds out there wanna interpret
You have some unresolved tension between you and your sister that is causing family issues, even though you don't realise it. You attempt to print out the ticket stubs and have Tim sign them is an indication that you need self-validation.
Nah, I'm just kidding, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Apart from the one I had the other day. Damian hired me to work for his company (yea, I dunno, WTF!!!) and then I got fired for not doing something, even though nobody else did it. And the rest of the dream was basically me grovelling to him to get my job back, and him treating me like shit. haha.
My mind is odd.
i had one once along time ago...its more of an Ok Go nightmare
And the story goes :
In the dream, I found out that Ok Go was gunna put on a free concert at the mall. I missed the concert because I was printing out fake ticket stubs for them to sign (i know, even in my dreams im lame
Then somehow my parents were there...with a video camera
and that was the end of that...
any wanna be freuds out there wanna interpret
Hmm, it sounds like you're a person that strives to be accepted by others but you think that you're not accomplishing that. Also, you think your family is embarassing, but that's only my Psych classes talking.
I love my OKGo dreams theyre sooooo random hahaha
So, I'm in the UK at some bar with Tim, Damian and some of my friends. We sit down at some table, start talking and laughing and then Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie comes over to our table. He's holding like 7 vinyls and he's like, "Dude, I need a record to listen to that's only an hour long." Apparently they only have vinyls in the UK (bizaar, yes, but it's a dream so deal with it). So, we all start spouting out names of albums that we like, but everyone is naming vinyls that are about an hour and half long, so Ben gets mad and asks me if I know of any. Then I start talking about bands I know nothing about but I know are really good. I'm like, "Metric is really hot, Mew, Bjork, The Subways, Unsacred Hearts-" and then Damian interupts me and says, "OMG, I love those bands, you are so cool." Then Ben pats me on the back and starts playing the records and I wake up.
I don't know what the point of that dream was, but it was pretty sweet.
ok i'm going to buts it totally weird and probably dumb as hell
this is how the dream was:
i was walking through school, and i notice this flyer that was backed by the school, it offered work, $$$, travel and hrs for any humanity classes. ( i need a psyh. or soci. class)
so i go the office and ask for the job, me and some other girl at the same time for the job. yet i got the job since my grades were way higher and this oppority would look good on my app. for pharmacy school *shrugs*.
so if fastforwards to the job, i and some other girl from another college were notified that we will be helping a band while they were tour (this includes merch, promos, and bascially being one's bitch). the guy then tells the band to come into the room and bam ok go arrives. so we get the intros done and they tell us we are leaving in an hour and to get our stuff ready. then dan goes up to me and the girl and says you are going with us right?? or you driving by yourself, i was like i dont have a car or i don't my way around. he was like well then you must come with us and he smiles.
then we fastforward again to this festival, the girl runs up to the stage and starts talking to someother band, while i'm carrying all these boxes of merch and then one of the guys gives me some paper and ask to promote and ask people to sign up for their mailing list. i'm there just about to leave and start promoting when the girl walks up to me and was like what do we do, sorry i got busy. then out of no where damian walks up to her and starts yelling at her that she hasn't been doing her job and that she's fired. damn i was scared, the girl is pissed and leaves then damian looks at me and was like "i'm sorry i acted like that in front of you. you are doing such a great job we are really glad you are here". and gives me a hug. so the rest of the dream i'm basically asking people to check out the band, and that the person i was talking to had great taste in music and should check out ok go (damn i was lying through my teeth, all these teenyboppers were annonying).
and then i woke up. pretty weird huh?